The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 290: Episode [290]: The transfer market is about to explode

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On July 1, 2009, the first time the Spanish Real Madrid Club and the French Lyon Club announced at the same time that the young talented striker Karim Benzema of the French Lyon Club officially joined Real Madrid with a transfer fee of 35 million euros. !!

A shocking 35 million euros!

Prior to this, many fans didn't even hear the name, because everyone didn't pay much attention to the Ligue 1 league, and many people thought that this guy came from where it was worth 35 million euros at once?

Of course, some people have heard of this, once the Lyon Gemini!

But everyone really doesn't know how shocking this guy has done. He is worth 35 million euros? This guy is still a young 21 year old!

And according to everyone, Karim Benzema's transfer fee is not worth 35 million Euros, and there are some additional terms. If Karim Benzema completes some additional conditions on the transfer contract, Karim · Benzema's transfer fee can reach 45 million euros.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the transfer.

A lot of people have checked it out, Karim Benzema's performance in the past two seasons. To be honest, Karim Benzema's performance in these two seasons is really good. Last season, he scored 31 goals for Lyon 52 times in all competitions, helping the Lyon team to get the fourth time A champion, he himself also won the best scorer and player of the year in the Ligue 1.

He was only 19 at the time.

Last season, he played in 47 games and scored 23 goals, including 17 goals in the league. The data has declined, but it is still quite powerful.

This is a promising forward, but no one thinks Karim Benzema can handle the transfer fee of 35 million euros, which is simply too high.

If a Karim Benzema can be worth 35 million Euros, or even 45 million Euros, how much are these players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Ibrahimovic?

At first, everyone thought that Ibrahimovic's players were only 30 or 40 million Euros. Now it seems that they are really brains.

Especially when Mark Hughes saw the amount of the transfer, he was stunned.

One Karim Benzema is 35 million Euros, and the rotation of the Shinko Champions League champion can cost 45 million pounds, and he can understand it. Yaya Toure is a recognized talent in European football, at least more than Karim Benzema's reputation, and the honor is much thicker.

Mark Rest suddenly understood what Zhong Cheng meant.

Jose Mourinho naturally saw Zhong Cheng's meaning when he saw this place. Did this guy see it before?

At this time, Carlos Tevez of the Red Devils Manchester United is also seeking a transfer. Carlos Tevez wants to join the Chelsea club, but the Manchester City club has opened up for the MSI Group. Rejected price.

Because now Carlos Tevez's ownership is not here with Manchester United, but in the hands of Carlos Tevez's brokerage company MSI Group, they are naturally recognized by money.

It is said that the Manchester City Club paid them a transfer fee of 30 million pounds. The MSI Group was very enthusiastic and was preparing to send Carlos Tevez to the Manchester City team. But after seeing Karim Benzema's transfer today, they hesitated again, the price was too low!

What's more, Carlos Tevez is much younger than Karim Benzema, has a lot of experience, and is a person who has won the Premier League title. They suddenly thought that the price was low, so they are still bullshit!

However, one thing can be seen is that Manchester City club is really very optimistic about Carlos Tevez, this year the Manchester City team is ready to do a big game.

At this time Inter Milan had some action. They used Bolzoni, Meggiorini and others plus a part of the cash exchange to Genoa's Brazilian midfielder Thiago Mota. The value of this transfer was It is considered to exceed 30 million Euros.

Yes, Inter Milan introduced the Brazilian midfielder in Genoa last season with a price of 30 million euros. This is a tall and powerful but good foot player, can advance the organization of the attack, and can also stand in the back. Intercepting opponents in front of the line and destroying their opponent's offensive organization, this is an all-around midfielder.

Although many people think that 30 million euros are a lot, but Inter Milan fans think that Thiago Motta is worth so much money.

Looking at this price, now Jose Mourinho should understand why Zhong Cheng wants such a high price! Because the European transfer market has exploded, far more than ever.

At this time, everyone also personally heard the chairman of Real Madrid, Florentino, said: "We Real Madrid Club is willing to use 100 million euros to formally ask the Leeds United Club to buy Cristiano Ronaldo!"

Hearing this, everyone is crazy!

Is it about to enter the hospital era when European football transfers?

Yes, both fans and so-called football practitioners were shocked when they heard this sentence. Think about 1996 when Alain Hiller was only £ 15 million in summer. Think about it In the summer of 1993, Bergkamp was only 7 million pounds. Ten years ago in 1999, Mr. Vieri, known as "90 billion", was worth only 33 million pounds.

