The genius of Naruto is a bit ordinary

Chapter 401 Tailed Beast Trial, Strength is Supreme

"Haha, Lord Hokage should have guessed it, right? Yes, just as Lord Hokage thought, I am here to surrender."

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire probably figured out some of Xia Li's character through the previous chat, so he stopped talking nonsense and spoke directly.

"Are you actually willing to give up the rights of the Fire Nation's daimyo?" Xia Li was also a little surprised to see the Fire Nation's daimyo be so direct.

The daimyo chuckled lightly and said, "Rights are not as important as life. I don't think that Hokage, who can be said to have solved the Fourth Ninja War alone, will be defeated in the next war. And the most important thing is that , Konoha is within the Country of Fire, so the Country of Fire must be the first goal on the road to reunification of Konoha, so naturally there is no way for me to be left with much time to hesitate. "

Xia Li also nodded and said, "The truth is this. In fact, most people can understand it, but they may not be able to make decisions like yours. Moreover, they are used to being in high positions, and It’s impossible to accept taking a back seat.”

"That's just boring pride. In fact, we have never been able to sit comfortably in that position without having absolute force. Moreover, I don't think my rights will be reduced too much after surrendering."

The Daimyo of the Land of Fire's eyes lit up at this time and he continued.

"Because, Hokage-sama, if you complete the unification, it is impossible for the people of Konoha to complete the rule. After all, the vast majority of ninjas are war weapons, not ruling generals, so by then Hokage-sama will definitely be very lacking in ability." Used to govern talents.”

As he spoke, the Fire Nation couldn't help but open his fan to cover the smile he wanted to show.

"At least, I think I still have certain abilities in management. Maybe by then, my rights will become greater than before... maybe. And with your endorsement, Mr. Hokage, my safety will even be It is safer and more stable than before, and more importantly, I should also have the possibility of immortality, right?"

As he spoke, the name of the Fire Country looked at Xia Li with burning eyes. The matter of immortality was fatal to his attraction to a high-ranking person.

Xia Li took a closer look at the famous names of the Land of Fire. Today's famous names made Xia Li see that after being given enough temptation, people will indeed become different and become so aggressive...

The Hokage-sama shouted very smoothly, and his previous attitude as an elder could not be seen at all...

However, when you think about it, it is true. After all, the previous daimyo has nothing that he needs to work hard for. It is estimated that this daimyo position is the result of his struggle, and now it is the true appearance of the daimyo.

Faced with the daimyo's question, Xia Li also nodded. Although he was a bit older, if he was willing to help a little, the other party still had this possibility.

Suddenly, the Fire Country Daimyo smiled, "So, why am I unwilling to surrender? Moreover, since I have decided to surrender, the first one always has a very special meaning. Not to mention, the Fire Country is also a big country. If this news gets out... no, I already had it spread out before I came here, and it will be of great help to Konoha."

At this moment, Xia Li couldn't help but take a deep look at the Daimyo of the Country of Fire. Just as the Daimyo said, he was also thinking about the issue of governance after unification.

What the Fire Country Daimyo said now was exactly what Xia Li thought. Xia Li looked at the smiling Daimyo, and then smiled, since he really needed the talent the other party mentioned.

Moreover, as the supreme leader of the world's largest country, the other party was able to make such a choice immediately. To be honest, Xia Li was a little shocked.

Just as Xia Li said to Nara Shikaku before, you must show a sufficient attitude when facing the first visitor.

The attitude of the Fire Country daimyo satisfied Xia Li, so... no matter in terms of ability or determination, the daimyo in front of him was undoubtedly very suitable.

Therefore, if the Dai Ming's subsequent performance is good enough, Xia Li wouldn't mind making what he said become a reality.

The most important thing is that the surrender of the Fire Country's daimyo will undoubtedly make the entire war situation infinitely tilt towards their side. Although unification is not stressful for Xia Li, it can reduce a lot of casualties, which is a good thing.

Xia Li is not worried that the other party will ignore him. As Xia Li said before, this world will always be... a world where strength is respected. As long as he stays at the top of his strength, he doesn't need to worry about conspiracies.

So, it was decided...

"Then, happy working together."

