The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1961: Sword


At the moment when Tuoba Samsara landed, Lu Yi rushed over again, not giving Tuoba Samsara any chance to breathe, and he just threw his fist.

Tuoba Samsara was also rebelling, but now, his rebellion was not a danger to Lu Yi at all.


Lu Yi's swift and fierce fist hit Tuoba Samsara's body, causing Tuoba Samsara to spit out another blood.


Tuoba's reincarnation yelled at the sky, he was frustrated, his hair stood up, his body exuded horrible waves, he wanted to reverse the situation.


Lu Yi punched Tuoba Samsara on the back, just like hitting a **** iron, making a loud noise.


Lu Yi was a little surprised.

"I see how long you can resist!" Lu Yi quickly took nine steps in the void, raising his combat power to the peak state.

Then, his fist was like gold forged, and he slammed it down with a shocking punch.

The speed is too fast.

Tuoba's Samsara couldn't avoid it at all, so he had to use his body to take Lu Yi's punch. When the fist fell, his body was shocked and he almost fell from the air.


Tuoba reincarnation flew out, spurting blood from the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yi completely mastered the rhythm at this moment and took the upper hand. He didn't want to give Tuoba a chance to comeback, and attacked fiercely again.


The golden palm pierced the void and slammed down, giving Tuoba Samsara only defensive power and no chance of attack.


Tuoba Samsara was very fierce, even if he was suppressed by Lu Yi, he would not be humiliated, and his fist slammed into Lu Yi's palm.

He was full of wildness, and angry flames leaped in his eyes. It was obvious that he was angry and depressed at this passive situation.



Lu Yi kept punching, and the golden fist wanted to blast through the world, possessing incomparable power.

Tuoba Reincarnation passively resisted.

The two kept colliding.

Lu Yi raised Wushuang's fist to the extreme, and his combat power suddenly increased. He stood in the air, as if he merged with the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Every time he punched, the void would tremble, changing the color of Huang Wu and Lu Luo who were watching the battle.

"Oh my God, how could there be so much power on Lu Gongzi's fist?" Lu Luo exclaimed.

Huang Wu said nothing.

"Owner, do you think Tuoba Samsara will soon be defeated?" Luluo said: "I just don't know, after Tuoba Samsara's defeat, Lu Gongzi will kill him?"

"Don't be so optimistic, Tuoba's reincarnation was only disrupted by Lu Yi, and he didn't adapt to it for a while, and soon he will resist." Huang Wu said.

"Ah, you can't beat him like this?"

"If he was so easy to lose, then he would not be called Wu Chi. Moreover, he had no intention of killing, otherwise, he would have escaped Lu Yi's suppression a long time ago."


In the air, the confrontation became more and more intense.

Lu Yi continued to attack, and Tuoba reincarnation passively defended. The two of them attacked Maimang like a needle, and the sky was about to collapse.

Lu Yi's strength continued to flow, as if it would never be exhausted, and his momentum became stronger and stronger.

Tuoba's reincarnation was terrified. The golden fist became harder and harder to deal with. Every time it hits, it seems like a deep mountain is pierced over, and he keeps going backwards.

Tuoba's Samsara was completely at a disadvantage, passively defending, and he couldn't make a move to attack Lu Yi. On the contrary, every attack made by Lu Yi made his arms numb, and he almost vomited blood.

"This bastard's body is too abnormal. It is even stronger than our Tuoba clan. How did he make it?"

Tuoba's reincarnation was shocked.

Lu Yi also knew that Tuoba Samsara could completely reverse this situation if he used special tricks, but Tuoba Samsara has been useless.

Since you don't use it, then I won't give you a chance.


Lu Yi's attack seemed like a violent storm, and Tuoba's reincarnation was too heavy to bear, and the corners of his mouth were constantly overflowing with bloodshot eyes.


Lu Yi's fist blasted the defense on the surface of Ba Samsara's body, and it hit his chest. Tuoba Samsara could no longer bear it, and his body flew out again.


Lu Yi cast a hidden kill, appeared suddenly, and then punched Tuoba Samsara's head.


This was a terrible attack. The Tuoba reincarnation world and floor tiles hit, vomiting blood in his mouth, and fell to the ground.

But Lu Yi didn't kill him either. Otherwise, instead of bombarding with his fists, he used Xuanyuan Sword.

If Xuanyuanjian slashed on his head, Tuoba's reincarnation spirit would be destroyed.

In the distance, Huang Wu was surprised. Although she knew that Tuoba Samsara had never used any tricks, so she was at the bottom, but she was still surprised to see Lu Yi beating Tuoba Samsara so embarrassed.

You know, Tuoba Samsara is not only a genius in the Sword God Temple, but also a genius in the realm of cultivation. The younger generation, in the same realm, can suppress Tuoba Samsara.

Huang Wu looked at Lu Yi with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said in his heart, this guy is too abnormal!

Seeing Tuoba's reincarnation fall to the ground, Lu Yi quickly chased him up, taking advantage of Tuoba's reincarnation in his mind, and then made a sacrifice.


The overturning seal is like a huge mountain, pressing on Tuoba Samsara's body.


Tuoba Samsara's skin cracked, but he still didn't admit defeat.


Lu Yi urged his immense power, then flew up and stepped on the seal of the heavens, and instantly saw the seal of the heavens sinking.


Tuoba's sternum broke and blood spurted from his mouth.


Lu Yi kept throwing punches, and his powerful attacks hit Tuoba Samsara's body like a stormy sea. Afterwards, Lu Yi's hands were numb.

The most terrifying thing is that Tuoba Samsara’s skin was cracked, his bones were broken, and various terrible scars appeared on his body, but Tuoba’s life aura did not weaken at all.

"Grandma Di, how can this guy be so resistant to the fight? It's like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten." Lu Yi muttered.

"Dead mop, you surrender quickly! Otherwise, I will not be merciful next!" Lu Yi shouted loudly.

Tuoba's reincarnation is silent.

"Well, since you don't speak, it means you don't admit defeat. Okay, I don't believe it. I can't deal with you today."

Lu Yi shouted, his whole body glowing brightly, like a **** king.


Suddenly, Tuoba reincarnation let out a low growl. He didn't want to be suppressed by Lu Yi anymore.

"Dead mop, have you figured it out? Are you going to give up?" Lu Yi asked.

"Give up? Dreaming. The warm-up is over, and then the real battle is over." Tuoba reincarnation said, with a roar, the injured body immediately recovered to its original state, and the exuberant breath of life was terrifying.


With a sword scream, the long sword behind him was unsheathed, emitting a transparent sword light, and then pierced the sky and cut it towards Lu Yi.

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