The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1947: Heaven Defying Saint

Lu Yi was hiding in the void, and was about to find an opportunity to take action against the ancestors of the sky, but before he had time to act, he felt cold all over, as if he was being stared at by a beast.

Looking up, I saw Old Ancestor Volley looking at him with his eyes.

Did he find me?

Lu Yi was shocked.

"Boy, I can't hide this trick from me."

call out!

After the ancestor Volley finished speaking, his fingertips aroused a sword aura about a hundred feet long, piercing the void, and instantly arrived in front of Lu Yi.

Sure enough, he discovered it.


Lu Yi lifted his sword and slashed towards the sword aura. With a "boom", although the sword aura was cut to pieces, Lu Yi stepped back over a hundred meters to stabilize his figure.

"You have the talent of Tianjiao in your youth, and you can't stay."

The ancestor Volley showed a look on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and two cold lights flashed in his pupils.

"Do you really think you can kill me?"

Lu Yi's face was indifferent, and he looked calmly at the ancestor Volley, looking very calm and calm, as if he was facing not a sage, but an opponent of the same level.

"This saint kills you without any effort."

When the ancestor volley finished speaking, he reached out his big hand and burst out countless sword intents in his hand, intertwined into a sword formation in the air, and the rumbling suppression fell, covering a hundred li.

Cover the sky with one hand.

Jianqi Wushuang.

This is the best interpretation.

Before the palm of the hand fell, the sword energy was already everywhere, Huang Wu, Li Biyue and others quickly backed away. Many disciples in the Starry Sky Pavilion were shocked to vomit blood and almost broke their muscles and bones.

The majesty of the saint is too terrifying, and this is just an attack from the Dao Body. If the deity comes to him, one finger can destroy the sun, moon and stars.

"Lu Yi!"

"Master Lu!"

Huang Wu was worried, and Luluo was so scared that she shed tears.

Li Biyue was also sighing.

The other disciples of Xingkong Pavilion opened their eyes wide, looking at the sky, and couldn't help sighing in their hearts, because in their eyes, Lu Yi would definitely die.

This is an attack by a saint, as a descendant of the Transformation Realm, there is no power to regain it.

"Does the chief elder of the Sword God Temple only have this ability? It really disappoints me a bit." Lu Yi stood in the air, Xuanyuan Sword suspended above his head, calmly watching the big hand suppress it.

The space under the palm of his hand was completely destroyed, but Lu Yi's body was made of gold, standing as if it were a sharp sword, invincible.

Dressed in white, only black hair and clothes were dancing.

This scene was printed in everyone's hearts.

The big hand of the ancestor Volley suppressed it, and the speed suddenly accelerated, and the entire universe seemed to collapse, instantly covering Lu Yi's figure below.

The sharp sword aura fell like raindrops, terrifying to the extreme.

"Lu Yi!"

Huang Wu couldn't help it anymore and cried, tears slid down her beautiful cheeks, making people feel distressed.


Suddenly, a thunderous dragon roar resounded in all directions, and a golden light rushed out from under the palm of the ancestor Volley, like a rocket, and then Lu Yi's figure appeared.

I saw Lu Yi's body full of golden light, white clothes hunting and hunting, and the overwhelming blood Peng Bai, and then Xuanyuanjian flew out of his head, smashing the ancestor's body with a sword.

"Master Lu, this is... a man of God!"

Li Biyue was shocked.

Everyone was shocked, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what they saw. No one thought that Lu Yi would be safe under the suppression of the ancestors of the sky.

In fact, after they were there, if Lu Yi relied solely on his own strength, he would not be able to withstand the attacks of the ancestors in the sky. The reason why he dared to be so confident was because of the Dragon King.

Although the Dragon Sovereign has not come forward, he has secretly borrowed his strength to Lu Yi. Although Lu Yi seems to be the pinnacle of Transformation Realm at this moment, his actual combat effectiveness is no longer weaker than that of the ancestor of the sky.

"It's no wonder that you dare to be arrogant in front of this sage, you really have some ability, but you can't escape." The face of the ancestor of the sky was full of anger.


Xuanyuanjian slashed down, the ancestor Volley did not lift his eyelids, and pointed out.

Because in his opinion, no matter how great Lu Yi is, he can't just transform the world. He didn't pay attention to Lu Yi at all.


The fingertips and Xuanyuan Sword collided with each other, sparks splattered everywhere, making a trembling like metal collision, but then, the expression of Old Ancestor Volley changed.


His outstretched finger shattered on the spot.



The ancestor Volley didn't react in consternation, he saw Lu Yi rushing towards him with his fist raised, followed by a loud noise of the sky and the earth.

Lu Yi's fist was like a meteor, and the speed was so fast that every fist fell, the void must be destroyed.


The ancestor Volley was extremely angry and took another palm.


The void was shattered every inch, and couldn't stop the coercion on the palm of the ancestor Volley. However, Lu Yi suddenly saw Lu Yi soaring into the sky.


One punch is powerful.

The ancestor Volley's palm was slammed back by him with a punch.

Everyone was stunned.

Is that human being?

Even the ancestor Volley himself couldn't believe the facts in front of him. What is going on? He is the Transcendent Realm, but how can he have the power to oppose me?

Although it was just a ray of Dao body, the strength was definitely not something that the Transformation Realm could contend.

"It's terrible! Is he still a human?"

"It's terrifying to confront the saint."

"Mingyue poster, which force is he from?" Li Biyue couldn't help but ask again. Lu Yi's strength has completely exceeded her imagination.

"She is a casual cultivator, no school or school." Huang Wuqiao blushed because of excitement.

"Don't lie to me, it's impossible for a casual cultivator to have such a powerful strength and talent, just tell me, I promise not to tell." Li Biyue was curious.

She wanted to know which force was responsible for such an enchanting Lu Yi.

"He is really casual cultivator." Huang Wu smiled.

Li Biyue still didn't believe it, she glanced at Lu Yi, and suddenly said, "Mingyue, is he not the emperor?"

Before Huang Wu answered, Li Biyue said: "It must be the emperor! If it were not the emperor, the strength would not be so terrifying."

Huang Wu smiled, neither admitting nor denying it, which made Li Biyue feel even more that she was right.

In the air.

The ancestor of the sky was shocked and angry. He couldn't understand how Lu Yi could fight against himself in the Transformation Realm.

"I said earlier, you can't kill me with a ray of Dao Body. Okay, after wasting so much time, your old thing should disappear."

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he swept out a hundred feet, flashed in front of Lao Tzu Volley, and blasted out with a punch.

This punch is full of eternal flavor.

The ancestor of the volley fought fiercely, but it was useless, and was finally broken by Lu Yi with a fierce punch.

"Boy, I'm never ending with you."

The ancestor volley disappeared, and the roar resounded throughout the world.

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