The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 356: Episode 356: What mystery is he pretending to be?

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Media reporters are now rushing to Leeds United ’s St. Loya training base, and they are going to interview Leeds United ’s personnel.

To be honest, there has been a lot of news and a lot of attention on Leeds United recently.

However, it is difficult for these media reporters to get interviews with Leeds personnel, let alone an exclusive interview. Even Kelly Fox and Tong Yuqing are hard to get interviews with Leeds United, media reporters can imagine how closed the current Leeds United team is.

This time, these media reporters came with a try!

They also didn't know that they could interview the people of Leeds United, they were just trying their luck.

Kelly Fox also came to the Leeds United training base. This time their luck was good. The press officer of the Leeds United team brought them to the media reception room of the training base. It seems that this time the Leeds United team wanted to Interviewed by media reporters.

The media reporters were a little excited, and they were finally able to interview the people of Leeds United.

Of course, media reporters naturally want to be able to interview Zhong Cheng. After all, Zhong Cheng is the person at the center of the storm.

Kelly Fox followed the media reporters to the reception room and waited here.

Soon, people from Leeds United came out for an interview.

The first person who came in was the current captain of Leeds United, which is also Kelly Fox's boyfriend Zhong Zheng. The media reporters at the scene frantically pressed the shutter and said everything.

Kelly Fox stared at Zhongzheng without too much excitement. After all, she usually stayed with Zhongzheng normally. What should I interview? The interview has already been finished, why wait till now?

Kelly Fox is here to interview Zhong Cheng!

Zhong Zheng sat on the rostrum, and the media reporters at the scene immediately entered the state and interviewed Zhong Zheng.

Zhong Zheng said this: "Yes, the next game is a very, very difficult game. Our opponents Arsenal are in a very good shape. They are now rushing to the top of the league. It's up! "

This is the heart of Zhong Zheng's mind. Recently, the Arsenal team is really very good. They are chasing after it, surpassing the previous Chelsea, and even being one point away from the top Manchester United team.

Zhong Zheng continued: "Of course, for this team, we have a very good approach to Leeds United. In the past few seasons, we have encountered many teams like Arsenal, we do not Have they all done well? Haven't we all been Premier League champions since then? "

The previous few seasons Leeds United were indeed very powerful, but last year Leeds United were not the Premier League champions.

Media reporters believe that since Leeds United lost the Premier League title last season, they may not be able to return to the top of the Premier League for a long time.

The current Premier League competition is very, very fierce, not only the traditional Premier League semi-finals, but also many new forces, such as Leeds United, Manchester City and Sheffield Wednesday and other teams, this Premier League champion is Very difficult.

Zhong Zheng also said: "I might as well tell you that our goal for Leeds this season is to win the Premier League. So at this time, we obviously won't let Arsenal easily. In this game we It will be very difficult to know, but we will die with Arsenal to win this game! "

Media reporters nodded one after another. In this sentence, they believed that Leeds United would definitely win.

Media reporters also asked Zhong Zheng a question about Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Zheng said this way: "Thank you for your concern. Our boss's condition has recovered and he is now very healthy. He will lead us in the next games. We believe that under his leadership, we Leeds United The record will be very powerful! "

Zhong Zheng also said: "For this game, we have made a very, very good preparation now, and you watch it. After all, this is our home stadium for Leeds United, we will definitely beat Arsenal, we Definitely victory! "

Media reporters don't take it seriously. The current Arsenal team is much better than you think. We media reporters often see the amazing performance of the Arsenal team on the sidelines. You Leeds United may be very powerful, but It is very difficult to beat Arsenal.

Zhong Zheng is not sure what these media reporters think, but he can also guess some.

After all, there are not many people who are optimistic about Leeds United. They are only the locals of Leeds. Other places are not very optimistic about Leeds United. They all think that Arsenal are very powerful now. Will win.

Zhong Zheng doesn't think so, you guys all look at it!

After Zhong Cheng got up and left, Leeds United came out with several players.

These players were interviewed by media reporters, but after the interview, the interview with Leeds United has ended.

Media reporters are stunned. Why is this?

Leeds United's head coach Zhong Cheng has not yet come out for an interview with media reporters?

Yes, Zhong Cheng hasn't appeared yet. The media reporters think that the Leeds are wrong. But later they learned from the press officer of Leeds United that Zhong Cheng was not in the interview this time.

