The genius of Naruto is a bit ordinary

Chapter 414: Maou Spiritual Academy (revised)


In Soul Society, Xia Li said this name, but unfortunately he didn't react much to it.

If you are familiar with the plot of Bleach, then you will definitely know this person. Even if you are not familiar with him, you will be familiar with this surname.

Unfortunately, Xia Li was not very familiar with Bleach, and after so many years, he had forgotten everything.

"This is..."

Xia Li observed the surroundings. He seemed to appear on a relatively shabby street. The clothes of the people passing by were also relatively poor linen clothes.

And the pedestrians on the street seemed to be accustomed to the sudden appearance of souls like Xia Li, and there was no surprise at all.

At this time, a more enthusiastic and strong man came to Xia Li.

"Are you new here?"

"Yes." Xia Li nodded.

"Then follow me, this is Rukongai West 56th District." The man roughly introduced the situation here. Basically, all souls will come to Rukongai after being buried.

Generally speaking, it depends on luck to decide which area to go to. The closer the area is to the front, the better the public security is. The further back it is...

The public security is naturally worse. The 56th area where Xia Li appeared is a relatively backward area. Although there are dozens of areas below, there is no need to compare the worst.

Xia Li nodded behind the man, and then asked curiously, "Where are we going now?"

"Of course, we go to the elders in the 56th area. He still has some prestige in the 56th area. If you are lucky, he will arrange a job for you to live here or re-establish a family." The man replied.

"Re-establish a family?" Xia Li was a little surprised.

"Yes, there is actually no need to feel sad about your past life. After all, if you live in the Soul Society, your memories of your past life should not be retained for too long... So this place is actually equivalent to your new life." The man said.

"Will the memory... also disappear?" Xia Li continued to ask.

"I'm not sure. Anyway, I can't remember my memories before I died. I've asked people around me before. They are in the same situation as me. They can only remember the memories after coming to Soul Society. So I guess that the memories of life will gradually disappear after coming to Soul Society." The man scratched his head and replied.

"Well, very good reasoning." Xia Li also nodded.

The man laughed proudly after hearing it, then came to a somewhat dilapidated house and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" An old voice came from the house.

"It's me, Xiao Shi. There is a newcomer in our district today. I brought him here." The sturdy man named Xiao Shi shouted loudly.

"Oh... wait a moment."

After a long time, the door opened, and an old man who was about 70 or 80 years old came out. He was indeed quite old.

"Is this the newcomer?" The old man looked at Xia Li.

"Yes, I am Xia Li of Shendaochuan. I was just brought here by a death god today." Xia Li said.

"Well, soul burial is good, it doesn't matter if it's soul burial..." the old man said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xia Li was a little surprised and couldn't help asking, "Is there anyone who doesn't come to this afterlife through soul burial?"

"Of course there is, and it's an ominous symbol." The old man just said a little, and then didn't say anything more.

At this time, the strong man said, "I have sent the person, then I will leave first, I still have to make money to support my family. Old man, take care of yourself, newcomer, keep living."

"Thank you very much for your help." Xia Li also thanked.

"You're welcome." The man waved his hand and left directly.

After the man left, the old man also walked into the house, and Xia Li naturally followed.

"Well, this time... It's a bit troublesome. It seems that no family is missing family." The old man said to himself.

"I shouldn't need to arrange for my family." Xia Li said at this time.

"How can that be possible? There is plenty of time in the Soul Society. It would be too lonely if I were alone." The old man directly rejected Xia Li's idea.

"In fact, the god of death who buried my soul gave me some advice during the soul burial." Xia Li was a little helpless, and then brought up the name of the god of death.

Sure enough, after hearing Xia Li's words, the old man's eyes widened. It was the first time he heard that the god of death would give advice to others during the soul burial.

"Tell me about it?" The old man was a little suspicious, feeling that Xia Li was lying.

"The other party said that the Maou Spiritual Academy will start recruiting students recently, and asked me not to miss it." Xia Li told the old man exactly what Shiba said.

"Maou Spiritual Academy?!" The old man opened his eyes wide, and then looked at Xia Li, and believed most of it in his heart. After all, how could a newcomer know about Maou Spiritual Academy? It was only reasonable to know from the god of death.

"Speaking of which, Maou Spiritual Academy is indeed going to start testing talents. Your talent..." The old man looked at Xia Li. Since the other party could be given advice by the god of death, Xia Li's talent should be very good.

"It should be very good, right?" Xia Li also said in a puzzled voice, and then slowly condensed a ball of light composed of spiritual power in his hand.

"Well..." The old man came slightly closer to Xia Li at this time, stared at the ball of light in Xia Li's hand with his slightly cloudy eyes, and then said, "I see, no wonder you can get the God of Death to look at you differently."

At this time, Xia Li also took back the ball of light.

"In that case, you will stay at my house for two days first. In two days, the test of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy will begin. As long as you pass, your life will be in Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy." The old man said a little enviously.

Of course when he was young, he also thought about entering Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, but unfortunately...

The old man's talent is not good, so he can only waste his whole life.

"Then, I'll excuse you." Xia Li didn't refuse.

After agreeing, the old man originally wanted to take Xia Li to that room, but...Xia Li still had something to ask at this time.

"Excuse me, can you introduce me to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy? The god of death only told me not to miss the enrollment of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy this time, but he did not tell me what kind of school Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy is." Xia Licao He asked, scratching his head.

"Of course." The old man also became interested at this time. After all, it would be more glorious if they found a god of death. After all, it is very rare for a god of death to come out of the back area.

