The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1989: Smashed to earth

Hunyuan Qiankun Ding burst into pieces.

The ancestor of the Fang family stood in the air, his body filled with divine light, and his eyes shot out like electricity.

The audience was shocked.

"Oh my God, the ancestor actually destroyed the sacred artifact!"

"The ancestor is too powerful!"

"The ancestor is mighty!"

The Fang family disciples flushed with excitement, and their expressions were excited.


Sun Laojiu's expression was extremely gloomy. He didn't expect the Fang family ancestor to smash the Hunyuan Qiankun Ding with his bare hands.

What Sun Laojiu is even more worried about is that this sacred artifact is the beloved thing of the senior brother. This time he borrowed it because of the destruction of the Fang family. But the sacred artifact is now destroyed by the ancestor of the Fang family. Confess?

For a moment, his face was murderous.

The ancestor of the Fang family held his hands behind his back, looked up at Sun Laojiu, and said with a smile: "Your subordinates are too trash, you should go there yourself!"

"Humph!" Sun Laojiu snorted coldly, and said, "Old things, don't be proud of yourself. Even if you have thousands of methods today, you can't escape death."

"Really? Are you going to do it yourself?" Fang Family Patriarch asked calmly.

"I don't need to do it yet."

"Oh? Do you still have a helper?" A smile appeared on Fang Family's ancestor's face.

Sun Laojiu said to Xu Kong: "You all come out!"

After the words fell, the eight masters of the God-Telling Realm walked out of the void, the huge aura intertwined, causing the world to change color.

"Oh my God, how come there are so many powerhouses in the God Realm!"

"Their aura is stronger than those people killed by the ancestor just now, and they are not ordinary powerhouses in the gods."

"They... are half saints!"

"Half saint, one foot has already reached the threshold of a saint. With so many, can the ancestors handle it?"

Each of the Fang family disciples looked solemn and extremely worried.

The ancestor Fang's expression remained unchanged, he glanced at those people lightly, his eyes fell on Sun Laojiu, and said, "I think you should do it yourself!"

"Why?" Sun Laojiu asked.

"They can't kill me at all with their cultivation base." Fang family ancestor said.

"I don't think so." Sun Laojiu said, "These people are at the peak of the gods, they are called semi-sages. Together, they can harm you even if they can't kill you."

"You are always so naive."

After Fang Family's ancestor finished speaking, he walked in the void, step by step, exuding the terrifying pressure of the saints, and the eight half saints could not help but step back.

The ancestors of the Fang family had eyes as deep as the sea, and he didn't even put these semi-sages in his eyes.

"Think about it, what a glory it is to kill the strong saint. I order you to go together and kill him!" Sun Laojiu said loudly.

Immediately, the eight semi-sages stopped their retreat.

Although Sun Laojiu's words were encouragement, they were also warnings. All they had before was a last-minute fight.


The ancestor of the Fang family had already taken action. He was hunting and hunting, and there was a bright light around him, setting him off like an immortal king.

The breath of terror was like a tsunami, tearing apart the void, piercing the universe, and shaking all nine days and ten places.

This is the killing intent of the saint.

Suddenly, the entire Zhongzhou seemed to have entered a very cold season, the trees withered, the grass withered, and a cold killing intent filled the air.


The ancestor of the Fang family made a move, and he reached the front of a semi-sage in one step, then stretched out his finger, and a streamer shot out.


The half-holy died on the spot.

Blood splattered.

The ancestor of the Fang family had a cold face, his eyes were as sharp as a blade, and then he pointed out. Seeing that the situation was not right, the half-sage turned around and fled.

However, after all, it was a step slower.


The streamer pierced the half-saint head, and the half-saint body died away.

In the blink of an eye, two semi-sages were already dead.


The remaining six semi-sages roared at the same time, and then rushed towards the ancestor of the Fang family together, using endless killer moves to blow up the void.


The void shook, a divine light shielded the Fang Family ancestor in the middle, and then only saw Fang Family ancestor protruding out a big hand, lifting a half-sage like lightning.


Everyone just feels terrified.

"The ancestor of the Fang family is forgiving..." The semi-saint was shocked, and between life and death, he asked for mercy.


The ancestor of the Fang family didn't say a word, his face was cold, and he slapped it down. Suddenly, flesh and blood flew across the sky, and a half-saint disappeared into nothingness.


The aura of the ancestor of the Fang family grew stronger and moved forward.

"Brothers, if the matter is up to now, if you still want to survive, do your best! Otherwise, everyone will die today!"

A half saint shouted.

At this time, you can only resist desperately, and there may be life. If you retreat, you will be completely in despair.

Because Sun Laojiu was staring at them, they couldn't escape, and in front of the saint Fang Family Patriarch, even if they had a chance to escape, they couldn't escape.

The saint was angry, and corpses a million.


A **** clock appeared, like a mountain, carrying the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and shrouded it towards the ancestor of the Fang family.

This is a horror killer refined by a half-sage that has exhausted his entire life.


However, facing this divine clock, the ancestor of the Fang family didn't lift his eyelids, and slapped it lightly.


At this time, other people also took action, all kinds of killer moves were used, all attacking the Fang family ancestor.

Murderous spirit spread.

Countless people turned pale and trembling.


The ancestor of the Fang family slapped the divine bell with a slap, then slammed in front of the half-sage, blasted out with a punch, the half-sage flew hundreds of meters away, and finally burst in the air.

In the sky, Sun Laojiu felt a little bad.

The strength of the Fang family ancestor surprised him a bit.

"Could it be that my plan is going to fail?" Sun Laojiu frowned.

At this time, the remaining half-saints surrounded Fang Family Ancestor in the void, and then attacked from different directions.

However, the ancestors of the Fang family were strictly guarded by the divine light, and the attacks of the semi-sages did not cause any harm to him at all.

"It's almost time." The ancestor of the Fang family raised his head and glanced at the sky. Suddenly, he sacrificed the Tongtian Pagoda. In an instant, Shengwei exploded.


The remaining half-saints were shaken to death by the Tongtian Tower.


Sun Laojiu was angry and angry. Before he finished speaking, he felt cold all over, as if being stared at by a demon king who came out of Jiuyou Hell.

The ancestor of the Fang family stared at Sun Laojiu coldly.

"Your subordinates are dead, now it's your turn!" Fang Family ancestor said coldly.

"Old stuff, you don't want to be mad, I..."

Only halfway through what Sun Laojiu said, he heard Fang Family's ancestor say again: "A few of you should come out too, since they have already come, why hide?"

[Author's digression]: I was busy with things today, and I came back very late at night. I only wrote one chapter. Please forgive me!

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