The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1927: Mate


Lu Yi was completely stunned.

Is this the Huang Wu you know? She should let herself go, or slap herself, how could she make such a request?

"Why, you don't want it?" Huang Wu showed displeasure on his face and said, "If you don't want to, I won't force it..."

"I'm willing." Lu Yi said hurriedly: "It's just, it's just..."

"Just what?" Huang Wu asked.

"You know my situation. I have many wives in the secular world. I am afraid of you..."

"I do not mind."


Lu Yi was stunned again.

She is a dignified Mingyue poster, don't you really mind?

"As long as you treat me well, I don't mind." Huang Wu said.

"But you know, I made enemies on all sides in the realm of comprehension. The Sword God Temple, Kuzhuzhai, and Tiansha Sect were all offended to death by me. When you are with me, I am afraid that it will hurt you."

Speaking of this, Lu Yi himself couldn't help scolding himself in his heart. You are really shameless. You slept with someone and don't want to be responsible.

"Although the sects are powerful, they are not monolithic. Besides, there is Mingyuelou behind me. I am married to you. If those sects embarrass you, our Mingyuelou will never stand idly by." Huang Wuxiu Weiwei Fu, watching Lu Yi said, "Do you want to?"

"Yes, of course I do, but..."

"what happened again?"

Lu Yi looked at Huang Wu and said, "I married you, what about Luluo?"

"Aren't you still not satisfied with me, do you still want Luluo?" A murderous look appeared on Huang Wu's face, and Lu Yi's eyes were not good.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not that kind of person, but Luluo is young. I'm afraid she will feel uncomfortable seeing us together." Lu Yi hurriedly explained.

"You are quite good at thinking for her. It doesn't matter. If Luluo really likes you and can't let go of you, then just marry you as I am."


Lu Yi's eyes opened wide, and he didn't believe that this was what Huang Wu said.

"Luluo is my personal maid. No matter who I marry in the future, she will always be with me." Huang Wu suddenly scowled and said to Lu Yi: "But I remind you that if Luluo doesn't want to , You are not allowed to force him, otherwise be careful I'm not polite to you."

"Okay, I listen to the lady."

Lu Yi said a lady, making Huang Wu blush.

Think you are not shy?

Lu Yi is funny.

Huang Wu is not wearing any clothes now, her snow-white skin is as smooth as mutton white jade, and her perfect figure is exquisite. Lu Yi can't stop swallowing.

"Well... my wife, you see the picturesque scenery here, should we do something more romantic?" Lu Yi said.

"What romantic thing?" Huang Wu was curious and warm.

"For example..." Lu Yi was halfway through, and suddenly he put Huang Wu in his arms, then quickly opened his mouth and bit down at the bright spot on the mountain.

"Don't..." Huang Wu struggled slightly.

Lu Yi ignored him, gently holding-hold, and walking restlessly with his other hand on Huang Wu's body. I have to say that Huang Wu's skin is so good, it's like the most expensive silk and satin, which makes people love it. .

Soon, Huang Wu's eyes were covered in spring water, and a hint of pink appeared on her snow-white skin, and her body trembled slightly.

"Don't be here, what if someone sees it?" Huang Wu buried her head in Lu Yi's arms and said infinitely shyly.

"Don't worry, there is no one else here except the two of us." Lu Yi said with a smile, "Let us use the sky as the bed and the ground as the bed to start the bridal chamber."

"I want to be beautiful, I won't talk to you in the bridal chamber." Huang Wu's cheeks were hot, ashamed of shame.

"I'm going to hurt you well this time." Lu Yi said, and then both hands and mouth worked together, and soon, Huang Wu gasped in her mouth...

Before, he was confused and confused, and put Huang Wu to sleep. As a man, Lu Yi felt a sense of accomplishment, but he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

A beauty like Huang Wu should be pampered.

So now, he has to feel it again.

Don't even think that Huang Wu is the host of Mingyue. She usually looks very majestic, but in front of the people she likes, she is very active.

She stretched out her white arms like lotus roots, hooked Lu Yi's neck, and then let Lu Yi kiss her neck, she exhaled gently in Lu Yi's ear.

"Miangong, you lighten it, itchy..."

Huang Wu giggled.

Lu Yi also cherishes Huang Wu very much, holding the tall and straight mountain with both hands, gently from top to bottom, the two face each other, lingering for a full half an hour before moving deeper.


When the two were close together, they made a pleasant cry at the same time.

It's been a long time since Lu Yi touched a woman, and Lu Yi felt refreshed.

Huang Wu has passed the first time, and this is the second time, but it feels much better than the first time. She actually took the initiative to move by herself.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, like a small motor.

What a considerate woman.

Lu Yi thought.


Suddenly, Lu Yi slapped Huang Wu's hip and said, "My wife, come on."

Huang Wu worked harder.

Her face was ruddy, her long hair draped over her shoulders, she was so beautiful. For some reason, Lu Yi started to miss the woman at home.

After being out for so long, I don't know how Tianxin and Sister Yun are doing now?

As if feeling that the thought of the beloved is not concentrated, Huang Wu asked, "Are you thinking about other women?"

"How come." Lu Yi lied.

"Humph!" Of course, Huang Wu didn't believe Lu Yi's words, and snorted coldly, and then continued to speed up her movements, slenderly wrapped around Lu Yi's waist and moved.

Maga, this is the second time, Huang Wu has actually learned the posture, this...

"The women in your cultivation world are really talented." Lu Yi thought for a long time before saying this.

Huang Wu ignored it, pressing Lu Yi's head in the deep ditch in front of him, raised his head, and devoted himself to it.

"Ah... hurry up..."

Huang Wu suddenly shouted.

Lu Yi knew that it was time to use his strength, and then he was like a ship traveling in the sea, riding the wind and waves, and marching into the abyss...


Finally, the two reached their destination at the same time, and then they hugged limply together.

Lu Yi was a little bit reluctant to let go of Huang Wu.

It's great to have the fragrance of flowers and hug your beloved, lying on the grass and watching the blue sky and white clouds.

"Wait one day, we have finished everything, and then we return to the mountain forest, okay?" Huang Wu said softly.

She is envious of this rare tranquility.

"Okay." Lu Yi agreed without hesitation, and then the two took a rest. Lu Yi took out a set of clothes for Huang Wu from the space ring and put them on, and the two were about to leave here.

As soon as he got up from the ground, Lu Yi felt a heavy exhaustion pouring into his head, lethargic...

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