The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 278: Episode [278]: There are many problems in introducing the DC Emperor

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The problem of labor certification is very serious.

Diego Costa has never entered the Brazilian national team, and even the youth teams at all levels have not been selected. He is a person with no national team experience. There is simply no way to obtain an English labor certificate through formal means. There are only two ways before him.

The first is to get Spanish nationality.

Obviously, this is also very, very difficult!

The conditions for obtaining Spanish citizenship are very harsh. Either one of your parents was born in Spain, or you were born in Spain, or have lived in Spain legally for more than five years, or have lived in Spain legally for two years. Andorra, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, Portuguese or Hispanic descent, orphans born in Spain with uncertain parental relations, orphans adopted by a Spaniard who are not over 18 years of age, or live legally with Spain for one year Spaniards get married ...

Anyway, to join Spanish citizenship is very complicated!

Diego Costa has only been in Spain for two years, and it is difficult to apply to join the Spanish national team through the number of years of residence.

For Diego Costa, there are only two operable ones. One is to let his parents who are far away in Brazil check the genealogy to see if their ancestors are of Portuguese or Hispanic descent.

This one can actually be forged, but if found, the consequences are endless!

The second is that Diego Costa quickly got a Spanish girl to marry, and then was able to join Spanish citizenship. The second one is obviously to be a lot safer.

However, this second one concerns Diego Costa's private life, and maybe Diego Costa will not do it.

Regarding Diego Costa's Spanish citizenship, these are the two best practices at the moment.

Jorge Mendes briefed Zhong Cheng on the conditions for applying for Spanish citizenship. In fact, the application for Spanish citizenship was more complicated than what Jorge Mendes concluded, because there are other Ancillary conditions.

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly: "That said, Diego Costa can hardly get Spanish citizenship now?"

Jorge Mendes immediately nodded and said, "It's really difficult to take the legal way. Of course, we have one of them!"

Zhong Cheng certainly knew which one Jorge Mendes was talking about!

Zhong Cheng immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, that's too much trouble, and we will be implicated in the Leeds United team, false forgery is not good!"

Hearing Zhong Cheng say this, Jorge Mendes nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhong Cheng.

Cristiano Ronaldo suddenly said: "Boss, in fact, we can take a special channel. Each Premier League team can apply for a special genius clause every year. Through the application of special genius, Diego can eliminate the need for labor certification Can join us! "

Jorge Mendes also nodded immediately, so did he!

Of course, if Costa Costa can get special genius clauses, none of the above questions are problems.

However, the premise is that it is difficult for Diego Costa to apply for special genius clauses.

On the one hand, Diego Costa has reached the age of 20, and on the other, Diego Costa has not achieved a particularly amazing performance so far.

Almost all of them who got special genius regulations were younger and had their own representatives.

And Diego Costa doesn't now!

If it were, Diego Costa could hardly pass the application for special genius regulations.

Zhong Cheng told Jorge Mendes the conditions for the application of special genius regulations, and then said, "In short, the special genius regulations are very difficult to pass. Previously, Luka Modric almost failed to pass, Yaya Tu Ray also failed, and Diego Costa was almost impossible! "

Jorge Mendes said: "Mr. Loya, you may have underestimated your influence. I think we have hope for the application of special genius regulations!"

Zhong Cheng stared at Jorge Mendes without saying a word.

Jorge Mendes said immediately: "Who in the world football today doesn't know that your Mr. Loya unearthed the eyes of young talented players? All the young players you have previously discovered have become talents. People who value you Explain that he is a genius star, and you have testified for Diego Costa, I believe the English Football always has to consider it! "

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly, Jorge Mendes still underestimated the FA, and also misunderstood the relationship between himself and the FA!

The relationship between himself and the FA is not as good as Jorge Mendes imagined.

Jorge Mendes also said: "And my Jorge Mendes also has some status in world football. Young people who we both value at the same time can also be called young talents."

Cristiano Ronaldo nodded aside, agreeing with Jorge Mendes.

Jorge Mendes continued: "At that time, I'm looking for well-known figures such as Jose Mourinho to give Diego Costa a testimonial. I believe the FA will pass through Go Costa's special genius application! "

After saying that Jorge Mendes was staring at Zhong Cheng tightly.

Zhong Cheng is thinking about Jorge Mendes's proposal. To be honest, this special genius regulations says that it is not good to apply or not to apply. It is mainly because of the attitude of the FA that they believe that You are a special genius.

As long as Jorge Mendes is able to secure the FA, Diego Costa's special talent clause is also feasible.

Zhong Cheng slightly bowed his head and said, "Maybe, but it can't be guaranteed to pass, you have to deal with this matter!"

