In this space of the original ball wrapped by the power of time and space.

All the light seemed to have disappeared, and only the appearance of the white light and the space-time dragon with a blood-red flame as the core could be seen, as well as the incomparably huge expanding jade in front of it.

The speed of the space-time dragon was very fast. In just a millisecond, the dragon had already rushed to the expanding jade, opened its bloody mouth, and bit it.


In an instant, the space-time dragon and the expanding jade formed a confrontation, and it seemed that no one could do anything to the other.

However, in fact, it was not the case. At the moment when the space-time dragon collided with the expanding jade, countless space-time forces had already wrapped all the expanding jade!

The space wrapped by the power of space-time was constantly twisting, and the expanding jade had to face the most extreme and irresistible force!

Even so, the Expanding Dao-Seeking Jade was still struggling to resist, and this actually showed its strength, which could actually last so long in such a broken space.

However, at this moment, the surface of the Expanding Dao-Seeking Jade was already full of cracks, as if it would break in the next moment!

At this moment, seeing the Expanding Dao-Seeking Jade was about to break completely, Xia Li kicked the Expanding Dao-Seeking Jade with his flesh and blood without fear inside the Space-Time Dragon.

You know, the Dao-Seeking Jade represents the power of all things in the universe, and its explosion can annihilate all enemies. People who are not at the Six Paths level will die immediately just by touching the Dao-Seeking Jade, not to mention directly kicking into the Dao-Seeking Jade with their flesh and blood.

But... Xia Li did just that!


The next moment, the Expanding Dao-Seeking Jade, which was almost broken, turned into fragments, and the power filled in the Expanding Dao-Seeking Jade also lost all its restraints in an instant and exploded at an extremely fast speed.


Endless explosions were born in this space of the original ball, almost wanting to swallow everything, and the violent and chaotic power was raging in this space.

However, even such power could not break the blood-red flames around Xia Li. If it was a concentrated power, Xia Li would naturally not be able to withstand it, but this explosion that had been dispersed to the extreme was ineffective against Xia Li!


Xia Li also shouted at this moment. After the knight kicked through the expansion seeking jade, he did not lose his power and continued to move forward at the original speed or even faster than before!

At this moment, behind Xia Li, the figure of the giant dragon of time and space also became extremely weak. When it just broke through the expansion seeking jade, it almost used all its strength, but even so, it still roared and continued to sprint with Xia Li!

Finally, under this extreme physical skill and the power of time and space that exceeded the limit mastered by Xia Li, all the power was broken and all obstacles were cleared.

Kaguya Otsutsuki's figure has been exposed in front of Xia Li and the giant dragon of time and space.


Kaguya Otsutsuki opened her eyes wide at this time, looking at the scene in front of her in disbelief. She couldn't believe that as her final big move, the expansion of the seeking truth ball would actually be broken.

And this is not surprising to Xia Li, because the power of time and space can be said to have no rivals even in this world!

Even the Ten Tails itself, the seeking truth ball, or Kaguya Otsutsuki, in the original work, there are scenes where they are restrained by the power of time and space, just because the power of time and space can only be broken by the power of time and space.

And the two abilities of time and space mastered by Kaguya Otsutsuki do not have this ability, whether it is Amanomichu or Yomi Hirasaka, it is the same.


At this time, Black Zetsu also opened his eyes wide, looking at the blood-red flames on Xia Li in front of him and the silver-white dragon behind him.

For a moment, Black Zetsu could only shout out with worry, but he didn't know what idea he should come up with to help his mother escape this ultimate attack.

Because everything was locked, the power of time and space could not be used under the strangulation of this space.

Even if Xia Li's power could not maintain the strangulation of this space for a long time, the result would not change.

Because at this level, their speed is so fast, even if it is only a short moment, it is enough or even very sufficient!

Kaguya Otsutsuki is still immersed in incredible shock, and for a moment she was stunned and did not move!

