The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1954: Murderous

Jin Yi was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Lu Yi to leave without leaving him any room. His expression became very gloomy, and the murderous intent flashed away in his eyes.

"Big brother, what should I do if he leaves?" Jin San asked, who had never spoken.

"How does Lao Tzu know what to do!" Jin Yi said out of temper.

"I just said, don't talk nonsense with that kid, our three brothers teamed up and captured him directly and brought him back to Kuzhuzhai." Jin Er said.


Jin Yi fiercely slapped Jin Er's head on the floor, and said in a bad mood: "You are all to blame! I almost lied to him, what are you talking about!"

"I didn't say anything nonsense, the great elder said that originally." Jin glanced at Lu Yi as he went further and further, and said anxiously: "Big Brother, you have an idea!"

"Forget it, let's go back to the Great Elder!" Jin sighed, he was not sure to capture Lu Yi.

"Return to life? How to return to life?" Jin Er said: "The Great Elder has clear rewards and punishments, and is decisive. If we go back empty-handed, we will not escape death."

"Second brother is right, if we go back like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive." Jin San also said.

Jin Yi was going crazy and said angrily: "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"It's not easy, catch that kid and bring back Kuzhuzhai." Jin Erdao.

"He killed God King Body Lingtian, can we capture him with our strength?" Jin Yi was most worried about this.

If he was 100% sure, he would have acted a long time ago, and he didn't have to act with Lu Yi. The reason why he dared not do it was because he was afraid that he would not be able to beat Lu Yi.

"Brother, you are raising the ambition of the enemy and destroying your own prestige. I haven't seen Ling Tian's methods before." Jin Er was dissatisfied.

"Yes, you've seen it before, five years ago you defeated Ling Tian once." Jin said.

"I wasn't ready that time, and I only lost three moves." Jin Er said: "Now the situation is different. Our three brothers are teaming up. That kid can't stop us at all."

"I still don't think this is right."

"Brother, we can't bring that kid back. We are dead. If we go back to death, why don't we fight for it? As long as we catch that kid and bring it back to the sect, the elder and brother Qi Tian must have a high look at us, and We are still the life-savers of Brother Qiongqi." Jin Er advised.

"Yeah, Senior Brother Qiongqi is still in the hands of Old Ancestor Lingkong, and Old Ancestor Lingkong has spoken. As long as we Kuzhuzhai find the murderer who killed Lingtian, he will release Senior Brother Qiongqi." Jin San also said.

Seeing that the backs of the three of Lu Yi were almost disappearing, Jin Er said anxiously: "Brother, don't hesitate, we are seeking wealth and wealth. For our brothers, what is missing is an opportunity, and the best opportunity is now."

Upon hearing this, Jin Yi's eyes flashed brightly.

Yes, wealth is in danger. Which of the big men from ancient times to the present has never taken a risk?

Although he is just an ordinary disciple under Kuzhu Zhaimen, he also has the dream of climbing up. He also wants to be like Qi Tian, ​​superior to others, and he also wants to become a saint one day, standing on the top and overlooking all beings.

But he was just one of the most ordinary members of Kuzhuzhai's family. Thinking of getting all this, he needed courage and opportunity.

Now, the opportunity lies ahead, just to see if he has the courage?

Seeing Jin Yi frowned and said nothing, Jin Er couldn't bear it, and said anxiously: "Big brother, I beg you to make a decision quickly, otherwise the kid will run far and we will not be able to catch up. "

Jin San is still persuading, "Brother, if we miss this opportunity, there will be no next chance. If we don't do it again, it is estimated that it will not be long before someone else will chase. Brother, make a decision quickly!"

Jin Yi raised his head and said, "Since you all advocate catching that kid, then I will accompany you on the adventure for a while, who calls us brothers!"

"Brother, this is not an adventure, this is catching a turtle in the urn." Jin Er laughed.

"Chasing!" As soon as Jin finished speaking, the three of them ran after him.

The speed is extremely fast, a few flashes, just before the kilometer.

But strangely, Lu Yi's three figures disappeared.

Looking around, no one was seen.

"What about people?" Jin San was surprised.

"Mom, I just walked for a while, why did you disappear?" Jin Er complained to Jin Yi: "It's all your eldest brother, if it weren't for you to make a decision, that kid would have been captured by us."

"This is troublesome. The kid ran away under our noses. After returning, we will definitely die." Jin San said.

Jin Yi was still relatively calm, swept around, and said, "Second brother and third brother, don’t be restless. Just now, I think that kid can’t escape very far. He should be nearby. Everyone is looking around. Look, be careful."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Are you looking for me?"

The three quickly turned around and saw Lu Yi standing not far away, looking at them with smiles on their faces.

Jin Er stepped forward and wanted to do something, but was grabbed by Jin Yi, and then Jin Yi smiled and said, "Master Cao, have you figured out that you want to go back with us?"

"Yes, I figured it out." Lu Yi smiled.

This is just right, lest you have to do it.

Jin Yi sighed and said, "Since Young Master Cao has figured it out, let's go back with us!"

"Go back? Did I say I want to go back?" Lu Yi was surprised.

"Master Cao said just now that he figured it out?" Jin Yi asked.

"I figured it out, but I am not going back with you, but I want to kill you." Lu Yi said with a smile.

"Damn, it's really shameless, just because you want to kill us, it's really shameless." Jin Er scolded, then scolded Jin Yi: "I said, don't be polite with the kid, if it wasn't for you, We captured him long ago."

"Yeah, your brother is right. You are really prone and hypocritical." Lu Yi looked at Jin Yi and said, then smiled at Jin Er: "I admire you better, speak directly and act decisively. , Not hypocritical, not pretentious, so, do you know what to do next?"


Jin Er clenched his fist, rushed out quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Lu Yi, and then slammed his fist towards Lu Yi.


Lu Yi raised his hand with a punch and bumped into Jin Er's fist.

The strength is quite.

No one took a step back.

"Get off!" Jin Er shouted, the power on his fist suddenly increased. Regardless of the fact that there was no breath flowing outside his fist, his fist power was as terrifying as the mighty Yangtze River.

"Not bad!" Lu Yi admired, and then initiated the Nine Turns Golden Body Finale, a bright golden light burst out of his fist, and his power instantly increased.

If Jin Er's boxing power is compared to the Yangtze River, then Lu Yi's boxing power is like a giant sea.

Jin Er suddenly changed color, and after his fist punched out, he was swallowed up by the opponent instantly, and could not hurt the opponent at all.

How could this be?

Jin Er was shocked. Before he could withdraw his fist, he felt a strong force slapped over like a stormy sea, and then he flew out.

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