The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 228: Episode [228]: Why, why is this?

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For a minute, Ricardo Cavalli felt that his heart had stopped suddenly!

He was ready to be hit by a giant truck. His eyes closed and his teeth gritted looked incomparably brave, as if the gods were extraordinary!

With a bang, Ricardo Carvalho heard a loud noise, but he felt no shock from his body, only feeling a wind blowing in his ear.

Suddenly, the experienced Ricardo Carvalho understood that he was cheated.

Ricardo Carvalho opened his eyes immediately. Sure enough, there was Cristiano Ronaldo in front of him. He slightly tilted his head and saw Cristiano Ronaldo beside him, then excitedly raised his fists. , Jumped excitedly.

Ricardo Carvalho was distressed, although he didn't know what was going on. But one thing, he was very, very clear, their Chelsea team lost the ball.

Ricardo Carvalho was very uncomfortable and extremely sad.

Ricardo Carvalho used to think he was very brave and fearless. He came up at a time when he was confident that he could hold everything.

But now he understands that he is not as strong and brave as he imagined!

Just took it, Ricardo Carvalho still lost to his heart. He thought he would stare wide and wait fiercely for Cristiano Ronaldo, fearlessly meeting Cristiano Ronaldo's collision.

Unfortunately, he still dodged and closed his eyes.

For a central defender, closing his eyes in his own restricted area will undoubtedly raise his hands on the battlefield and surrender.

Ricardo Carvalho blamed himself, lowering his high head.

Hey! Ricardo Carvalho sighed lonely, as if how old he was instantly!

"Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal ..." Eddie Gray immediately roared with excitement, the sound was that the Leeds United fans in front of the TV were unusually excited and excited, and followed suit.

"Pretty, perfect! Leeds United will never compromise!" Eddie Gray growled wildly.

The fans of the Chelsea team on the spot were aggressive, staring closely at the stadium, their faces were a bit ugly. Of course, even more ugly is Chelsea's head coach Van Gaal, and his worry is still happening.

Ricardo Carvalho is responsible for this lost ball!

If in normal times, Ricardo Carvalho would not have such a situation at all, they would definitely go straight up. However, just before the incident of Eddinson Cavani, Ricardo Carvalho was still shocked in his heart.

Ricardo Carvalho is the same. What about the other Chelsea players?

Van Gaal really didn't dare to think too much. He immediately came to the sidelines and loudly reminded the Chelsea players on the court that they were more focused and more actionful.

Yes, Van Gaal is asking Chelsea players to move more. What fears at this time? Just do it!

"Two to two, the Leeds United team equalized the score. Now the total score is three to five. The Leeds United team is only two goals behind. As long as the Leeds United team equalized the total score, the Leeds United team will advance by the road. Because of the many goals, they advanced to the semi-finals. So, Leeds United have a chance! "Mark Lawrence said.

Now the scale of the victory has tilted towards Leeds United, Leeds United is now going to force.

Zhong Cheng was constantly on the sidelines to reach out and direct, to signal the players of Leeds United to step up their pressure and move more. At this time, the Chelsea people were a bit timid. Such opportunities are rare, and the Leeds must seize the opportunity.

After receiving the request, the Leeds players were fearless and attacked frantically.

Yes, the players of Leeds United are very, very strong, and the pressure is very strong. The Chelsea players are a bit flinching. During this time, Leeds United was in control of the pace of the game.

"Left, left!" Gareth Bell raised his hand for the ball!

Luka Modric directly obliquely passed the football diagonally, Chelsea's full-back immediately rushed up, this time still Paul Ferreira!

Gareth Bell and Cristiano Ronaldo switched frequently, besieging Paul Ferreira.

Gareth Bell originally wanted to rush forward and break through Paul Ferrera directly. However, they saw Diego Milito forward, and Gareth Bell immediately slanted the football into the penalty area, and the football quickly rolled towards Diego Milito.

And Gareth Bell immediately moved laterally, killing the past quickly towards the middle!

Diego Milito slammed the football directly with his heels, and the football quickly rolled towards Gareth Bell, who moved laterally.

"Dangerous, Chelsea dangerously!" The London Sports commentator growled in panic immediately.

Gareth Bell, who moved across, gently smoothed the football to the middle, straightly lifted his right leg, pulled out an arc, and quickly shot the football towards the upper right corner of the goal.

"Shot, Gareth Bell shot from a long corner!" Eddie Gray growled excitedly.

"Leeds Leeds Leeds, Leeds United!" The fans of Leeds United were roaring excitedly, screaming wildly, and waving flags fearlessly!

