The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 332: Episode [332]: Prepare to surprise everyone

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Leeds United dressing room at Leeds Crown Stadium, England.

Zhong Cheng stared at Albertini and Cristiano Ronaldo at the gate and smiled.

Both Albertini and Cristiano Ronaldo are dumbfounded!


Zhong Cheng, their boss, the chairman and head coach of Leeds United is now standing in the locker room of Leeds United!

"My God, is this true?" Albertini sighed.

Cristiano Ronaldo also stared at Zhong Cheng with a puzzled look. This impact is really too great, making him feel a little unbelievable!

Their boss is really back!

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "You are back?"

Albertini, as if they hadn't heard Zhong Cheng's words, still stared at Zhong Cheng with a dull face, as if to show loyalty.

Zhong Cheng's mouth slightly raised, saying, "How come I was so surprised? Or do you not recognize me?"

At this time, Albertini immediately walked into the locker room, came to Zhong Cheng and wobbled back and forth, and then gave Zhong Cheng a hug with excitement, saying: "Boss, you really are! Why are you back at this time, Are you healed? "

Cristiano Ronaldo also ran over and said with a look of surprise: "This is really amazing, the boss you have come back. What a **** help me, this time Gerald Krasner's I'm afraid my face is swollen! "

Albertini nodded incessantly and said, "Yes, yes!"

Zhong Cheng immediately exchanged a few words with Albertini and others, and at this time more Leeds United players entered the locker room and saw Zhong Cheng all of them forced.

What is the situation and the boss is back?

The Leeds players were surprised and excited, and their boss finally returned.

The Leeds United players instantly felt like they were playing chicken blood, and they were very excited one by one, feeling that the power in their bodies was endless and endless, and their condition was even better.

Zhong Cheng hugged everyone with Leeds United and thanked them for their recent efforts.

Finally, Zhong Cheng came to Albertini and said, "Demi, I have done a good job recently. I have watched your recent situation. Thank you for bringing a European Super Cup trophy to Leeds United. ,thank you!"

Yes, before coming to the Leeds United dressing room, Zhong Cheng did a detailed understanding.

After all, I haven't been in contact with football for more than a month, and Zhong Cheng still has to find out. That's why he only learned about football information more than a month ago, and now he only came to the locker room.

Albertini immediately waved his hand and said, "No, no, no! Boss, I haven't done well recently, and Leeds United's results have been very bad. I have lost three straight games in the league. I am ashamed to trust you!

Zhong Cheng shook his head immediately and said, "No, no, you are doing very well. It doesn't matter what happens at the beginning of the new season. It's good to take the key game!"

Albertini still felt a little guilty and said, "I still have a lot to learn!"

Zhong Cheng patted Albertini's shoulder, and then said: "Okay, now it's no longer old. The game is about to start, let's talk about the deployment of the next game!"

Albertini said: "Yes, yes, time is running out."

At the same time, Naismith immediately signaled Leeds United players to hurry to their position, and it was too late.

Albertini immediately said: "Boss, please tell me, how do we play this game?"

The Leeds players are staring at Zhong Cheng with their eyes, as if seeing Zhong Cheng they have endless strength, full of fighting spirit.

Zhong Cheng waved his hand slightly and said, "Today I do n’t command the team, or you do it, I ’m here to give you confidence. This game is still yours. After this game, I will officially take over the team. Come on, Demi! "

Albertini was stunned. He did not expect that Zhong Cheng would still give him command!

Albertini immediately waved his hand and said, "Boss, you have returned, and the command should be given to you. We need you now!"

Zhong Cheng said immediately: "Be confident, we all believe in you, and all Leeds players believe in you. Work hard, we support you!"

Albertini saw Zhong Cheng seriously, he took a deep breath, and then nodded.

Albertini knows that the time is now too late, and it is not time to shirk. Albertini immediately patted his chest and carried the responsibility on himself.

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, beckoning Albertini to start!

Albertini also wanted Zhong Cheng to nod and signal, then walked to the middle tactical board and began to write and draw on the tactical board. While writing today's starting list of Leeds United, he drew several lines. The team's main attack line today.

