The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 294: Episode 294: The Birth of the Yorkshire Avengers

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"Heavy! Chinese capital is in the lead, New Century Group buys Xie Feilian at a high price!"-"The Times"

"Shocked! Chinese-funded company buys Sheffield United, and former Chairman Leeds becomes vice-president of the team!"-The Sun

"Yorkshire football is on the rise, Chinese companies buy Sheffield United!"-"Liverpool Echo"

"The new era acquires Sheffield United, Gerald leads the club!"-"Manchester Evening News"

"Gerald and Blackwell serve as Sheffield United, the Avengers are here!"-"Mirror"

"Yorkshire football adds new strength, fearing that the Three Kingdoms will stand up!"-"London Standard Evening News"

"£ 270 million! Chinese company acquires British Football Team Sheffield United!"-"Daily Mail"

"Gerald acquires Sheffield United, Leeds United adds another enemy!"-"Yorkshire Post"

"A comeback, Gerald's sword refers to Loya the lunatic!"-The Guardian


When the news first dawned on a certain day, it instantly spread throughout the entire British continent, and everyone was shocked. Is this true?

No one thought that Gerald Krasner really made a comeback. Although they did not acquire Leeds United, they acquired Sheffield United. This purpose is already very clear, Gerald Krasner is here to get revenge!

The entire British continent was a little shocked.

This is simply the annual drama, now the "Chairman's Revenge" is staged, and then the upcoming "Avengers".

Why is it called "The Avengers"?

Because it was not only Gerald Krasner who became Sheffield United ’s vice chairman and executive chairman, Kevin Blackwell was also invited by Gerald Krasner to Sheffield United.

At the same time, Gary Arnoldssis also resigned from the "Manchester Evening News", officially entered Sheffield United and became the team's press officer and spokesperson.

The most surprising thing is that Gerald Krasner has recovered the young goalkeeper Elavi, who has been forgotten by people. It is now 26. He hasn't appeared since he disappeared from Leeds United. He didn't expect that Gerald Krasner has now found him back.

Obviously, Allawi, who has not played for so many years, has no way to return to the arena!

However, Gerald Krasner put Elavi into Sheffield United and into Sheffield United's coaching staff to become a young football coach.

Everyone was shocked when they saw all this!

Gerald Krasner is really a very vengeful guy. In order to fight Zhong Cheng, he was able to get Elavi back, maybe this guy had been holding back for a long time. The big move!

When Elavi returned to everyone's sight, he immediately caught everyone's attention. The media reporters madly flocked to Elavi and wanted to interview him to understand what happened to him at Leeds United. Unfairness, where did he go later?

Countless people are very interested in these things now.

Of course, Elavi will not appear so easily in front of the media reporters, but this is Gerald Krasner's big move for Zhong Cheng, how can it be used so easily?

Gerald Krasner is now waiting for the opportunity!

However, when New Age Group acquired Sheffield United, Gerald Krasner became the team ’s executive chairman, and attracted a group of Zhong Cheng ’s enemies. The thing that formed the Avengers was the instant spread from the British mainland. worldwide.

Now everyone is full of expectations for the future of English football.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that there are more expectations for Yorkshire football. Now everyone wants to see how Gerald Krasner attacked Zhong Cheng?

━━━Split line ━━━

Looking at the news in the newspaper in his hand, Zhong Cheng chuckled lightly.

Bian Yuqing, who was sitting opposite Zhong Cheng, said suddenly: "At this time, can you still smile?"

Zhong Cheng smiled slightly and said, "Why can't I laugh?"

Bian Yuqing glanced at Zhong Cheng and said: "Obviously, this so-called new era group is directed at you, and this Gerald Krasner is a gun in their hands. Next, your days are not It ’s better, being stuck to these dog skin plasters! "

Zhong Cheng suddenly raised his head and stared at Bian Yuqing with a deep meaning, and said, "Are you caring about me?"

Bian Yuqing gave Zhong Cheng a fierce glance, and immediately said, "Now it's going to be crazy outside. Are you still in a joke?"

Zhong Cheng chuckled and said directly: "It seems that you really care about me!"

Bian Yuqing plucked Zhong Cheng fiercely and said bitely: "The ghost cares about you. You still care about yourself. Elavi will definitely be against you. You must pay attention!"

After that, Bian Yuqing got up directly, Lian Bu shook gently, and slowly walked out.

Zhong Cheng looked at Bian Yuqing's graceful back and said warmly, warmly and warmly, "Thank you! Thank you for your care! I will deal with these things, you don't need to worry!"

Bian Yuqing's pace suddenly came to a halt, and after a while it was strange to say, "The ghost is worried about you!"