The media reporters knew that Zhong Cheng would not be interviewed at all.

Media reporters are naturally very angry, you do not accept interviews, explain Bai as soon as possible, let them be happy for Bai once. At this time, these media reporters are staring at Kelly Fox. This lady is here, isn't she going to interview Zhong Cheng?

Kelly Fox did have that idea!

Zhong Cheng did not accept interviews with these media reporters, which was a good thing for her Kelly Fox, and she was able to get an exclusive interview with Zhong Cheng.

But soon, Kelly Fox knew that she was too optimistic, and Zhong Cheng did not want to accept any interviews, including her Kelly Fox and Qi Yuqing.

Yes, Kelly Fox saw Xi Yuqing, but it is clear that Qi Yuqing also did not get an interview with Zhong Cheng.

Kelly Fox shook her head slightly, this **** Zhong Cheng was really mysterious.

It's all this time, and why did he even come for an interview? Is this necessary?

"What do you think is going on? Why didn't he accept any interviews?"

Qi Yuqing shrugged slightly and said, "I don't know too much, maybe he has his own idea!"

Kelly Fox nodded slightly: "He doesn't explain the interview now, he must have his own ideas. However, he can't stay out of the interview like this all the time, right? What mystery is he pretending?"

Pu Yuqing smiled and said, "How do I know?"

Kelly Fox glanced at Yu Yuqing quite profoundly and said in amazement, "Don't you know? Don't lie to me?"

Tong Yuqing glared at Kelly Fox, she knew what Kelly Fox thought!

Ji Yuqing immediately said: "Don't think about it, I have nothing special with Zhong Cheng, we are nothing!"

Kelly Fox blinked her eyes and said, "You're not doing it yourself, I don't think so!"

Pu Yuqing said with a loud voice: "I don't have time to discuss these nonsense with you here, you still have to think about how to get Zhong Cheng's joints from Zhong Zheng!"

Kelly Fox nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I see, ma'am!"

After that, Kelly Fox ran away!

Only left Yu Yuqing standing there alone, Yu Yuqing stared at the back of Kelly Fox, she didn't know what to say about Kelly Fox.

Obviously, Kelly Fox they really misunderstood her relationship with Zhong Cheng. She and Zhong Cheng are just ordinary friends.

Why do these people always misunderstand themselves and Zhong Cheng?

Wu Yuqing didn't think about these issues, she went back to prepare and prepared to explain the game of the day.

━━━Split line ━━━

Crown Stadium, Leeds, England, October 24, 2009.

Today is the tenth round of the 2009-2010 season in the Premier League. Leeds United faced the Gunners Arsenal at their home stadium. The fans on both sides of the scene flooded into the stadium.

Of course, the fans on both sides are distinct.

The fans of Leeds United are wearing traditional white jerseys. They are waving the flag of the Leeds United club and cheering on the players of Leeds United.

The Leeds United fans also sang the Leeds United team song, and the atmosphere at the scene was naturally very good. All the Leeds United fans are not idle. They are all very excited and very happy.

Of course, there are still a lot of Arsenal fans coming away.

The fans of the Arsenal team are very high-profile. Although there are not many people, they are uniformly dressed, and they have drawn huge banners and slogans to support their team. They are very concerned about the game. In this game, Arsenal will win.

Yes, now the fans of Arsenal can't wait. They are cheering frantically, shouting the names of every player in their club, they are cheering for their club players.

The scene was also the roar of war drums!

The fans on both sides got two big drums and beat them hard, as if they were signaling their team's players to charge, and they were about to fight with each other.

The game has not been started yet, and the atmosphere is very powerful.

Even many media reporters feel that the atmosphere of this scene is about to surpass some Derby. It can be seen that today's fans on both sides are very excited, very excited.

Fans from both sides really can't wait.

However, the players on both sides have not yet played. They are waiting for the final reminder in the player channel, and they will soon come out of the player channel.

The referee in this game today is the famous referee Howard Webb of the Premier League!

Now this is England's famous whistle, and it is now England's most prestigious international referee. It is said that he will enforce the World Cup in South Africa next year.

Now Howard Webb is quietly standing at the front of the team. He is telling his colleagues about the place to pay attention to in this game. This game is not Derby better than Derby. They are referees. But be careful.

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