Xia Li smiled and extended her palm.

Seeing this, the Daimyo of the Country of Fire also laughed. His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he stretched out his hand and shook it with Xia Li.

From this moment on, the Fire Nation's surname was Xia.

After the two people's private discussion ended, Nara Shikaku also walked in. He also heard the previous conversation between Xia Li and the daimyo.

In response, Nara Shikaku also showed a smile, the result was better than he expected, and then naturally he needed to discuss the future deployment, how to hand over and...protect the previous daimyo.

After all, after the Fire Country Daimyo returns this time, he will inevitably encounter opposition. Even if the Fire Country Daimyo has absolute power, there is still a certain danger.

Originally, Xia Li's first thought was to ask Kakashi to accept the task of protecting the daimyo, but she paused when she made the decision.

Because Xia Li suddenly thought of a more suitable candidate, that is... Jiraiya!

After all, Jiraiya still cannot fully accept Xia Li's plan, so it is undoubtedly a bit difficult to get Jiraiya to contribute in the subsequent unification war.

But the task of protecting the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is different. Jiraiya will definitely accept and complete this task seriously.

Because this is about the life and death of so many people in the Land of Fire, which happens to be what Jiraiya cares about most.

Jiraiya has always opposed it because of his good relationship with other countries? No, Jiraiya just doesn't want the war to take more lives of ordinary people.

If there is a way to unify Konoha without war, then Jiraiya will definitely support it.

So, since the safety of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire is related to the casualties of ordinary people in the Land of Fire, then Jiraiya will definitely put in 100% effort to complete this task.

Xia Li smiled as he watched Jiraiya leave with the Daimyo of the Land of Fire. This is the so-called idealist. Since he cannot be forced to do what he wants, let him do what he can.

After the announcement of the surrender of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, many small countries that were already very shaken made a decision at once.

Since the big brother has surrendered, then these little Karami need to follow suit. After all, the sooner they surrender, the higher the benefits they will get.

Of course, not all of them, such as the small countries close to the other four major countries, even if they have this idea, they have to see what the big brother closest to them means...

There are also some who simply don't want to give up their rights and don't think Konoha can be the enemy of the world on its own? Probably.

But these are none of Xia Li's business, because when the time he leaves for the world is up, he will start to clear the obstacles to unification.

In the next two days, a large number of Daimyo of various small countries will come to Konoha.

However, it is impossible for Xia Li to see these people. Xia Li does not want to see everyone. He will probably only see a few daimyos of big countries and the shadows of those ninja villages.

Now, one of the most important daimyos has surrendered, what about the remaining daimyos? Or... the shadows of those ninja villages, should they make a decision?

Xia Li will not give them too much time to slowly find a way to deal with him. Xia Li slowly revealed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Unification is a foregone conclusion. As for thoughts and culture, they can only be completed after unification.

Even in his previous life country, these concepts were not born. Naturally, they were the concepts created by that fierce man after unification, and what he has to complete now is the practice of that fierce man.

Thinking in this way, Xia Li also calculated the time. There is not much time left for the world.

At this time, a person that Xia Li did not expect came to Konoha Village.

"The fourth generation Raikage? I didn't expect that you came to me first among the four shadows." Xia Li looked at the fourth generation Raikage in surprise.

"Hmph, Sixth Hokage, I wish I could tear you apart right now!" The Fourth Raikage immediately showed a well sign on his head after seeing Xia Li, looking furious.

"It's a pity you can't do it." Xia Li said this fact calmly.

Suddenly, the Fourth Raikage seemed to be deflated, sighed, and said, "So, I can only come here."

"I thought it would be the Fifth Kazekage of the Sand Village who would come first... I didn't expect it to be you." Xia Li also sighed a little.

"That kid? If it was just that kid, it's true, but unfortunately he's too young, and his voice won't be too high among the Sand Ninja's high-level officials." The Fourth Raikage said after a cold snort.

"That's true." Xia Li nodded, thinking of Gaara, and then smiled again. He wasn't too worried, because the other party definitely had the courage.

"So, Fourth Raikage, what made you the first shadow to come here?" Xia Li looked at the Fourth Raikage curiously.

