The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 274: Episode [274]: I already have some ideas

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There are thousands of miles of blue sky, the breeze is blowing slowly, and the sun is shining!

Zhong Cheng stared at the branches blowing in the wind outside the window, stunned!

came back!

Yes, Zhong Cheng is back, back to reality.

Now Zhong Cheng feels a little confused. Is it true here now, or is that **** desert island escape a reality?

Zhong Cheng sometimes feels that he should have been reborn to the **** desert island to escape, but now is the real dreamland at this time, in order to give himself various skills, and then escape to the desert island ...

Not long ago, he was still struggling with whether to go to the police station. He returned without thinking about it.

However, this is okay. He has more time to consider whether he should go to the police station.

Because Zhong Cheng looked at the map carefully, he is now at the edge of the village, and the police station is on the other side of the village.

And the edge of this **** destiny circle is exactly where he is now, and it is still away from the police station. In other words, the police division is outside the safe area and not too close.

More importantly, it was marked as the first bombing zone!

This is not the same as the game in the next generation. Once you enter the bombing area, it is almost equivalent to death. Unless you are very, very, very lucky, you will survive to the extreme.

Of course, Zhong Cheng can also go to the police district after the bombing.

But if it is delayed, who knows if the police station will be razed to the ground and the lance inside will be blown up? The main thing is that after being bombed, it wo n’t be restored like in later games, but it will be very withered, the temperature will be very high, and the main thing is that the construction area should be a fire.

Therefore, after being bombed, the police station should be worthless.

More importantly, even after the police station was safe and sound after the bombing, Zhong Cheng went to get a lance and I'm afraid he would encounter a gas attack!

Now Zhong Cheng does not have a gas mask at all, nor has he found a poison remedy.

If Zhong Cheng is going to the police station, shut up and reach the police station before the bombing is done, and then find a car to leave quickly, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Now, Zhong Cheng must consider carefully whether he should go to the police station.

OK, now Zhong Cheng has a long time to think, Zhong Cheng can think more.

Of course, Zhong Cheng himself did not know when it would be the next time he appeared on the desert island to escape.

Before entering next time, Zhong Cheng must make a decision, because time is not waiting for everyone, every minute is very important.

Ding Dong Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang, and Zhong Cheng got up slightly, left his room, and went out.

In the lobby, Zhong Cheng saw that Julia Oliveira had picked up the doorbell phone.

Upon hearing the voice, Julia Oliveira turned her head immediately and saw Zhong Cheng. She immediately said, "It's Christie outside!"

Zhong Cheng froze, wondering: "Chris?"

Julia Oliveira smiled and said, "Cristiano Ronaldo, and ... his agent!"

Zhong Cheng froze again, what is the situation, hasn't Leeds United been on holiday? Cristiano Ronaldo should have left Leeds and returned to Portugal to accompany her mother at this time, or go on vacation, why did she come here!

And his agent followed!

Seeing that Zhong Cheng was silent, Julia Oliveira immediately reminded: "When Jorge Mendes!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and of course he knew that Cristiano Ronaldo's agent was Jorge Mendes. He was just a little surprised why this guy is looking for himself now, does Cristiano Ronaldo want to transfer and leave?

Zhong Cheng immediately said, "Go meet them and let them in!"

Julia Oliveira nodded slightly, then dropped the doorbell phone and opened the door.

Zhong Cheng thought, came to the sofa and sat down, took the tea cup on the tea machine and poured himself a cup of tea.

At this time, Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes came together. There were only two possibilities. One was a raise and the other was a transfer.

Except for these two possibilities, Zhong Cheng couldn't think of why these two people came to find themselves.

Zhong Cheng is thinking now, which of these two possibilities is bigger!

Now there are many rumors about the transfer of Cristiano Ronaldo. Because Real Madrid President Florentino has stated publicly many times that he wants to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo, which is also his promise to Real Madrid fans by his election as the chairman of Real Madrid.

Now it is rumored that Florentino is willing to pay Cristiano Ronaldo a transfer fee of 80 million pounds, and more importantly, Real Madrid is willing to give Cristiano Ronaldo the world's highest salary of 14 million euros.

This condition is definitely not given by Leeds United. Although Zhong Cheng is very rich, he certainly will not let the salary structure of Leeds United rise suddenly so much, because such a salary structure is not safe and there will be hidden dangers. Very very many.

This is Real Madrid's biggest advantage now.

And Florentino also stated publicly that he wants to build a new Galaxy battleship!