If it was Madara Six Paths or even Obito Six Paths, even if they were very surprised, they would not let themselves be immersed in shock without any response. As for other ninjas, it is not that they do not respond, but that they cannot keep up with Xia Li's speed and have no time to respond!

And this is the biggest gap between Kaguya Otsutsuki and the ninjas of this world!


At this time, as if aware of this, Black Zetsu shouted loudly.

Kaguya Otsutsuki finally came to her senses at this moment, and then looked at Xia Li who was approaching. At this moment, she had no way to deal with it, and her eyes showed fear.

This was a look that Kaguya Otsutsuki had never shown before!

Xia Li also saw the fear in Kaguya Otsutsuki's eyes at this moment. At this moment, Xia Li felt a sense of pleasure in his heart, and he wanted to shout loudly to Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"So... you are afraid too? Just like ordinary people!"

Yes, that's right. After Xia Li knew that he came to the world of Naruto, his first reaction was also fear. It is impossible to say that he didn't feel anything at all.

Moreover, after knowing that he didn't have the blood of the Six Paths, such as the Uzumaki bloodline, the Uchiha bloodline, the Senju bloodline, and the Hyuga bloodline, he was even more afraid, because others didn't know, but he knew that the possibility of growing to the limit without these bloodlines was too low.

And what made Xia Li feel afraid was naturally the existence of the bugs of the Four Wars, the Six Paths Obito, the Six Paths Madara, and Kaguya Otsutsuki...

At this moment, Kaguya Otsutsuki showed a look of fear in front of him. How could he not feel excited? Everything he did seemed to have a further meaning at this moment!

"Yanquan Hirasaka!!"

At this time, Kaguya Otsutsuki was already a little panicked and wanted to forcefully open the Yellow Spring Hirasaka to escape from this space through it.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she used Yomi Hirasaka, the black space holes would be shattered by the twisted space around them the moment they appeared.

But Xia Li had to admit that Yomi Hirasaka was powerful. Under the time and space that he had blocked, he could still forcefully open the space hole. If Xia Li had not been targeting Yomi Hirasaka, Kaguya Otsutsuki, then the other party might really be able to escape through Yomi Hirasaka.

It's just a pity that all means of escape were blocked by Xia Li now.

After struggling for a while, Kaguya Otsutsuki had to admit that it was impossible to escape through the power of time and space...

At this moment, Xia Li's figure was getting closer and closer...

Kaguya Otsutsuki's expression was a little distorted at this time, and the blood-red Samsara Eye on her forehead suddenly widened, and gray bones emerged from all parts of her body.

"Bloodline Net-Kill Gray Bones Together!!"

At this moment, these gray bones turned into barriers that blocked her and Xia Li, trying to block this ultimate level of ninjutsu!

Xia Li also saw the gray bones of the common killing that would be annihilated even if touched, but he still kicked them down regardless.

The blood-red flames collided with the gray bones of the common killing. In just a moment, those gray bones turned into nothingness and shattered!

After breaking the gray bones of the common killing, the blood-red flames on Xia Li's body seemed to have turned into a Chinese dragon again, roaring and biting towards Kaguya Otsutsuki.

At this time, the muddy figure of Black Zetsu suddenly appeared in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki. Even though he had no defensive power, he still blocked in front of Kaguya Otsutsuki without any hesitation.

However, Xia Li ignored this touching scene. This kick went straight down and directly penetrated Black Zetsu's body.

This time, there was no obstacle at all. Xia Li could feel that he actually kicked Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Uh..." Kaguya Otsutsuki was also screaming at this time.

"It's all over!" At this time, Xia Li also shouted softly.

Endless power erupted at this moment, kicking Kaguya Otsutsuki from the sky to the ground with a twisted and painful expression, but it was not over yet.

Xia Li's power was still erupting, and the blood-red flames on his body began to erupt at this moment. Even if Kaguya Otsutsuki had already fallen to the ground, it was not over yet.

Xia Li and even the blood-red dragon continued to sprint regardless, as if they wanted to penetrate the earth of this space of the original ball directly! !