"Simply put, Mao Spiritual Academy is a school that trains Shinigami. After you pass the entrance exam, you will be trained there. After training to a certain level, students who successfully graduate can join the legendary Gotei. Team 13, become a Death God who protects the Spirit King." As he spoke, the old man had a look of reverence on his face.

In the Soul Society's understanding, the Soul King is no different from a god, and becoming the Shinigami who protects the Soul King is undoubtedly a very honorable thing.

"Gotei Thirteenth Team, Soul King..." Xia Li actually still had many questions. The old man's words were too superficial, but...

Xia Li looked at the old man and finally did not continue to ask. This was probably all the other person knew.

Then, the old man tidied up a somewhat shabby room for Xia Li. Naturally, Xia Li couldn't refuse. He needed a quiet place to absorb spiritual power.

In the present world, because there was too much movement, Xia Li closed the channel for absorbing spiritual power midway, and now after coming to Soul Society...

Xia Li could feel that the concentration of spiritual power here was completely unmatched by the real world, even...

Xia Li groped for the surrounding walls. These walls could actually be said to be made of spiritual energy.

The entire Soul Society is actually a world composed of spiritual power.

The souls here can always have sufficient spiritual power...

Therefore, this should also make testing talent much easier. Without talent, there is basically no talent, and it will be difficult to develop it later.

"It's interesting..." Xia Li withdrew his hand from stroking the wall, patted the dust on it, and then slightly opened the channel he used to absorb spiritual power.

Even in Soul Society, Xia Li didn't dare to use it as fully as he did in this world. Even here, if Xia Li let go, there would probably be no small movement.

In the world of Naruto, the reason for showing his talent is because Xia Li is more familiar with the plot trends there, and he only dared to show his talent after entering the school. After all, even in Naruto, the school is barely a clean place.

But on the Death God's side, Xia Li was not sure about the direction of the plot, so it was not a good idea to attract the attention of the powerful men in the Soul Society right from the beginning.

The power that Xia Li can exert now is limited, so it's better not to be too presumptuous.

Xia Li remembered that those powerful beings seemed to be...captains?

Captain, deputy captain, etc., as well as Zanpakutō, swastika, hajikai...

These Xia Li probably have to start from scratch to explore this information.

At this time, a space fluctuation suddenly appeared around Xia Li, and then a petite and cute figure appeared on Xia Li's shoulder, licking Xia Li's cheek.

Xia Li teased the moon elf for a while, then said with a smile, "Listen to the old man, you are an ominous symbol in Soul Society."

The moon elf came to Soul Society but did not undergo a soul burial.

"Gula~" the moon elf coquettishly said with dissatisfaction.

"Remember not to come out of the space when someone comes. I will think of a reasonable way for you to appear later." Xia Li stroked the Moon Elf's body and felt the still soft feel of the Moon Elf's hair.

The moon elf nodded obediently.

Xia Li also sat down cross-legged at this time. He not only needed to absorb spiritual power to fill his vacancy, but also carefully sensed the special features of spiritual power.

In this way, while Xia Li was 'cultivating', two days passed quickly.

Xia Li also sighed a little at this time. His soul was indeed strong enough. Until now, it has not been filled up and his spiritual power is still rising.

However, with Xia Li's control, it is very easy to suppress these spiritual powers and prevent them from showing their breath.

At this moment, Xia Li had followed the red-faced old man to a relatively grand college, where many people had gathered, some in shabby clothes, and some in rich clothes.

However, they all came to test the same thing.

"Come on, I believe you will be able to pass!" The old man was also encouraging Xia Li at this time. If a god of death walked out of his area, it would be very honorable to tell people.

Even though Xia Li had only been in their area for less than three days, who could deny that Xia Li was from Area 56 of Rukongai?

"I'll work hard." Xia Li said and couldn't help but glance to the other side, where there were two boys and girls wearing relatively shabby clothes.

Xia Li pays attention to each other not because of anything else, but because Xia Li is a little familiar with them, and those who can make Xia Li a little familiar are probably more important characters in the God of Death.

The ordinary character Xia Li can't remember it at all...

Just like Xia Li still remembers that the protagonist of this drama is Kurosaki Ichigo and the heroine is Rukia.

"Lukia?" Xia Li looked at the shorter girl and looked at the red-haired man next to Lucia with some confusion. So are they childhood sweethearts?

In this way, Xia Li seems to have remembered that the male and female protagonists of Death did not seem to be together...

By the way, is the heroine who doesn't get together with the hero... still the heroine?

While Xia Li was thinking about this problem, the test at the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy began. It was presided over by those gods of death. The clothes of those people were the same as those of Zhibodu that Xia Li had seen before, and they were not the same. There are no separate samurai costumes for men or women.

The entrance test is actually very simple. After all, they cannot ask those who have not yet entered school to master any abilities.

Techniques such as slicing, white fighting, shunpo, and ghost ways can only be learned after entering school.

So this time the test is just to test the spiritual strength of these people to see if they have the talent to absorb spiritual power and become a god of death.

Although every soul actually has a certain amount of spiritual power, generally speaking, most souls cannot control the spiritual power in their bodies, and the intensity is also very low.

So this test seems very simple, but it can eliminate most people.

And because it is very simple and direct, this test is also very fair. No matter what your status is, if you don't have talent, you will not be able to enter the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

Since there were many people who needed to take the test, the test was not conducted separately. Xia Li also had time to observe the strength of the spiritual power that passed and those that failed.

When it was Xia Li's turn, Xia Li just stretched out his hand, condensing a spiritual energy ball similar to that of the red-haired boy in his hand.

The Shinigami responsible for the detection looked at the spiritual power group in front of him and said in a calm tone.

"Excellent, next one." (End of chapter)

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