The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 146: Episode [146]: There are big people coming to the scene

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This year's European Footballer Awards Ceremony has been postponed!

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, what's the situation? What happened?

Bian Yuqing and Kelly Fox also looked at each other. Bian Yuqing also asked doubtfully: "What's going on? How could it be postponed for no reason?"

Kylie Fox was very surprised and shook her head constantly.

Yes, Kylie Fox can't figure out what Shamière is doing?

However, there must be something inside!

This may be a news breaking point, and Kylie Fox immediately reached out and signaled: "Go, let's ask in the past and say that we must not hear any internal information!"

Bian Yuqing naturally understood Kylie Fox's thoughts, and she immediately nodded, and then the two immediately walked out of the studio to dig inside information.

However, after they both came out, they were in a state of affairs. There were really too many people with the same thoughts. These media reporters have long been waiting for such an opportunity.

Bian Yuqing said with a bitter smile: "It seems that we are late!"

Kelly Fox frowned slightly, and then sighed, "Sure enough, there are really too many people smarter than you in this world."

Bian Yuqing also nodded slightly, very much agree with this.

You should never think of yourself as the smartest person in the world, because that would make your IQ and EQ both low.

In a broadcasting hall of French TV.

Alex Ferguson also frowned, and asked the assistant, Huilan, "What is the situation? Why was it postponed suddenly? Is there something unexpected?"

Huilan shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't know about this matter. Should I ask?"

Alex Ferguson nodded slightly and said, "It's okay to ask if you don't smell it, after all, it's only half an hour late."

Whelan nodded slightly, then got up and left.

Alex Ferguson looked on the stage, his eyes narrowed in contemplation, is this delay related to the guy Loya?

Now the seats of Zhong Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo and others are empty.

Perhaps Xiaomier got the news from Zhong Cheng there!

However, Zhong Cheng really has such a big face, can they delay the award ceremony?

Alex Ferguson shook his head slightly. A Zhong Cheng was afraid that he would not have such great ability. However, if you add a Cristiano Ronaldo, then you are not sure.

After all, Cristiano Ronaldo is the biggest favorite of European football players this year. If this guy wins the prize and is not on the scene, this will have a great impact on the French Football magazine.

Alex Ferguson seems to have realized it!

It seems that Cristiano Ronaldo's injury is not serious!

At the thought of this, Alex Ferguson relaxed, leaning leisurely on the back of the chair and waiting quietly.

After a while, Whelan returned.

Whelan immediately sat down next to Alex Ferguson, sorted out his suit, and then said: "Boss, we haven't found any news, the tone is tight over there!"

Now in this venue many people are wearing [Zhongcheng suits], and now [Zhongcheng suits] are very, very popular all over the world and are now one of the hottest suit brands. Especially in the British mainland, almost all the men on the British mainland are wearing [Zhong Cheng suits].

Whelan and Alex Ferguson are no exception.

Alex Ferguson nodded slightly and said, "Well, I know, wait, the time is running out!"

People in the studio are talking about the reason why the award ceremony was postponed. This makes the studio look a bit like a vegetable market, noisy and noisy, and endless.

Alex Ferguson ignored his eyes and closed his eyes.

Whelan had originally wanted to say something, but seeing Alex Ferguson's expression, he didn't say anything.

Bian Yuqing and Kelly Fox went out for a little trip before they came back.

Half an hour was not long. When the two returned, the sound in the studio was still quite high. Everyone was talking about this award ceremony.

Of course, there are still many topics in this year's European Football Awards!

For example, the most popular Cristiano Ronaldo's sudden car accident, unable to attend the award ceremony.

There are many things to talk about this issue.

Some people now think a little bit darker, why did Cristiano Ronaldo suddenly encounter a car accident at this time?

Yeah, why didn't this accident happen early or late, but it happened on the day before the awarding ceremony of the European Footballer's Golden Globe Awards?

Does anyone want Cristiano Ronaldo to appear at this awards ceremony?

If that is the case, who is this guy who does not want Cristiano Ronaldo to appear at the awards ceremony?

Many good people are guessing, and some people guess that this must be the job of Cristiano Ronaldo's biggest competitor. Now he can only increase his chances of winning prizes with such dirty and bad means!