This is another attraction for Cristiano Ronaldo, indicating that Real Madrid's strength will also be strong in the future. If Cristiano Ronaldo chooses Real Madrid, he can not only make money, but also get all the honors.

Therefore, this should still be very attractive to Cristiano Ronaldo.

More importantly, many media in the middle of last season reported that some players of the Leeds United team were dissatisfied with Cristiano Ronaldo, and these were also Leeds' meritorious players. This may make Cristiano Ronaldo interested.

Another thing is that Cristiano Ronaldo has already won the Champions League title in Leeds United. This is already the highest honor he can get in Leeds United. Everyone guesses that he has no motivation to stay?

So, now these media reporters are clapping their chests to ensure that Cristiano Ronaldo will definitely transfer to Leeds United.

As for whether to go to Real Madrid, everyone can not guarantee.

Because now the club chasing Cristiano Ronaldo is not only the Real Madrid family, but also Chelsea, Inter Milan and Bayern Munich.

This summer, the whole thing gave people a feeling of floating hearts. It felt that many people couldn't stay and wanted to move their nests. There were many rumors of transfers from the outside world.

Zhong Cheng thinks that Cristiano Ronaldo is likely to come for this matter.

Of course, Zhong Cheng is more willing to believe that Cristiano Ronaldo came for a raise, because Cristiano Ronaldo has not completed his commitment to himself, and has not yet become Maradona of Leeds United.

Just then, Julia Oliveira came with Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes, and they were followed by several Jorge Mendes staff.

Seeing this, Zhong Cheng was relieved, it seems that Cristiano Ronaldo did not mean to leave. Because, Zhong Cheng knows what the staff who came from Jorge Mendes came to do, they should come to amend the new contract between Leeds United and Cristiano Ronaldo. Because when Leeds United originally introduced Cristiano Ronaldo to talk about the contract, it was these people.

Zhong Cheng immediately got up, looked at them with a smile, greeted him, stretched out his right hand, and said, "Chris, Mr. Jorge, it's been a long time!"

Cristiano Ronaldo stretched out his right hand, took advantage of Zhong Cheng's advantage, and said, "It's been a long time, boss!"

Jorge Mendes also shook hands with Zhong Cheng and said, "Mr. Loya, long time no see!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, then immediately signaled: "Come here, please sit down!"

At this time, Julia Oliveira turned directly to prepare coffee for Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes.

Jorge Mendes said immediately: "I'm sorry, Mr. Loya. We took the liberty to bother you, and hope not to disturb your holiday plan!"

Zhong Cheng immediately shook his head and said, "Of course not! My holiday plan has not started yet!"

Jorge Mendes immediately smiled and said, "That's good, I thought we were not here!"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "What do you call here today?"

Jorge Mendes said immediately: "Ou, look, I have forgotten, I haven't congratulated you yet, Mr. Loya. Congratulations on your winning the Champions League, great!"

Zhong Cheng said, "Thank you, Mr. Jorge!"

Jorge Mendes said immediately; "Now that Leeds is already the Champions League champion, I think Chris' salary is a bit incompatible with that of the Champions League. What do you think, Mr. Loya? "

After that, both Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes stared at Zhong Cheng.

This is already a rule not to become, Jorge Mendes thinks Zhong Cheng should be prepared for this. Otherwise, he will not be a good head coach.

Zhong Cheng immediately nodded and said, "It's true, I'm thinking about it recently!"

Hearing Zhong Cheng's words, Cristiano Ronaldo was relieved. To be honest, he doesn't want to leave Leeds United yet, because he thinks the future that Zhong Cheng gave him can be completed, and here he will become a generation legend!

It hasn't become a legend yet, how can he leave?

Jorge Mendes' response was mediocre, because he was not worried at all, because now Cristiano Ronaldo is a sought-after product, that is, it is not convenient for Zilian here. They still have a lot of ways to go. Much better than Leeds United right now.

Yes, Jorge Mendes thinks that Liz United is not a good match for Cristiano Ronaldo, but he still respects Cristiano Ronaldo's own ideas, so Cristiano Ronaldo came to Liz United .

Jorge Mendes said immediately, "Do you have any ideas now?"

Zhong Cheng glanced at Jorge Mendes, then nodded slightly, and said, "I do have some ideas!"

Jorge Mendes smiled and nodded, and said, "Then I'm interested in hearing your thoughts!"

Cristiano Ronaldo also looked up at Zhong Cheng. He hoped that Zhong Cheng would not let him down. In this case, he could still stay in Leeds United, otherwise ...

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