The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 350: Episode [350]: It's impossible to score this season

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Four to one, Leeds United beat Manchester City four to one.

At the final moment of the game, Leeds United's main striker Lewandowski received a pass from Mesut Ozil at the front of the penalty area, which kicked off Manchester City's goal.

Lewandowski not only broke his goal drought, but also scored twice!

If it does n’t, it ’s amazing!

The fans and media reporters of Leeds United were extremely shocked. Is Zhong Cheng so powerful? As soon as he returned, Leeds United looked like a team, and Lewandowski was instantly resurrected with blood.

Or is this a coincidence?

However, Leeds United won this game anyway!

And it was a big victory!

After winning this game, Leeds United's score in the Premier League is going to be a bit ahead, this time it should be in the top ten. At this time, there have been some changes in the Premier League standings, or is it a relatively large change.

The previous top-ranked Chelsea team finally lost, and they gave up the top spot in the league to the Red Devils Manchester United. Now the Red Devils Manchester United and the Blues Chelsea have six wins and one loss with 18 points, but the top of the list has become the reason why the Red Devils Manchester United have a goal difference.

The third place to the seventh place, their scores are five wins, two losses and 15 points. Because of the goal difference, their ranking is now like this. Leiden East, Liverpool, Arsenal, Sheffield and Wednesday Tottenham Hotspur.

The next eighth place is Leeds United. Now the result of Leeds United is four wins, three losses and twelve points. The clubs with the same points are Aston Villa, Sunderland, Manchester City and Everton. .

And now Leeds United is the leader of the three teams because of the goal difference, and is now ranked eighth.

To be honest, Leeds United's results are ranked eighth, a little far from the top four. In fact, they are only one goal away from the top four of the Premier League.

Yes, Leeds United are only three points behind the third-placed Leiden Oriental Club!

Of course, there are as many as five teams in front of Leeds United. Even if they surpass one team, there are still four teams to surpass. Far away.

At this time, many people also think that it is really difficult for Leeds United to reach the top four this season. The competition in the Premier League this season is really very, very fierce. It is impossible to make it into the top four.

If you look at the Red Devils Manchester United, Blues Chelsea, Gunners Arsenal and Reds Liverpool, as well as Leiden East and Sheffield Wednesday, it is really difficult for Leeds United to surpass them.

Moreover, Leeds United is really turbulent this season. If they want to have a very good performance this season, it is really very difficult.

Leeds United must now solve internal problems, otherwise, Leeds United will only be with the Prince to study this season.

Of course, Leeds don't think so!

The fans of Leeds United are full of confidence in Leeds United. Now Zhong Cheng is back. The results of Leeds United will be getting better and better. The next step is to start the crazy harvest mode of Leeds United.

This game says it all!

You see, is Manchester City's strength very weak? Obviously not, this season they have introduced so many power players and their strength has been strengthened a lot. And the players of Manchester City in this game are very good. Look at the status of Yaya Touré, Carlos Tevez and others!

Manchester City can beat such a Manchester City team, and it still beats by a big score. Will the Leeds United team be afraid of these previous teams?

Obviously not, the next time the Leeds United has begun to rise.

The fans of Leeds United at the scene were crazy status. Leeds United cheered. They firmly believed that Leeds United really wanted to rise and hit the top four of the Premier League.

Leeds United fans are cheering for Leeds United.

━━━Split line ━━━

After the game, the press conference hall was full of people!

Numerous media reporters are gathered here, waiting for the start of this press conference.

These people are obviously directed at Zhong Cheng. Before this game, everyone thought that Zhong Cheng had withdrawn from the arena and no longer coached Leeds United. I didn't expect Zhong Cheng to make a comeback in this game immediately, but let Leeds United improve instantly and get a big victory, which is really great.

These media reporters want to know how Zhong Cheng did all this?

At the same time, these media reporters also want to understand why Zhong Cheng did not coach Leeds United in the last game? They also want to know whether Zhong Cheng will coach Leeds United in the future, or does it just pop up occasionally?

At this time, in the press conference hall, the media reporters discussed each other very intensely, and the whole venue was noisy.

Qi Yuqing and Kelly Fox in a professional suit are sitting together and discussing quietly.

"You said Zhong Cheng really made a comeback this time, or what is the situation?" Kelly Fox asked.