After a moment of silence, the Fourth Raikage said, "Sixth Hokage, the Eight-Tails is still in your hands, right?"

Xia Li couldn't help but look at the Fourth Raikage, and asked in surprise, "Would you make such a choice for the life of your brother alone?"

"Humph, this is not my choice alone, and my voice is not that big either, but I also played a role in fueling the situation. The most important thing is your already invincible power." The Fourth Raikage snorted angrily.

"So..." The Fourth Raikage stared at Xia Li and said, "No matter how you plan to deal with the tailed beast, I hope you can return the Eight-Tails to Bi, the tentacle in his body can't hold on for much longer!"

"If you don't want to, the Cloud Village will become the biggest stumbling block on the road to Konoha's unification! Even if you kill me now, it's useless, because I have made it clear to them before I came. If I can't go back, then the Cloud Village will enter a state of preparation for a full-scale war!"

The Fourth Raikage's eyes were red, looking at Xia Li, wanting to see how Xia Li would answer.

"You...are you threatening me?" Xia Li looked at the Fourth Raikage with interest.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just telling you a fact and showing you my determination!" Even if the Fourth Raikage was rough, he didn't dare to completely anger Xia Li at this time, so he said so.

"Is that so? Then you should also know that before the unification is completed, I will never give you a weapon like the tailed beast that can cause large-scale destruction." Xia Li looked at the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage was silent. Although in theory, Xia Li was not wrong, but... How could the Fourth Raikage accept the death of his brother?

"But you don't have to worry." Xia Li was not interested in playing with the Fourth Raikage's feelings, and threw a golden bead to the Fourth Raikage.

"What is this?" The Fourth Raikage felt the strong breath of the Eight-Tails in the bead and asked in surprise.

"Although part of the power of the Eight-Tails cannot allow Killer Bee to continue to use the power of the Eight-Tails, it is still no problem to stabilize his state. As for how to arrange the tailed beast, I have already made a plan." Xia Li said.

The Fourth Raikage was silent, and then carefully put away the golden bead, which was related to Killer Bee's life.

"Can you tell me now?" The Fourth Raikage asked.

"It's not impossible." Xia Li thought about it and agreed.

"After the unification is completed, I plan to hold a trial for the nine tailed beasts to choose their own Jinchūriki. If the tailed beasts do not find a suitable candidate, they will wait for the next year and will not force the tailed beasts to choose an unsuitable person." Xia Li said.

"You also know that if the tailed beasts and the Jinchūriki are not in sync, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for both the tailed beasts and the Jinchūriki."

"Will this choice be limited?" asked the Fourth Raikage. If only people from Konoha are allowed to be chosen, then wouldn't it be meaningless?

"No, so with the relationship between the Eight-Tails and Killer Bee, this choice is just a formality." Xia Li replied, and then suddenly realized that this seemed more like cultivation?

Its name is - the trial to obtain the recognition of the tailed beasts, abbreviated as the Tailed Beast Trial?

Hmm... It feels more and more like cultivation.

Xia Li laughed and didn't think too much.

In fact, these tailed beasts have been transformed by Xia Li into tailed beasts composed of natural energy. After all, the tailed beasts have so much chakra that Xia Li can't just leave them alone.

As for the half of the Nine-Tails in Naruto's body, before Naruto was wrapped by the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Xia Li went to see Yang Nine-Tails once just to do this.

So, the chakra of this world will die one day. After all, natural energy can be converted into chakra, and the quality of the converted chakra is better than the original one, of course, except for the people of the Otsutsuki clan.

"Is that so? That's good..." The fourth generation Raikage was relieved after hearing this. After completing the initial communication, the hemp cloth he brought also discussed the next things with Nara Shikaku.

For example, how to hand over, and the matter of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, they believed that the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder would not surrender easily, etc.

However, in general, things are also moving in a good direction.

Xia Li smiled, always feeling that perhaps in the end, the casualties will be much less than Xia Li imagined.

In fact, this is not strange. When you have power beyond the understanding of ordinary people, everything you do will be extremely smooth.

Because, as long as you understand that most people with this great power will not go against your will!

At this time, Xia Li once again deeply felt what it meant to be in a world where strength is everything! (End of this chapter)

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