Jorge Mendes immediately nodded and said, "You can rest assured, Mr. Loya, I will take care of the FA!"

Zhong Cheng believed in Jorge Mendes' ability.

Zhong Cheng said: "Since the labor certification problem has been solved, how can I solve the first problem I raised before?"

Jorge Mendes thought for a moment, then said, "Oh! You are talking about this, compared to the second problem, the first problem is much better solved!"

Zhong Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo both looked at Jorge Mendes.

Jorge Mendes immediately said: "At that time, I will first contact Atletico Madrid. Are they not going to sell Diego Costa, I, as Diego Costa's agent, through my relationship to other clubs Recommend Diego Costa, Leeds United will be one of the clubs at that time. It means that Diego Costa is not the player you like in Mr. Loya, but my Jorge Mendes with Cristiano · Ronaldo's relationship sent him to your Leeds United team! "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, which worked.

Jorge Mendes also said: "I will contact the Atletico Madrid at that time, and I will definitely handle this matter!"

When hearing Jorge Mendes said, Zhong Cheng was relieved.

Regarding Costa Costa Zhongcheng is still more valued, this guy has a very good physical fitness, strong impact, ability under the feet and head are good, but also a good comprehensive forward. Of course, the current Diego Costa is still immature to fly, but Zhong Cheng firmly believes that through his own training and the assistance of [Super Football Training System], Diego Costa will grow up quickly, like It was the same as Gerard Pique and Luka Modric.

Jorge Mendes is staring at Zhong Cheng. To be honest, he admires Zhong Cheng very much in training young players. He gave Diego Costa to Zhong Cheng. This is definitely Diego Kos. Tower and his luck.

Now Jorge Mendes is waiting for Zhong Cheng's reply.

Zhong Cheng glanced at Cristiano Ronaldo and glanced at Jorge Mendes.

Yes, Zhong Cheng is very optimistic about Diego Costa, but he doesn't show it on the surface. He wanted to let Jorge Mendes know that he was Diego Costa who had taken it in the face of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Zhong Cheng said: "Yes! We can introduce Diego Costa at our Leeds United club!"

With a smile on Jorge Mendes's face, today's task is successfully completed.

Zhong Cheng continued: "However, in terms of player treatment and player contracts, we may not be too high!"

Jorge Mendes frowned slightly, Zhong Cheng was a reasonable request, but he still wanted to apply for better treatment to Diego Costa.

Jorge Mendes immediately said: "Mr. Loya, Diego is a very promising player!"

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly and glanced at Cristiano Ronaldo again, then said: "In this way, we can give Diego Costa a five-year contract, and I will also assure you that he will have a certain amount in Leeds United every year I will try my best to train him for the playing time. But in terms of player treatment and transfer fees, I may not play too much! "

After speaking, Zhong Cheng settled Jorge Mendes, and left all issues to Jorge Mendes.

Zhong Cheng expressed the meaning that I can see Diego Costa's five-year contract for Cristiano Ronaldo, and guarantee some playing time and try his best to train him. But we will not pay any transfer fees, and the player's annual salary signature fee will be very low.

These questions are now on Jorge Mendes.

Jorge Mendes was a bit misunderstood by Zhong Cheng. He thought that Zhong Cheng did not look at Diego Costa, but in the face of Cristiano Ronaldo, and decided to keep Diego. Costa's.

In Jorge Mendes' view, Diego Costa is the best choice to go to Zhong Cheng.

At this time, it was great that Leeds United could accept Diego Costa.

Zhong Cheng also said: "You also have to run for labor certification. I will give you some help at that time. More, I can't think of you as a guarantee!"

After speaking, Zhong Cheng took a tea cup and took a sip to let Jorge Mendes think about it.

Jorge Mendes was thinking carefully about Zhong Cheng's proposal, and it took a while before he said, "What kind of treatment can your club give Diego?"

Zhong Cheng said bluntly: "Diego Costa came to us at Leeds United, and I can only give him our club's base salary, weekly salary of 10,000 pounds, and according to the big performance every year, the salary increase is 10% -15% , That's what I can offer now. "

Jorge Mendes nodded slightly, and to be honest, the salary was indeed not high. But the salary is higher than the current Diego Costa.

Jorge Mendes took a look at Cristiano Ronaldo, and after careful consideration, he agreed with Zhong Cheng's proposal, but he still gave Diego Costa a try, and eventually raised the salary increase to 12% -20%.

Zhong Cheng signed a letter of intent with Jorge Mendes, and waited for Jorge Mendes to get everything done, and then Diego Costa was able to join Leeds United.

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