The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 342: Episode [342]: Leeds United Really Gets Changed

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A loud noise came, and the huge vase split in an instant, and the fragments spattered ...

"Fack! Shet! Damn lunatic, you Tama's death!" Gerald Krasner looked like a goblin from hell, opened his teeth and wreaked havoc.

The vase in his hand was constantly smashed to the ground by him, and the whole room was like a dump!

"Damn lunatic, Loa, I don't share the day with you! Don't share the day!" Gerald Klasner hissed and exhausted, exhausting all the power in his body.

"Cough cough!" Gerald Klasner just yelled too hard, his throat was out of breath, and he coughed frantically instantly, very uncomfortable.

Coughing, tears came out,

Has Gerald Krasnash been so insulted?

It's all this **** lunatic Loia, it's all this mess!

Gerald Klasner's eyes were staring scarcely at the crumpled newspaper on the ground. Vaguely, he could see the words that ridiculed him, and that had been dealt with picture of!

Seeing this, Gerald Krasner was even more angry.


With a roar, Gerald Krasner lifted the Apple computer at hand, hit it **** the ground, and clicked. The computer was finished in an instant, and there was no way to repair it.

Just today, the BBC reported an interview with Zhong Cheng. The report titled "The Jumping Clown Gerald Is the Sadness of the Times" nailed him to the pillar of shame.

And in this report, there are a lot of words that make him angry, and there are a lot of Diss his words, his character is instantly collapsed.

Now a lot of netizens on the Internet are slamming and swearing at him, and his own social networking platform is about to be captured by these swear words.

It seems as if the whole world is scorning and attacking him!

He Gerald Krasner turned into a street mouse that everyone shouted!

"Damn lunatic Loya, you wait for Lao Tzu, I will never let you go, absolutely!" Gerald Klasner growled frantically.

At this point, Gerald Krasner's binocular scarlet, like a demon from hell, had been controlled by anger and hatred.

Gerald Krasner can't wait to kill Zhong Cheng directly!

Of course, he still has some sane denials of this idea, and now the chairman of Sheffield United won't let him do it.

Gerald Krasner has all this hatred in mind!

Gerald Krasner was ready to hide for a while, and when the wind passed, he gave Zhong Cheng a fatal blow!

Gerald Klasner stared at himself in the mirror in front of him, smirking: "Crazy Loya, spend the carefree days now! Because in the future you are afraid there will be no time, waiting Welcome the crazy attack of Lao Tzu! "

"Crazy Loya, I want you to die! Death!" Gerald Krasner suddenly raised his voice and yelled frantically at himself in the mirror, the voice was so horrible that it was upright!

━━━Split line ━━━

The sixth round of the 2009-2010 season of the Premier League has ended. Now the top of the Premier League is still Chelsea under Carlo Ancelotti. His team's results are very impressive, and everyone is aware of it.

Now Chelsea fans enthusiastically support Carlo Ancelotti, they are convinced that Carlo Ancelotti can lead their Chelsea to glory.

Now Chelsea is the only team in the Premier League to maintain a complete victory. They now have 18 points, ranking first in the Premier League.

The team ranked second in the Premier League is the Red Devils Manchester United. Their current score is five wins, one loss and 15 points, which is just three points behind Chelsea.

The Red Devils Manchester United are also very powerful. At this time, no one dares to underestimate the Red Devils Manchester United, even Chelsea, who is now a complete victory. The Red Devils Manchester United's stamina is full. If Chelsea is a little careless, it is likely that the Red Devils Manchester United will be taken away from the top of the league.

Ranked third in the Premier League is Liverpool, their current score is four wins, two losses and 12 points. However, there are still many teams with the same points as Liverpool, including Sheffield Wednesday, Leiden East, Aston Villa, Manchester City, Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur.

These teams now have four wins and two losses with 12 points. Because of the goal difference or the relationship between each other, they have led to the current rankings.

The performance of these teams is really good, especially the performance of Leiden East is to let everyone shine. Is this the season that Liandun East is going to become the biggest dark horse in the Premier League?

Leiden East really has the potential of a dark horse. Last season, they dominated the Champions League, and many of them were players that Zhong Cheng liked, and some were on loan from Leeds United. These players are good, but what they lack is the experience of the top leagues.

However, under the leadership of Rogers, Leiden East could really become a super dark horse!

Now the results of Leiden Orient are very good. Some media in London even claimed that Leiden Orient could become the second place of Leeds United, and maybe they can win the Premier League title this season.