In just ten years, the European football transfer market is about to enter the era of 100 million yuan.

Many people are stunned. The change of football in this world is really too fast, which makes people unbearable!

Seeing that Real Madrid offered 100 million euros for Cristiano Ronaldo, Mark Hughes and Jose Mourinho really knew this time, why Zhong Cheng dared to ask such a crazy price, this era is really What changed was that they couldn't keep it a little.

When they were even more surprised, Leeds United responded quickly. Zhong Cheng claimed: "Cristiano Ronaldo is a non-sale item for our club. We will not sell it even if you bid 200 million for Real Madrid, unless You paid a penalty of 250 million pounds directly, and Cristiano Ronaldo is your Real Madrid team! "

José Mourinho and Mark Hughes are not bad enough!

Crazy, lunatic Loya, this **** guy is really crazy, buy a Cristiano Ronaldo for 250 million? This Nima is thinking about money and going crazy, and 250 million pounds will be able to build a new club with super strength, but for Cristiano Ronaldo for Mao?

To Jose Mourinho and Mark Hughes, only a fool would spend more than 200 million to buy a player. Ha ha, let these two unexpectedly be the direct football in the future. Someone really did this, and sensationalized the whole world.

But ah, now Jose Mourinho and Mark Hughes know that if they want to bring in Luca Modric and Yaya Touré, they will really have to pay a lot of money. .

At this time, Jose Mourinho was selected into the tangle!

Because Inter Milan also has a lot of money, but he can not do whatever he wants, he still has to consider the transfer fee in hand.

Mark Hughes is much easier. He directly reported the matter to the club and let the club handle it. Because the Manchester City team now has only one goal, that is to introduce some super-powered players as soon as possible to improve the team's strength. As for how much money they spend, they really don't care much.

For them, 20 million pounds and 40 million pounds are really the same!

If you look at what the Manchester City team is trying to seduce those players and show them what kind of salary, you know that Manchester City people have more money when they fall to the ground.

The current Manchester City team is like Chelsea during the time when Abramovich entered the Premier League, holding the banknotes to raise the market price madly, so that the value of many players has gone crazy crazy.

At this time, news came from the European football transfer market, that is, the Red Devils Manchester United and AC Milan Club valued Sevilla's Brazilian center Fabiano, but Sevilla never thought about To sell Fabiano, there is still a two-year contract between them. However, Fabiano's contract has a buyout clause. As long as a club is willing to bid 30 million euros for Fabiano, it will be possible to directly Biano took away.

Now Manchester United and AC Milan are entangled, should you buy out directly.

At this time, a lot of news came again in the transfer market. Among them, the wealthy Manchester City Club introduced forward Santa Cruz from Blackburn Club for £ 20 million, and it is said that this transfer has additional terms. All reached, the amount of this transfer will eventually reach 28.5 million pounds.

You see, Manchester City is willing to spend 20 million for Santa Cruz, even to 28.5 million pounds, why only willing to offer Yaya Toure for 25 million pounds?

Zhong Cheng is not a fool. How could he sell Yaya Toure to Manchester City so cheaply?

At this time, there was news in the Bundesliga. Werder Bremen sold their midfielder Diego to Italy's Juventus for 28 million euros.

Bayern Munich introduced German center Mario Gomez from the Stuttgart club in the Bundesliga, with a value of 34 million euros. This forward is the forward that Zhong Cheng once favored and is now in the bag of Bayern Munich.

At the same time, the Chelsea club also immediately shot and introduced Zhirkov from Eastern Europe for 20 million pounds. The 25-year-old left-winger is called Eastern Europe Ronaldo. After he transfers to Chelsea, he will sign For a three-year contract, the weekly salary is £ 80,000.

At the same time, Atletico Madrid also sent a message, they are in principle willing to sell their club forward Diego Fran this season is very powerful, super strong, and also the European archer king.

The 30-year-old Diego Fran also chases Barcelona, ​​AC Milan and Manchester City clubs. Among them are teams willing to offer Diego Fran 30 million euros. But Atletico Madrid has spoken. As long as it is 40 million euros, everyone can take away Diego Fran.

Yes, this summer is really crazy. Any player is worth 20 million euros. There are almost no transfers of less than 10 million euros. This summer is really crazy.

And we can't stop seeing such a crazy transfer market, because everyone is asking for help, it seems that it has entered the arms race stage, and all the teams are buying people.

In particular, upstarts like Manchester City clubs are crazy about the transfer market with money. In a word, I am money!

This turbulent transfer market is still good for Leeds United. Come on!

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