Tong Yuqing said: "People have never said that they want to withdraw from the coaching profession. Before that, it was just an ordinary injury. The injury has recovered, and now it is natural to return! Don't forget, Liz United is Zhongcheng!

Kelly Fox nodded slightly and said, "Sure enough! I really believe in the evil of Gerald Krasner, this guy is really not moral at all!"

Pu Yuqing turned to look at Kelly Fox and said, "He just wants revenge. What is there to say. He has now been forced into his eyes by hatred. Anything he says is a blow to Zhong Cheng. His words are not credible! "

Kelly Fox nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

At this time, other media reporters saw that Xi Yuqing and Kelly Fox had a very fierce discussion. They were slowly moving to this side and wanted to hear an ear. After all, Qi Yuqing and Kelly Fox have a very close relationship with Zhong Cheng and Leeds United, so they all think they have some secrets!

Xi Yuqing and Kelly Fox always get the inside information of Leeds United, which is what many journalists are envious of.

Although they didn't see it, both Qi Yuqing and Kelly Fox felt that these media reporters were moving towards them. Kelly Fox's mouth slightly raised, his hands were on his chest, and Erlang's legs were raised.

Qi Yuqing is sitting quietly, waiting for the start of the press conference!

At this time, Qi Yuqing really didn't want to say anything. These media colleagues really listened to the wind and the rain, and many people even broke the chapters and made some inexplicable ambiguities. Xi Yuqing didn't want to cause any trouble, and he kept silent.

The media reporters who moved over saw the two of them silently watching them as they approached. They were all in the heart for a while, and it seemed that their guess was correct. They must have grasped some unknown secret, otherwise Why not speak in front of them? And just shut up when you see them coming?

These media reporters suddenly saw that the looks of Tong Yuqing and Kelly Fox were different, with very complicated emotions.

A very dissatisfied guy whispered, "What's so great, it's not relying on your own body to please Madman Loya, hum!"

Su Yuqing and Kelly Fox's faces darkened instantly!

━━━Split line ━━━

The staff of Leeds United and Manchester City were sitting on the podium, and the spokesman immediately announced that the post-match press conference of Leeds United against Manchester City officially began.

Zhong Cheng refused to let him go and said, "I am very satisfied with this game. My players have performed very well. They have shown their strength. Although this is not the full strength of Leeds United. But I'm quite satisfied, after all, the new season has just begun and we still have a lot of opportunities! "

Yes, Zhong Cheng appeared at the post-match press conference!

The media reporters at the scene were naturally very excited and excited. Their waiting was not wasted. Zhong Cheng finally appeared at the post-match press conference.

Zhong Cheng continued: "Of course, our opponent Manchester City is also very powerful. In this game they have given us a lot of trouble. As a newly created team, they have played very well. Now, but this season, I think they are still running, this season will not be very successful! "

The Manchester City reporter at the scene was naturally very angry when he heard this. The **** guy cursed the Manchester City team, **** it!

Zhong Cheng's words were over, and then Manchester City coach Mark Hughes spoke.

Mark Hughes said: "To be honest, the head coach of the Leeds United game turned out to be Mr. Loya, which was beyond my expectation. I thought this game was played by Mr. Albertini. What about Leeds United. So, the sudden appearance of Mr. Loya disrupted our Manchester City plan, which led to the confusion of this game. This is my preparation work is not done well, which is not the same as my players. Relationship, the failure of this game, the responsibility lies with me! "

Mark Hughes has taken all the responsibilities to him, which is encouraging his players.

Mark Hughes continued: "Our players have performed very well in this game, especially Yaya Touré. He is one of our best signings this season. Now our club is indeed still Not very tacit. But I believe that soon Manchester City will be able to twist into a rope. At that time, we will become a new force in the Premier League. Our goal is the top four of the Premier League and the European champion next season. League qualifications. Our goal for Manchester City next season is to be a Premier League champion! "

The media reporters below were all taken aback. Mark Hughes' ambition was really too great, and it scared so many people directly. Of course, if you think about it, you actually think that Mark Hughes is right. After all, the Manchester City club has spent so much money for years. You say that they are not aiming for the Champions League or the Premier League. That is too fake and looks down on Manchester City.

So, although everyone thinks that Mark Hughes is a bit swollen, this is really some big truth.

Manchester City has invested so much, and the goal is naturally very ambitious. Promoting to the Champions League and winning the Premier League is nothing. Wasn't Zhong Cheng snarling to build Leeds United into a giant?

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