After an unknown period of time, the blood-red flames finally disappeared.

And at the same time, all the movements disappeared...

It seemed that everything had turned into nothingness at this time, no sound, no wind, no power of space, and it seemed that even time had disappeared...

After a long time, a figure suddenly appeared in this silent world. This figure was seen staggering on this piece of land. After a few steps, it suddenly fell down.

The owner of this figure is Xia Li. Xia Li looks very miserable at this moment. The color of his whole body is like charcoal that has not been completely burned by the flame.

On this charcoal, you can still see a few traces of flames on it.

Xia Li's condition at this time is already very bad. Of course, even so, it is better than Might Guy's condition after using the Eight Gates, but all this seems to be meaningless, because the flames on his body are still burning his life.

When this flame burns his heart out, Xia Li's life will come to an end.

However, even so, Xia Li still did not show the slightest fear, and he seemed to still have a smile on his face.

"Hehe... Hahahaha."

Xia Li was laughing here with all his strength. He was laughing. Even if Kaguya Otsutsuki had such an instinct for survival, his final secret was still unable to take Kaguya Otsutsuki away directly.

However, Kaguya Otsutsuki was also very miserable at this time. In a faraway place, there was a small piece of flesh and blood tissue that was constantly absorbing chakra and slowly growing.

That’s right, this very small piece of tissue was the only thing left by Kaguya Otsutsuki.

In the final collision, Kaguya Otsutsuki miraculously thought of a way to deal with it. She used all her strength to open Yomi Hirasaka again!

However, as expected, the black space hole opened by Yomi Hirasaka was defeated by the endless twisted space in just an instant...

However, this Yomi Hirasaka was still opened before it was defeated!

At this moment, although the black space hole opened by Yomi Hirasaka was not enough for Kaguya Otsutsuki to pass through, it could allow the tiny flesh and blood tissue to pass through.

So, Kaguya Otsutsuki left this tiny flesh and blood tissue. Originally, according to Kaguya Otsutsuki's idea, this tissue should have been sent to another space, but unfortunately she no longer had the power to support this.

And now, this flesh and blood tissue has become the key to Kaguya Otsutsuki's recovery. She is a truly immortal body. Even with only this little flesh and blood tissue, she can recover by constantly absorbing chakra.

As long as there is enough chakra, the recovery time may not take too long, and what Kaguya Otsutsuki lacks the most at this moment may be... Chakra!

Xia Li was smiling at this time. Kaguya Otsutsuki's power is indeed the most powerful he has ever seen. Even the last form of Six Paths Madara can't compare with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

However, Kaguya Otsutsuki's ability is too single. Although it is powerful, it can be cracked. Once cracked, Kaguya Otsutsuki's threat will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, Kaguya Otsutsuki basically does not use her own power, so the life threat she gives to Xia Li is not even as good as Six Paths Madara, but it is definitely much more difficult to kill Kaguya Otsutsuki than Six Paths Madara.

The vitality of Six Paths Madara and Kaguya Otsutsuki is not at the same level.

In the last kick, Xia Li's original idea was to kick Kaguya Otsutsuki into nothingness directly...

However, the result is also known. Kaguya Otsutsuki escaped the fate of being turned into nothingness in a peculiar way.

Therefore, Xia Li felt funny. Although his fighting consciousness was so poor, he was able to think of such a method at the last moment of his life and save his life, without having to wait for another resurrection.

However, if he really died under the backlash of the Eight Gates, then Kaguya Otsutsuki would have won.

But unfortunately, Xia Li dared to use the Eight Gates, how could he not be prepared?

It is not certain that he will die after using the Eight Gates, just like Might Guy in the original work, his life was still saved by Yang Dun.

However, Xia Li's Yang Dun obviously did not reach the level of the Six Paths Sage, so it could only delay his death, but could not recover.

However, Xia Li smiled, because...

Since Yang Dun has not reached this level, then it would be better to reach it now! (End of this chapter)

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