There are also speculations that this is the tactics of the people behind some people, this is to warn Cristiano Ronaldo, but also to breathe out, or even directly eliminate a strong opponent, so that no one will dare to compete with them in the future Too.

Others believe that this may be the offense of Cristiano Ronaldo, some people do not want to see the scenery of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Others believe that the car accident was obviously directed at Leeds United. Leeds United was the one who should not have caused it. Cristiano Ronaldo had suffered it for generations.

There are also speculations as to whether the car accident was going to Zhong Cheng, after all, Zhong Cheng had been assassinated many times before. It seems that this time Cristiano Ronaldo really gave others a bag ...

Anyway, at this time, these people in the studio are talking.

Others are talking about why this award ceremony should be postponed? What happened here? Or are they waiting for big names?

There is a lot of noise in the studio now, and there is a lot of talk.

Bian Yuqing and Kylie Fox frowned, and the noise was really annoying.

At this moment, Miss Barbara, the assistant of the chairman of the "French Football" magazine, Xiaomier, was waiting for the VIP at the downstairs gate of the French TV station.

Seeing that the delayed time of 30 minutes is coming, Barbara is also very anxious, looking at the gate to wear!

Suddenly, a convoy came towards the TV station!

When Barbara saw this, she was relieved, and she immediately greeted her colleagues. Now she is welcoming these people on behalf of her boss Xiaomier, and she cannot lose the gift.

While the media reporters waiting outside saw the rush of the mighty convoy, everyone was stunned. Is it really a big man?

Yes, not all media reporters are eligible to enter the studio. Many media reporters have to stay outside and get some gossip. Or wait for the award ceremony to end and see if you can interview some big people!

And now they even see big men attack, which is fortunate than the well-known reporters who entered the studio. They got the first move.

Now these media reporters are rushing up, want to see what the **** is this?

At this time, the security personnel who had been waiting for the TV station immediately stepped forward to build a line of defense so that the media reporters would not hit the VIP.

At the same time, the doors of several cars in the car were opened. About ten bodyguards in black walked down, and immediately came to the two most important cars to protect the big men in the car.

At this time, Barbara greeted her with her colleagues immediately.

The door of the car was opened by the bodyguard. The media reporters at the scene held the camera and aimed at the door. They wanted to record the video of the big man coming to the scene.

Suddenly, all the media reporters were taken aback, eyes wide open!

Because they saw who came down from the car? This really shocked them.

It was actually the chairman and head coach of the Leeds United, Zhong Cheng, and the number one star of the Leeds United, Cristiano Ronaldo.

The media reporters at the scene were stunned. Cristiano Ronaldo was being treated at the St. James Hospital in Leeds, was his life dying? How did it appear here?

Is it true that Cristiano Ronaldo's car accident was false?

The media reporters shook their heads immediately, but they saw the scene of the accident. This accident was definitely not fake. That is to say, Cristiano Ronaldo had a car accident, but the injury was not as serious as the generals imagined. Now Cristiano Ronaldo has been discharged safely.

Seeing this, the media reporters on the scene were very excited and excited. This is super news!

These media reporters immediately rushed up frantically, wanting to interview Zhong Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo, they had too many questions to ask.

However, the security personnel and bodyguards on the scene did not give these media reporters any opportunity.

Barbara came to Zhong Cheng and extended her right hand towards Zhong Cheng, saying: "Welcome to France, Mr. Zhong Cheng, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

After speaking, she extended her right hand to Cristiano Ronaldo to welcome her.

Zhong Cheng said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Miss Barbara, there were some accidents on the way. It's too much trouble for you, it's hard for you to do it!"

Barbara smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Loya is too polite! These are accidents, aren't you? The best news is that you can come."

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, the generosity of Barbara and others made Zhong Cheng like a spring breeze.

Barbara immediately said: "Now our chairman Mr. Xiaomier is waiting for you, he knows that you are very happy to come, now let's go together!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and then led Cristiano Ronaldo and others into the TV station building following Barbara. The media reporters behind them are crazy and busy, and the news that Zhong Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo appeared at the UEFA awards ceremony was sent out for the first time!

They firmly believe that this news will definitely cause a huge sensation once it is spread! They were very excited, as if they saw a beautiful picture of their promotion and salary increase.

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