The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 189: Episode [189]: God-given opportunity, I must take it

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Sunny weather in Carrington training base, Manchester, England!

In the head coach's office, there was a group of people!

Drunk nose old man Alex Ferguson sat in the middle and looked at his assistants.

Huilan first said, "Boss, do you think these reports are true?"

Alex Ferguson said with a smile: "Hahaha! Whelan you are in love! Whether this is true or not, this is a godsend for us."

Yes, to Alex Ferguson, it doesn't matter whether this is true or not. What is important is the impact this incident has on Leeds United. Alex Ferguson believes that even if Leeds United is a piece of iron, some other players will definitely have some ideas in their hearts!

Why is a newcomer able to represent Leeds United? Instead of them the old people of Leeds United representing Leeds United?

And they may not be new to Cristiano Ronaldo!

After all, Leeds United's players are very young and young, and the newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and no one is convinced. Not to mention a new guy, their hearts will definitely be upset.

Didn't a crack occur at this time? Isn't their chance for Manchester United coming?

Yes, this is the power of this rumor!

Maybe many people can know that this report is definitely false, but they will also think about this aspect. Many people actually live as a devil called "ambition".

Some people can control this devil well, while others will be gradually devoured by this devil.

Now that someone has awakened the devil in the hearts of Leeds players, now it depends on who will defeat the devil and who will become the captive of the devil!

The Manchester United coaches are not fools, they naturally understand what Alex Ferguson means, and both eyes are bright.

At this moment, Huilan immediately asked: "Boss, what do you say we should do?"

Alex Ferguson immediately said: "Are our opponents not Leeds United this weekend? This is a good opportunity God has given us. At that time, you will find someone to contact the Leeds United players. I hope that in the summer we will Some players join our Manchester United team! "

Hui Lan and others all nodded and said they understood.

At this time, Alex Ferguson suddenly said: "The main thing is to contact Evra. Our club needs players like him very much now, you know?"

Hui Lan and others immediately nodded and said, "Relax, boss, we must complete the task!"

━━━Split line ━━━

Kearney Training Base, London, England, light rain!

Arsenal head coach Arsenal Wenger is quietly standing on the sidelines, watching the training of players on the pitch.

The situation of the Arsenal team this season is not very good, the results are also very bad, have not yet reached the Champions League qualification zone, Arsene Wenger's pressure is very, very great.

Now Arsenal fans and club executives have some opinions on him!

After all, the Arsenal team has not had a championship for so many years, and the main thing is that they can't even qualify for the Champions League. Many people now have lost confidence in him.

Now when playing in the Emirates Stadium, Arsene Wenger can hear the sound of "Winger OUT"!

Arsene Wenger knows his current situation, so he is serious about leading the team, hoping to achieve good results this season, and give everyone a satisfactory answer. Pat Rice came to Arsene Wenger.

Arsene Wenger turned to look at Pat Rice, who was wearing glasses, and asked, "Is this clear?"

Pat Rice immediately shook his head and said, "It's not clear yet who is behind this thing. But I think it's good for our Arsenal team!"

Arsene Wenger also nodded slightly!

Obviously Arsene Wenger agrees with Pat Rice very much. However, for not being able to dig out behind the scenes, Arsene Wenger still feels a bit pity.

Arsene Wenger immediately asked: "Are there any big moves from other clubs?"

Pat Rice said with a smile and said, "Unexpectedly, many clubs can't help but pounce on them, like a group of hungry wolves, as if to tear up the Leeds United!

Arsene Wenger said: "The Leeds United is a big treasure. Now that they have a problem inside themselves, haven't they given outsiders the chance to kill them?"

Pat Rice also nodded slightly and said, "Yeah, this is a godsend!"

Pat Rice stared at Arsene Wenger with anticipation, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Arsene Wenger smiled and said, "God gives me a good opportunity. If I don't take it, I will be condemned! Loya, you can't blame me!"

Pat Rice heard a joy in his heart and immediately said, "Boss, I know what to do, I'll do it!"

With that said, Pat Rice turned immediately to get busy.

"Well, wait a minute!" Arsene Wenger suddenly reached out and stopped Pat Rice, who was about to leave.

Pat Rice turned immediately, staring at Arsene Wenger in doubt.

