The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1991: Sleepy immortal, killing god

The sky is full of blood.

The cry of heaven and earth spread tens of thousands of miles, and the entire cultivation world heard it.

Dongtu Shenzhou.

In a sword pavilion by the sea, the sword **** opened his eyes, sword intent surged in his eyes, but after a moment, he closed his eyes.

The ancestor volley came in a hurry.

"Master Sword God, Ku Zhuzhai and Zhongzhou are at war, and a saint has fallen. I think now is the best time for us to take action." said the ancestor of the sky.

"Don't bother." Sword God said lightly.


"Let them fight, let's watch the changes." Sword God said again.

The ancestor Volley was puzzled, and then seemed to understand something, bowed and bowed, and then quietly retreated.

Western bliss.

On the top of a mountain full of Buddha's light, sits a kind-looking old monk.

When the rain of blood in the sky was about to drip on him, it automatically avoided it, as if he were an inviolable fairy Buddha.

The old monk raised his head and glanced at the sky, then folded his hands together.


Start chanting softly.

North Wilderness.

Kuzhuzhai headquarters.

Qi Tian hurriedly ran into the hall, and said to the elder eagerly: "Master, it's not good, the sky is raining blood, and some powerful saints have fallen."

"Oh." The elder faintly replied.

"Master, the rain of blood came from Zhongzhou, and Uncle Seven and the others..."

"They are okay." The elder was very confident and said: "The seven, eight and nine are gone, and the Promise Demon Venerable of the Tiansha Sect has also gone. The four saints can definitely win Zhongzhou."

"I'm still worried..."

"Don't worry." The Great Elder interrupted Qi Tian and said: "After today, Zhongzhou will belong to us."

Always, the realm of comprehension is boiling at this moment, and no one can calm down.

As for Zhongzhou, it was even more shocking.

The ancestor of the Fang family stood in the air like an invincible fairy king.

"My God, the ancestor killed a saint."

"too strong."

"The ancestors are invincible."

The Fang family disciples shouted one by one, their faces flushed, and they were extremely excited.

Their ancestors killed a saint with their own eyes, which to them is simply the supreme glory.

Sun Laojiu was sad and angry. He raised his head and looked at the rain of blood in the sky. His eyes were red. He actually watched the pasque-headed man die without even having a chance to help.

"Senior Brother Eight, go well! I'll pay your grievances for you." Sun Laojiu gritted his teeth, and then stared at the ancestor of the Fang family.

However, he did not act rashly.

He didn't see clearly the last attack of the Fang family ancestor. He didn't know how the Fang family ancestor killed the pasqueflower.

"Sun Laojiu, don't hesitate, do it!" Fang family ancestor sneered.

"You--" Sun Laojiu was angry, but didn't dare to step forward.

He is a very cautious person. The destruction of Hunyuan Qiankun Ding and the death of Pasque Weng made him realize that he underestimated the ancestor of the Fang family.

If he shoots now, he will definitely die in the end.

But what should I do now? Escape?

Just when Sun Laojiu didn't know what to do, there was a "boom" in the air, and then two figures appeared.

The thin man and the Promise Demon Sovereign came out.

Seeing them, the ancestors of the Fang family said: "Gu Changsheng, Promise Demon Venerable, you are finally willing to show up? But unfortunately, the pasqueflower has already died in my hands."

"You can kill Lao Ba. It surprised me." The thin man said. At this moment, his whole body is full of cold breath, which makes him feel cold.

"You can kill a saint, you are proud enough, but unfortunately, there are still three saints you are facing now, you are dead." The devilish energy on the body of the Promise Demon Venerable is overwhelming, and the voice spread, like a burst of demon sounds , Very scary.

"What, these two people are both saints!"

The people on the ground were stunned.

"It's over, the ancestor still has a chance to win against the three saints?"

"The ancestor is under a lot of pressure!"

However, Fang Jia's ancestor did not show any fear, but a faint smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Wuji Demon Venerable asked.

"I'm laughing, why are you so stupid, you want to mix up this matter, you really want to kill yourself." Fang family ancestor said.

The Promise Demon Lord's face sank, and he shouted: "Don't think that you have the ability to fight against me if you kill the pasqueflower."

Gu Changsheng looked at the ancestor of the Fang family and said, "Do you know why we are only showing up now?"

"If I guessed correctly, you must be looking for a way to trap me." Fang Family Patriarch said calmly.

"You are still really smart." After Gu Changsheng finished speaking, he was muttering words, and the world was shocked. Numerous terrifying light beams pierced through the void and formed a circular encirclement, sealing all sides.

"This is the sleepy immortal formation I personally set up. Even if you are a god, you can't escape today." Gu Changsheng glanced at the foundation of the Fang family on the ground, and said: "You people in the Fang family, don't think about any of them. live."

"I knew that you would set up a sleepy immortal formation, I should show up sooner, so that Zhongzhou would also have fewer dead people." Fang family ancestor said.

"What do you mean?" Gu Changsheng's eyes were cold.

The ancestor of the Fang family smiled slightly, and then suddenly shouted: "Open!"


Like the sound of thunder, tens of thousands of bright beams appeared in the void hundreds of meters away. These beams rose from the sky and connected with the sky and the earth to form a huge array.

"The reason why I appeared late first was because I was setting up the formation." Fang family ancestor said: "This is the God Killing Formation. This formation can deceive the heavens and block the breath."

"Old stuff, do you want to kill us all at once?" Sun Laojiu said angrily.

"Yes." The ancestor of the Fang family nodded.

"Dreaming!" Sun Laojiu cursed: "You don't even look at what you are, but you want to kill us together. It's really wishful thinking."

"Sun Laojiu, if I were you, I should listen to the pasqueflower and go quickly." The ancestor of the Fang family said: "You are so stupid, you are too tired to live."


Sun Laojiu's face was pale with anger.

"I admit that your strength is extraordinary. Old nine and eight underestimated your strength, but you want to kill the three of us, it is really impossible, unless and unless you are the saint king." At this point, Gu Changsheng laughed He smiled and said: "As far as I know you, it is impossible for you to be promoted to the Saint King."

"Oh, it's said that you Gu Changsheng is a smart person. How come you still don't understand, if I don't have the strength to kill you, how can I set up a god-killing formation?" The old ancestor sighed quietly, and said: "It's coming. Now, let you see my real strength!"


The aura of the ancestor of the Fang family suddenly changed. His whole person was like an unsheathed divine sword, showing a heaven-shaking edge, vanity and disillusionment, and his body was shrouded in divine light, like a god, unattainable.

Under this powerful momentum, everyone couldn't help but want to worship.

"You, you are the King of Saints!" Sun Laojiu's lips trembled, his legs trembled, his face was incredible, and his eyes were shocked.

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