"Don't worry, Cai Qian and I are also involved in editing." Qi Mo gave an OK gesture, and his eyes never left the TV.

Zheng Quzhi felt relieved as soon as he heard it. With such a protector like Cai Qian, how could it be possible to put out something that is not good for Wei Yan's image.

One program is one hour and thirty minutes, and he has a lot of shots. Zheng Quzhi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Where did the show crew install a hidden camera? He didn't even know the fuck?

Even the power outage was recorded by the camera when they thought there was no surveillance. Seeing himself full of swear words and his head against a bird's nest, Zheng Quzhi was silent.

Fortunately, he is not the only one who has no image. Seeing Wu Keyou's impatient and arrogant expression, Zheng Quzhi is satisfied, come! Hurt each other, get scolded and chill together!

After watching the show, Zheng Quzhi couldn't help but admire the show crew and post editing.

A chaotic and illogical show was cut into a horror blockbuster. I don't know how to do it. Those ghosts were actually filmed. In many places that Zheng Quzhi didn't find, the two female ghosts wandered around one after another, with the terrifying and eerie background music. Zheng Quzhi felt a little scary.

And the self inside was also marked as the elder brother with leadership style, and escaped from the murder house with others.

After watching the show, Zheng Quzhi realized that he and Lin Niansi had follow-ups after they left. Zhu Yue and Wu Keyou, who didn't know when they woke up, found a lot of clues, and finally pieced together to really understand the story.

At the end of the program, the haunted house was introduced and the story was explained in detail. Sure enough, the daughter is not a good thing, and has a tendency to abuse others. The master put the female student in the house as a **** slave. One day when he went to class, he came back and found that the daughter had beaten the female student to death.

The owner was angry and angry, and said a few words to his daughter. The daughter actually took the sledgehammer while the owner was sleeping and killed the owner of the house. Then the daughter did not hold the hammer firmly for a while, and she was killed by the hammer.

After that, the house moved into several families.

But every night I can hear the sound of the hammer dragging on the ground, and occasionally I can hear the whip and the crying of women.

At the end of the show, Zheng Quzhi got up and greeted them: "It's all right, it's over, go to bed early!"

"Hey, our husband is really handsome." Qi Lin sighed, lowering his head.

"Ahhhh, people are also on the show..." Zhuzhu covered her face.

Hearing this, Zheng Quzhi rolled his eyes and said in the show that the children were arranged by them, so he was like Mingjing in his heart. They arranged? How is it possible? It seems that Wei Yan is really hard at the backstage. Not only can he participate in editing, but he can even change the content and the truth.

He doesn’t have a lot of shots, and there are not a lot of hatreds. The previous program released a preview of his quarrel with Lin Niansi for publicity and program effects. Now that the program is down, he and Lin Niansi seem to be related. It's pretty good, it completely broke the rumor that was out of line.

The most terrible thing is that Lin Niansi still said in the show that he is his fan... Zheng Quzhi shuddered, is Lin Niansi his fan? Stop joking, okay? Lin Niansi didn't even need his face for the effect of the show, tut...

"There are still tidbits!" Luo Xintong shouted suddenly.

Tidbits? Is this also a tidbit?

Zheng Quzhi looked over and saw Zhuzhu dressed up like a little angel, holding a microphone about the size of her face, and visiting his brothers and sisters in the hospital one by one.

Watching himself in a coma and a few other people who were smiling amiably and nicely lying in front of the camera talking about their feelings after participating in the show, Zheng Quzhi twitched his mouth and stared at Zhuzhu: "You can't wait for me to wake up. Find me?"

"Ahhh, people are in a hurry!" Zhuzhu narrowed her mouth aggrievedly.

Zheng Quzhi: "..."

After watching the show, Zheng Quzhi hid himself in the room and swiped Weibo. I just didn't comment on them, pretending that I didn't care about it, and I was actually irritated. I wanted to go online to see how many followers I lost and how many followers I gained.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I posted on Weibo, I found that I had gained tens of thousands of followers, and it was still increasing.

Looking at the Weibo post of "A Strange House" that I reposted at night, all of them are Lin Niansi's fans? ? ? Those who apologize, those who eat melons, those who express their gratitude to their husbands for taking care of their husbands, Aitlin Niansi...everything...

Zheng Quzhi put his tongue on his cheek, and sent a private message to Lin Niansi:

"what's wrong with you?"

Lin Niansi replied very quickly: "What's the matter?"

This kid...Zheng Quzhi hey, this person is quite confused! Suddenly bowed his head again and started typing: "If I haven't seen you in a few days, you will become my fan?"


There was movement at the door, Zheng Quzhi raised his eyes and looked over, only then did he remember that he had forgotten to lock the door again.

"Why haven't you slept yet?" Zheng Quzhi raised his eyebrows and didn't see Wei Yan while watching TV. He thought he would have gone to rest early. After all, it was not too early.

Wei Yan fastened the door slowly, and walked towards Zheng Quzhi with his thin gray blanket: "Miss you."

Zheng Qu knew his face was embarrassed, and continued to lower his head to swipe Weibo, and said in a low voice, "You want to be shameless?"

See you when you look down, miss him? Guixin... Suddenly, Zheng Quzhi's gaze is stagnant, are current netizens so careful?

A netizen: "Zheng Quzhi and Mr. Wei seem to be tricky!"

Seeing Zheng Quzhi staring at his mobile phone, Wei Yan looked at him, his eyebrows softened in an instant, and he reached out to like the comment.

"Eh?" Zheng Quzhi was taken aback, then he exploded his hair in an instant, hurriedly canceling the like, "What are you doing!"

Is this **** big? How can I like it! Doesn't this mean to admit? How to do? Maybe no one found him like it?

"She guessed right." Wei Yan went to bed along the way, "Should we not encourage her?"

Zheng Quzhi curled his mouth, tucked the quilt, resisting the urge to kick the ice lump out of bed, leaned against Wei Yan, and continued to brush: "I am a public figure, and I have to be careful about many things."

Wei Yan stayed silent and silently covered Zheng Quzhi with a thin blanket.

Perceiving Wei Yan's movements, Zheng Quzhi picked up the blanket and looked at him suspiciously: "Why do you carry it everywhere?" You have to bring it even for the show. How precious is this?

Hearing this, Wei Yan pursed his lips, "I like it."

Zheng Quzhi: "..." Do you know that Wei Yan likes it? Is not this nonsensical?

Wei Yan started to be a little absent-minded, looking at the blanket quietly with his pitch-black eyes, and couldn't help but remember what happened years ago. In the final analysis, the owner of this blanket is Zheng Quzhi.

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