All the Leeds United fans on the scene are united and united!

All Leeds United fans have gathered together to cheer for Leeds United, Leeds United has a huge momentum.

The Chelsea fans did not give up, they also shouted neatly: "Chelsea! Chelsea will never give up!"

With a snap, the football was flung by Peter Cech, and the football flew out of the bottom line.

"Corner kick, Leeds United got a corner kick, Chelsea are in danger." Mark Lawrence said immediately, Chelsea fans at the scene were tight.

"Luca! Luka Modric appeared in front of the corner. He approached and passed directly to the back point ... dangerous, Chelsea are dangerous ... Kompany!" Eddie Gray jumped straight up , Growling excitedly.

"Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal ..." Eddie Gray growled frantically. "Kompani, Kompany came with a Tarzan top, the football smashed into Chelsea's goal, three to two, Leeds United overtake , The total score is four to five! "

Eddie Gray is really too excited, this second half of the game is really a sudden change!

All the Leeds United fans at the scene jumped excitedly, their faces were ecstatic, they saw the hope of victory, they cheered wildly.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. In the 22nd minute of the second half, Leeds United scored again. Within ten minutes, Leeds United scored two goals in a row and recovered the disadvantage instantly. This time Chelsea People are nervous, because there are more than twenty minutes left in this game, which is enough for Leeds United to score another goal. Chelsea is very dangerous! "Mark Lawrence said.

The fans of the Chelsea team at the scene were very ugly. They seemed to feel a sense of the general situation, and they were very unhappy.

Gerald Krasner and Kevin Blackwell in the stands were directly aggressive, and it was not clear what was going on? How could this suddenly turn into a good situation?

Gerald Krasner looked blank!

Isn't the endless lunatic Loya? God, why is this happening? why?

Gerald Krasner's eyes staring at Zhong Cheng on the sidelines are full of resentment. Why is this always the case and why?

Why help Loya every time?

Gerald Klasner was going crazy when he saw this. At the same time, their hearts are also madly attacking Chelsea, the **** garbage team, Nimatama can be slightly normal, I really did not expect that you are such a garbage team!

Gerald Krasner's heart is spurting Chelsea indefinitely.

Now they really want to cry without tears, their hearts are filled with endless anger!

On the sidelines, Van Gaal's mood was actually not much better. His eyes were staring at the stadium tightly, and his heart was incredible. How could this be the case?

Van Gaal could not accept failure, and they have not failed yet.

Van Gaal immediately rushed to the sidelines and snarled frantically at the court: "Everyone cheers me up, moves, and moves a little bit bigger, what are you afraid of? What are you afraid of? With them, yeah, yeah, yeah in the end?"

The Chelsea players are indeed a bit afraid, which can be well reflected in some half goals. The Leeds are extremely fierce, do not flinch, and are very big.

The Chelsea players are a bit timid, they don't want to be like Edinson Cavani.

Faced with the mad dog-like rush of the Leeds United, they are really a bit afraid, so now the Chelsea club is very, very passive on the scene, the scale of victory has been tilted towards the Leeds United.

Many Chelsea fans in the stands can't stand it anymore, Chelsea has been abused!

In the VIP box on the stand, Abramovich's face turned blue, his eyes were about to spit fire. He never thought that he would see such a bad game today.

At the same time, Abramovich also felt that Van Gaal was no longer suitable for Chelsea's head coach. The Chelsea team should not be like this. The Chelsea team has no fear. The Chelsea people should treat death as home. This is not the Chelsea he wants!

On the pitch, the Leeds United team was madly pressed and attacked madly!

"Come, come, Leeds United's offense is here again!" Mark Lawrence said immediately.

"Cristiano Ronaldo, he was very tough on the sidewalk, he broke through ... he broke into the penalty zone ... Chelsea was dangerous ... pretty! Ah, beautiful cross, Diego Millito, he Jumping up ... "Eddie Gray growled frantically.

"Heading the goal, beautiful header!" Mark Lawrence also growled with excitement.

"Oh! It's a pity that the football was forced to be caught by Cech. Unfortunately, it's a pity that Leeds United almost equalized the score. It's really a pity. However, there is still time. , Leeds United continue to say so, Leeds United will win today! "Eddie Gray said immediately.

Mark Lawrence also slightly nodded and said: "Yes, Chelsea will be in danger if we continue this way."

The atmosphere in the stadium was very tense. Everyone on the scene was watching the game with great attention. It was very thrilling. Many people turned their heads and didn't dare to watch it, especially the Chelsea fans.

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