After talking, Bian Yuqing walked out of Zhong Cheng's office gracefully and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Zhong Cheng chuckled, this woman is more and more humane, when you don't want to see it at first, she is full of immortality and does not eat fireworks.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng feels that Bian Yuqing is more lovely and more real.

"Eh! Everyone is gone, can't the eyes of Mimi be taken back? Or can you keep up with it, or should I call her back for you?" Suddenly a cold voice sounded.

Zhong Cheng instantly recovered.

The corner of Zhong Cheng's mouth rose slightly, and a bit of a wry smile flashed on his face, saying: "Who is making our secretary's lord angry? Tell me, I'll help you unload him, thank you for your hatred!"

Julia Oliveira instantly gave Zhong Cheng a white glance and smirked, "You are poor, every day is formal!"

Zhong Cheng chuckled and said, "I don't have any form right in front of you, my secretary!"

Julia Oliveira's cheeks are slightly blushed, Xia Fei's cheeks are so beautiful!

However, Julia Oliveira still taught Zhong Cheng with a straight face: "I advise you to stay away from this woman, she is not a good thing, there must be no ulterior motive to approach you!"

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly, staring at Julia Oliveira for a while, and then said, "Are you all coming up with this?"

Julia Oliveira immediately said: "This is what Nana and Isabella have reminded you often. They all think that this woman is ulterior in approaching you!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, these words were indeed spoken to Christina and Isabella George. And Julia Oliveira and their relationship, and Julia Oliveira's person, she would not chew on her tongue.

Zhong Cheng immediately looked up at Julia Oliveira and asked, "What do you think?"

Julia Oliveira did not hesitate: "Although I think Miss Bian is a good person, but I also agree with them Nana, Miss Bian has ulterior motives in approaching you!"

Zhong Cheng stared at Julia Oliveira carefully and was silent!

Julia Oliveira immediately said: "Don't believe it, the sixth sense of a woman is accurate!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and immediately said, "Okay, I know. I will stay away from her, rest assured!"

After talking, Zhong Cheng looked down at the newspaper in his hand again. The New Era Group actually acquired Sheffield United, and Gerald Krasner became the executive chairman of Sheffield United. This is really a rainy day. The wind is full, and the dark clouds crush the city!

Interesting, really interesting!

With a spoon in his hand, Zhong Cheng gently stirred the steaming coffee in front of him, and there was a smug smile on Zhong Cheng's face.

━━━Split line ━━━

70 million euros!

Kaka of the Red and Black Legion officially transferred to Real Madrid!

The whole world is shocked!

What is Real Madrid doing? Are they just life? Luca Modric, who had just spent 60 million euros to introduce Leeds United, now spends another 70 million pounds, plus 35 million euros before the introduction of Benzema, plus some miscellaneous expenses, Real Madrid now More than 200 million euros have been spent!


The entire transfer market burst!

Originally Jose Mourinho and Mark Hughes felt that they had understood the meaning of Zhong Cheng. Only now did they understand that they really did not understand the meaning of Zhong Cheng!

This transfer market is too exaggerated, is this Nima still a player transfer market? The money is enough to buy a heart club, Nima is too scary.

Moreover, this summer they also surprised many people at the Manchester City Club.

Of course, what is most shocking now is the AC Milan fans, who are very angry now, very angry. Not long ago, this guy Kaka personally announced in the Plaza Mayor that he would not leave Milan, his heart will always be red and black.

How long has this passed?

Kaka turned out to leave the Red and Black Legion and joined Real Madrid.

All Milan fans were very angry because they were deceived by this **** Kaka. They were fooled by the guy Kaka, who did not treat them as fans at all, but as a fool.

At this time, some radical Milan fans were burning Kaka's jersey frantically, cursing Kaka frantically, and even threatened to send Kaka to see God!

But what they did not know was that Kaka was the same angry, very angry!

This is not his original intention, he did not mean to play with Milan fans. Even he himself was teased by the top of the Milan club!

It was their senior executives in Milan who made Kaka appear in the municipal building, and now it is these senior executives who sell Kaka out of Milan.

Originally, Kaka thought that these high-level officials really didn't want him to leave. Until now, he only knew that this was just a way for people to ask for prices.

Now the top of their Milan club has received a huge sum of money, and they have successfully pressed the pot on his back.

And these Milan fans did not think about what kind of person he Kaka was in the past. He followed some unwilling people to slam him and nailed him to the column of shame.

It turned out that in Milan for so many years, no one understood himself!


When he left, Kaka didn't even excuse himself, he left Milan directly and went to Spain!

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