Arsene Wenger said immediately: "Look at the news from Manchester United, what kind of action does Alex Ferguson have, will you destroy it in due course?"

Pat Rice nodded firmly and said, "I see, boss!"

Arsene Wenger then nodded with satisfaction and reached out to Pat Rice! Pat Rice then turned and strode away, leaving to go busy.

Arsene Wenger slowly turned around and looked at the court, saying in her heart: "Who will be the face of Kearney training base today? I am really looking forward to it!"

━━━Split line ━━━

St. Loya Training Centre, Leeds, England, cloudy!

Zhong Cheng sat serious in his office with a frown.

In front of Zhong Cheng are Albertini, Canales, David Seaman and Mark Pias. The atmosphere at the scene was very serious and dull.

The problems that Leeds United are facing are very serious!

Don't underestimate these rumors, it is often these humble rumors that hurt the most.

A small rumor can easily ruin a woman's innocence, a small rumor can cause a catastrophic financial crisis, and a small rumor can even easily cause a war between the two countries ...

Therefore, many people at Leeds United Club now know that these are some false rumors, but it is impossible to avoid popular sentiment!

Many things have been picked out and put on the bright side!

Many people may not have thought about these issues before, but now they are in front of them. Is Leeds United now a Cristiano Ronaldo's team ...

If Zhong Cheng were to make a choice between Cristiano Ronaldo and them, who would Zhong Cheng choose?

No one wants to be a vassal of others, and other players also think they are the true emperor. Why must Leeds be Cristiano Ronaldo alone ...

Thought is the most complicated thing and the simplest thing!

Many people are just a glutton, and many people are quizzical, can't guess, can't understand!

Zhong Cheng has already held a conference within the club to unify the minds of the Leeds United players, so that the players of the Leeds United team should not think wildly. Zhong Cheng said eloquently: "Leeds is not a team of one person, this is a whole, everyone is equally important!"

Moreover, Zhong Cheng has made it clear that this season Leeds United have a great goal, that is, the Champions League champion.

For this championship, these players of Leeds United have been struggling for many years, should they give up like this?

Zhong Cheng even made it clear: "No matter who wants to leave at the end of the season, please push these things to the end of the season. Now everyone is going to work hard and go all out to fight for the European championship and let those minds float People put a perfect end to their Leeds career, don't let their youth be in vain! "

Yes, Zhong Cheng has made the worst plan now!

Zhong Cheng knows that he is not the **** of this world. He can't control everyone's mind, but he knows that there must be someone in Leeds United's lineup who wants to leave.

Now Zhong Cheng can't stop these, he also shows that he will not stop those who want to leave.

However, the premise is that during the rest of the season everyone must give full play to their best form and strength to fight, otherwise he doesn't mind letting everyone be Elavi's second!

Now, most of these players in Leeds United have contracts with Leeds United for several years, so if Zhong Chengzhen pressed them on the bench of the reserve team for several years, they really are called Not every day.

Therefore, these players of Leeds United have bowed their heads, expressing reassurance to Zhong Cheng that they will definitely go all out this season to win the Champions League.

Yes, Zhong Cheng used the crisis instead to unify the team's thinking, so that the team's morale has taken it to a higher level. It is logical to say that this has turned bad things into good things.

However, the members of Leeds United's coaching staff were unhappy.

Originally, if their Leeds United team continues to develop, it will be a very, very powerful team in the next few years or even ten years, and may be able to dominate the Premier League.

However, these foundations may now collapse at the end of the season and many people will leave. Although the youth team of Leeds United has a lot of talented young stars, but they are too young and do not have the years of Premier League experience with these Leeds United players.

To be honest, although the players of this Leeds United team are also very young, but after years of experience accumulating in the Premier League championship, it should be time for them to bear fruit.

However, now they are collapsing when they are about to be released temporarily, which is really very sad.

Therefore, the mood of the Leeds United coaches will be so low now.

Zhong Cheng suddenly patted the table and said, "Okay, put down your emotions. Next we have to face Manchester United. This game must not be lost, otherwise we have to bid farewell to the league champion this season. Top priority! "

The Leeds United's coaching staff immediately stood up and growled loudly: "I see, boss!"

Zhong Cheng immediately waved his hand and summoned everyone to meet to discuss how to deal with the weekend's league with Manchester United.

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