Albertini immediately said: "Today's starting list is like this, you have to know that the Liverpool team's strength is very strong, but their backline strength is indeed a bit weak, whether it is Scotel or Agger Both of them are too young, too tall, and have excellent air defense capabilities, but it is a little slow to turn around and pursue these things. This is the space we use! "

Because the Liverpool veteran Carragher is injured today, there is no way to start, it should be the two central defenders.

Especially Age, who is as tall as a bamboo pole, not only is his body inflexible and not fast, but also has a poor ability to fight.

Therefore, in this game, the focus of Leeds United's attack is Agge!

And the two defenders of the Liverpool team are also very capable of attacking. I am afraid they will not come back when they go out!

Albertini laid out the tactics of this game in detail, every point is very detailed. It can be seen that Albertini did enough homework.

However, Zhong Cheng still feels that Alberti's homework is too detailed.

It's too detailed, but it stifles the free play talent of Leeds United players on the court. Sometimes Leeds United will play relatively rigid. Moreover, Zhong Cheng feels that Albertini is too much to explain the tactics, the part of fierce morale is not enough.

And there are some problems in the connection of rhythm!

It can be seen that Albertini still has a lot to learn, of course, this is also likely to be Albertini's own characteristics.

Zhong Cheng did not point out Alberti's problems at this time. After waiting for the game to end, Zhong Cheng will discuss these issues with Albertini in private.

Zhong Cheng did not think that Albertini would have done something wrong, but that his own would have been correct.

Zhong Cheng did not blame Albertini for his mistakes, but discussed with Albertini, summed up the advantages and disadvantages of both sides, and then summed up a better way.

Albertini finished speaking at this time. He turned to look at Zhong Cheng and asked, "Boss, what do you think?"

Zhong Cheng immediately applauded and said: "Very good! Well done, with your own unique style, which is very important. In this regard, but you want to maintain, each head coach must have their own style! "

Albertini nodded immediately and said he knew.

Albertini also said: "The boss, do you have anything to add, do you have anything to say?"

Zhong Cheng immediately waved his hand and said, "No, no, today you are the leader here. Everything is up to you. As a head coach, you can listen to the assistant's opinions during the usual training and even have a heated discussion with the assistant. But at the beginning of the game, a voice can appear in the club. This game can only have one direction. You cannot let other voices interfere with you. Even if other people have opinions, they only have to wait until the players leave Later, on the sidelines, I reminded you of the suggestions. But these suggestions still depend on the general direction of the tactics you arranged, and you must not make a second direction! "

Albertini nodded thoughtfully, somewhat understood.

Yes, sometimes it is a good thing to listen to everyone's opinions, but sometimes there is a strong need for arbitrariness. Because the main brain of a team is the head coach, only one thinking is needed, too much thinking, but it will affect the strength of the team.

Albertini was really taught and couldn't stop thinking.

Then Albertini immediately turned to the Leeds United players and said: "Do you have any questions now? If you have any questions, quickly come forward, time is running out!"

The Leeds players shook their heads and said, "No more!"

Albertini has just made it very detailed, and Leeds United players feel that Albertini has even said a little bit more. If they don't understand it at this time, it is really a problem, and the problem is very big.

Seeing this, Albertini nodded in satisfaction, then said aloud: "Ready, then let's go. Let's welcome the boss return with a victory!"

The Leeds players immediately shouted in excitement, one by one very excited, all jumped up frantically, shouting excitedly.

The players of Leeds United came out and rushed into the player channel.

Zhong Cheng and Mei Yu went out so early, but took a break in the dressing room to reminisce with some of the Leeds United coaches. The coaches of Leeds United are still very concerned about Zhong Cheng's physical condition. This time Zhong Cheng's body has a big problem. They are very worried.

Zhong Cheng said: "This is no big problem, and now it is completely healed. If it is not completely healed, Kristina they will not let me out, I still have to confine!"

Hearing this, Leeds United coaches are nodding, so it turned out to be!

Everyone heard that Zhong Cheng had nothing, and then they were really relieved, very relieved.

Then the coaches of Leeds United all walked out of the locker room. Zhong Cheng took a break in the locker room before setting off. He wanted to surprise Liverpool people and media reporters on the spot. Especially for Gerald Krasner, this guy is not a good thing, cursing himself, **** it!

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