Anyway, at this time, there are still some media that are optimistic about Leiden Orient, and Leiden Orient really does well.

However, at this time, there are also many clubs in the Leiden Oriental club. Many people value the center defender Thiago Silva of Leiden Oriental. Many people value the forward of the Leiden Oriental club. Ba Ba and others.

Even the top four teams in the Premier League have paid attention to these people, and they hope to introduce these players.

But it is clear that Leiden East is not short of money, they will not sell these players.

Many media claim that if Leiden East can retain these players for three or four years, then they will definitely have the ability to reach the top four of the Premier League and even compete for the Premier League title.

At this time, the score of Leeds United was three points in three lives and 9 points. It is now ranked 10th in the Premier League. At the same time, there are several teams with the same results as Leeds United, which means that now Leeds United The team's tenth position in the league is also unstable.

At this time, there are naturally a lot of brow journalists who are madly ridiculing Leeds United.

Of course, there are also many media reporters who think that Leeds United is likely to rise, because Zhong Cheng is back. Once Zhong Cheng returns, the strength of Leeds United will definitely increase. At that time, the results of Leeds United naturally came up.

However, at this time, everyone is still not optimistic about the return of Leeds United to the top four.

Most media believe that Leeds United can qualify for the European Championship next season is a very, very perfect result.

Yes, now everyone is not very optimistic about Leeds United!

━━━Split line ━━━

At this point, everyone thought that Zhong Cheng would definitely lead the Leeds United team in the next battle. Now the results of Leeds United are very bad. At this time, Leeds United must have a strong rise. Otherwise, too much will be left and Leeds United will really be finished.

Now it's okay, Leeds United are behind the top three Chelsea only three goals. If Leeds United beat Chelsea at home and away, it would be only one game away. So, Leeds United still have a chance!

However, journalists are staring at Zhong Cheng every day now. They want to see how the status of Leeds United will be after Zhong Cheng returns. What is the level of Leeds United?

Yes, journalists are staring at Zhong Cheng now!

Zhong Cheng is indeed back to the team now, appearing on the training ground of Leeds United, many fans and media reporters have seen, they are staring closely.

It can be seen that in the next game, Leeds United will be commanded by Zhong Cheng.

Now everyone wants to see clearly. After Zhong Cheng's return, what is the result of Leeds United? The results of these games may determine the final results of Leeds United this season!

After all, Leeds United has taken a lot of mains this season. Even if Zhong Cheng returns at this time, it may not be able to integrate Leeds United very well.

After all, since the new season, the team has always been Albertini. There are many differences between Zhong Cheng and Albertini. Will this affect Zhong Cheng's acceptance of the team?

Therefore, how the real strength of Leeds United is still a mystery!

It is no wonder that there are so many media reporters who are paying attention to Leeds United. They really want to know the true level of Leeds United this season.

However, they can't see it in the usual training. They just want to see how well Zhong Cheng led the team.

Now the fans of Leeds United are full of expectations. They hope that the return of Zhong Cheng can inspire the players of Leeds United and make them very competitive.

Last season, Leeds United was the champion of the Champions League. Leeds United is super strong and will not fear any opponents.

Soon, Leeds United were welcoming their next opponent.

This is the third round of the English League Cup this season. Leeds United have gone to challenge Bolton away. Everyone thinks that this will be the first game after Zhong Cheng's return. A lot of people went to the scene to watch this game. Of course, it also attracted a lot of media reporters.

Unfortunately, everyone disappointed that Zhong Cheng did not lead the team to coach this game. Albertini was still the real leader. Media reporters were shocked to see here. Was Zhong Cheng going to retreat and let Albertini really take over Leeds United?

Media reporters are shocked!

If that's the case, it's scary! This is definitely the super news that shocked the world football. Is Zhong Cheng really out of the coaching industry?

Now the fans of Leeds United are also very shocked, their minds are not in this game, they are thinking about Zhong Cheng.

In this game, Leeds United tied their opponents 1-1 away. In the end, Leeds United defeated Bolton 7-6 with a penalty and successfully entered the next round of the English League Cup. .

Of course, what people care about now is not the victory of Leeds United, but the real head coach of Leeds United this season?

Zhong Chengming was wounded and appeared in this game. Why didn't he take over the team? Why is the team still in the hands of Albertini?

Is it true that Leeds United is about to change?

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