The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1995: Ask for

Qitian will go quickly and come back quickly.

He hurried back, handed a space ring into the hands of the elder, and said: "There are a total of 11 million spiritual stones in it."

The elder sullenly took the space ring and threw it to the ancestor of the Fang family.

The ancestor of the Fang family took the space ring, glanced at it, and saw that it was filled with countless spirit stones, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Now you should be satisfied? Put Qiongqi out." The elder said, holding back his anger.

"Don't worry, there is one more thing I want to tell you." The ancestor of the Fang family said: "Lu Yi and Lu Wushuang, the master and disciple pair, are distinguished guests of my Fang family. I hope that you will not chase them down in the future. ."

"We Kuzhuzhai and Lu Wushuang's master and apprentice affairs, shouldn't you take care of it?" The elder said very dissatisfied.

"I just remind you that if you don't listen, there is nothing you can do, but if I can't help but kill your person, don't ask me for compensation."

Although the ancestor of the Fang family was smiling, the threat in his words was very strong.

"Since you want to protect Lu Wushuang's master and apprentice, it's okay, then please tell them after you go back that the grievances will end here, and a sum will be written off. If they dare to kill our Kuzhuzhai disciples in the future, then don't blame me." Elder Leng Said.

"Don't worry, I will tell them exactly what you said. It's fine, the time is too early, there will be a period later." Fang family ancestor finished speaking, threw away Qiongqi, then tore the void and left. Go in.

The great elder stared at the direction in which the Fang family ancestor disappeared, and the corners of his mouth were drawn out, his eyes were murderous, and he was humiliated by someone coming to blackmail him.

"Master, look at it!" Qi Tian suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" The Great Elder turned around and asked.

"Senior Brother Qiongqi, he..." Qi Tian didn't say the following words, but his face was full of grief and anger.

The elder was taken aback, walked in front of Qiongqi, squatted down, and then took a closer look, suddenly became angry, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Old thing, you are so ruthless, you actually abolished my disciple, puff..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the elder's mouth.

"Master!" Qi Tian said anxiously.

"It's okay." The elder wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "Forbearance is calm for a while, now we all have to endure, and one day, I will make him double the shame today."


Looking at Qiongqi, there was sadness in the eyes of the great elder, and Qitian said: "Take Qiongqi to heal your injuries! Although he will not be able to practice in the second half of his life, as long as he lives, it is his blessing."


Qi Tian replied, picked up Qiong Qi, and hurried in.

As soon as he left, the great elder fell to the ground.

"Grand Elder..."




The door of the practice room was suddenly knocked open. Ren Xiaoyao ran in from the outside with a hurry on his face and said anxiously: "Master, it's not good..."



A huge force pulled Ren Xiaoyao out of the door.

The black robe old man buried his head in a girl's arms at this moment. The girl is only six or seven years old, she has no strands on her body, her big dark eyes are full of panic, and her immature body is trembling.

"Little baby, don't be afraid, the process is fast and it won't hurt."

The black robe old man said, his head slowly moved up, and finally, when he reached the girl's neck, he opened his mouth and bit down.


The screams screamed, and the girl struggled violently.

The black robe old man turned a deaf ear to his ears, holding the girl's head with one hand, making her struggle useless, then put his mouth on the girl's neck and desperately sucked in.

In less than half a minute, the blood in the girl's body was sucked dry, and the struggling was completely stopped. Then the old man in black robe raised his head and smacked his lips: "It's delicious."

Licking off the blood on his mouth, the black robe old man threw the girl's body into the pool, then got up, his face covered with murderous intent, and walked out the door.

"Master, I..."

As soon as Ren Xiaoyao spoke, his throat was pinched by the black robe old man.

"How many times have I told you, don't disturb me when I practice, are you tired of your life?" The black robe old man used his hands hard, and Ren Xiaoyao instantly turned pale and could hardly breathe.

"Master... Master... It's not good... Fang family ancestor is here..."


The black robe old man threw Ren Xiaoyao to the ground and asked in surprise, "What did you just say?"

Ren Xiaoyao coughed twice, took a sigh of relief, and said, "If you return to Master, the ancestor of the Fang family is here."

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know." Ren Xiaoyao said, "The ancestor of the Fang family is outside the hall, and he wants to see Master by his name."

"What the **** is the old man doing when he sees me?" The old man in black robe thought for a while and said, "Follow me to see him."

Ren Xiaoyao followed the old man in black robe, and when the old man was not paying attention, he glanced at the old man secretly, his eyes flashing with cold light.

The black robe old man walked into the hall, laughed loudly, and said to the ancestor of the Fang family, "Brother Fang, what brought you here today?

"Hypocrisy!" The ancestor of the Fang family didn't show any face to the old black robe, and said, "Hun Kun, you are making progress now, and you actually helped Ku Zhuzhai want to kill me, so courageous!"

"Brother Fang, what do you mean by this? Why don't I understand it." The old Heizao looked puzzled and said, "Although I have some friendship with Ku Zhuzhai, I am not going to help Ku Zhuzhai offend Brother Fang."


The ancestor of the Fang family sneered, and said: "The Promise Demon Venerable has been killed by me, and the disciples of the Tiansha Sect he led are all dead."

"Really?" The black robe old man opened his eyes wide.

"Really." Fang family ancestor nodded.

"Great." The old man in black robe said, "Brother Fang, thank you so much. If you don't make a move, I will find a way to get rid of Promise. Thank you for helping me clean the door."

"What do you mean?" Fang family ancestor looked at the black robe old man.

Ren Xiaoyao also looked at the old man in black robe.

Hei Pao said with a headache: "The Wuji **** was ungrateful, and he was doing things that hurt the world on his back. After I found out, he escaped with some cronies. Originally, I wanted to kill him to clean the door. Brother helped me, thank you so much."

"Why haven't you heard of this before?" Fang Jia's ancestor asked, squinting.

"You also know that the ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, let alone Wuji is a saint. If this is worn out, where do I face my face?" The black robe old man smiled: "Anyway, Brother Fang, I want to thank you."

"I don't need to say anything about false feelings. I came to you for one thing." Fang family ancestor said: "Wuji Demon Venerable and his subordinates cooperated with Kuzhuzhai's people to kill in my Zhongzhou, people There have been countless deaths and injuries. You have to give me an account of this matter."

"Brother Fang, Wuji is dead, and what he did has nothing to do with me..."

"I don't care if he has anything to do with you. In short, so many people have died in Zhongzhou, you Tiansha Sect will not escape the blame." The ancestor of the Fang family stretched out his hand in front of the old man in black robe and said: "Bring it."

"What?" The black robe old man looked puzzled.


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