The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 369: Episode [369]: The European Golden Globe Awards Make Another Wave

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Two to one, Leeds United defeated the Leiden Oriental Club.

In this game, both sides played well, and Leeds United's ability to seize the opportunity was better, which won the game.

In fact, the last missed goal was Leiden's defensive mistake in the east, which led to the team.

Everyone thought that the ball would be taken by Cristiano Ronaldo, the double favorite of European Footballer and World Footballer. How could he know that he was eventually replaced by Gareth Bell, which led to a loss in this game.

Yes, Cristiano Ronaldo is still a favourite of European footballers and world footballers.

It is now very close to this year's European Footballer Awards ceremony.

Recently, the outside world has been reporting news about the selection of European footballers. Now the French "Football Magazine" has announced the list of five people who have entered the final selection. Of course, the ranking has not yet come out, but candidates have appeared. Already.

The final five players were Rio Messi of Barcelona, ​​Harvey of Barcelona, ​​Cristiano Ronaldo of Leeds United, Real Madrid Luka Modric and Inter Milan's Eto'o.

This is actually the victory of Barcelona and Leeds!

Because if there is no transfer this summer, Luka Modric is still Leeds United, and Eto'o is also Barcelona. Therefore, if there is no transfer, Barcelona will occupy three seats in the top five and Leeds United will occupy two seats.

This seems to be the PK of these two teams.

However, this year, the two teams have performed very well. Both teams have performed very beautifully in the UEFA Champions League, very amazing, especially Leeds United. They have won the Champions League championship, very Niubi.

Therefore, Leeds players are now much more likely to win this award.

However, the honor of Leeds United is that they are only Champions League champions. They have no dominance in the Premier League and have not won any championships in the country. This is their weakness.

However, Barcelona has won the League and the King's Cup in Spain, which is worse than the Champions League. The competition between the two sides should be very, very fierce.

Now the outside world attaches great importance to this matter!

A lot of media are reporting on this. Many of the media are more concerned about Barcelona's Rio Messi. They think that Rio Messi is the biggest hit of European footballers this year because Barcelona ’s results this year are too Well, the Spanish national team swept opponents, and the results in the UEFA Champions League are not bad.

The main thing is that Lionel Messi's personal results are also very good, very good. Shouldn't this award belong to Leo Messi?

At this time, many La Liga head coaches are supporting Leo Messi, claiming that Leo Messi is the one who deserves this award. Leo Messi is really great.

And Barcelona's teammates also supported Leo Messi, and even Xavi, who was selected to the final five, also supported Messi in an interview with media reporters.

Harvey said, "Am I? No no no, I think Leo deserves more awards. In this year, his performance is obvious and beyond doubt. I don't think there is any doubt about this. Leo does It's very powerful, this award should belong to him, and it has nothing to do with me! "

Yes, Harvey is so humble, and he is holding Messi.

Barcelona coach Guardiola said this: "Yes, I think Leo deserves an award. His performance is really very amazing. I don't think there is a second person on this planet that can rival him. He ’s really amazing, he gave a very, very perfect answer sheet. If it was my choice, I would give Leo it! "

Of course, Guardiola also said: "Xavi is also very good, and he has the opportunity to win this award. Xavi did things not as eye-catching as Leo, but I want to say that Xavi is only for us Barcelona Is the most important, he is the world's greatest midfielder, but his data is not as glamorous and eye-catching as Leo, so everyone can't notice him, this is the sadness of the midfielder, not the strength of Harvey. ! "

Yes, Guardiola seems to be grieving for a midfielder like Harvey!

Now the so-called selection rules of Mr. World Footballer and Mr. European Footballer seem to be to see who has scored the most goals and who has won the most honors. He has never thoroughly understood football. In the sport of football, not only To score.

Guardiola instead believes that master players like Harvey deserve such awards. It's just that this era is not suitable for them, they are too inconspicuous.

Now all the light is attracted by the peerless double pride Rio Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. Everyone has only noticed these two crazy offenses and performances, and they have not noticed that they are behind them The midfield masters of the entire team.

For example, Xavi of Barcelona, ​​Inesta and Luka Modric of Leeds United and others.

Guardiola believes this is unfair to Harvey, Iniesta and Luca Modric. You see that Eto'o has entered the top five, and Iniesta did not enter it. This is because Eto'o scored more goals!

However, at this time, Guardiola felt that he was very happy whether Leo Messi won the award or Harvey won the award. Of course, he still hoped that Harvey won the prize, but unfortunately it was almost a dream.

Guardiola expressed his wish, he just hoped that they Barcelona won, there is no Tiliz United side, yes this is selfishness!

At this time, there were also very many outside supporters of Guardiola and Barcelona. They felt that Guardiola was right. Rio Messi was stronger, or he was leaving much more.

There are also more reports about the Leo Messina award.

However, more people in England support Cristiano Ronaldo.

Many Premier League head coaches have publicly supported Cristiano Ronaldo in an interview. They believe that Cristiano Ronaldo deserves an award.

Arsene Wenger put it this way: "If you let me choose, I'll choose Cristiano Ronaldo!"

That's it!

Yes, Arsene Wenger is so simple, just a sentence.

Alex Ferguson said in an interview: "Of course I would choose Cristiano. His ability is very amazing, and more importantly, his performance is even more amazing. In Leeds United he It was a powerful force that broke out, and he was really too powerful. I think this is the time of Cristiano, and now it belongs to him. Sure enough, people with the last name Ronaldo are powerful people. "

It can be seen that Alex Ferguson really hopes that Cristiano Ronaldo will get this award.

Benitez also gave an interview, saying: "Obviously this should be the way to Cristiano Ronaldo, because they won the Champions League and Barcelona did not. This is the flaw, Barcelona's fatal disadvantage!"

Benitez also said: "This year, Cristiano Ronaldo also performed very well in Air France. I have no reason not to choose him. He is really great. Of course, if I can, I am also Wanting to choose Steven Gerrard, his performance is equally good, but unfortunately he did not get into the eyes of some people, I still support Gerrard! "

Well, Benitez is still very unconvinced. He thinks that Gerrard has not appeared in the top five. This is a shady, and some people have eyes.

Many journalists in England support Cristiano Ronaldo. This seems to be the same as the one discussed.

Now Spanish footballers seem to support Rio Messi, and English footballers support Cristiano Ronaldo, which seems to be really evenly matched.

Maybe this year will be the most recent vote, but at this time we are not sure, who can get this European Footballer's Award?

Because from the current situation, it seems that both of them have the chance to win the prize.

It is very likely that the number of votes of a person can determine the ownership of this year's European footballer.

Now many media reporters are helping these two people to draw votes wildly. This is very noisy.

Zhong Cheng naturally did not escape, and was interviewed by media reporters.

Zhong Cheng said directly, "Do you still need to say that? This year's European footballer definitely belongs to Chris, he will surely win double championships. There should be no suspense, our Chris is better, we take Is it not enough to reach the Champions League? "

When Zhong Cheng said this, media reporters really said nothing to refute.

Zhong Cheng also said: "Is Chris' personal data worse than Rio Messi? Obviously not, why is there a reason for Messi to win a prize? If he won the highest prize in the European League No one can get Mr. European Football, do you deserve this European Footballer? "

Some Spanish media reporters were said to be very embarrassed. As Zhong Cheng said, Rio Messi was really awkward to get this award!

After all, Leo Messi has no solid honor to support him.

Zhong Cheng finally said, "So, I think Chris is the most suitable for this award, and there is no better person than him. I believe that everyone will be very, very fair, so I need not say more what?"

The local journalists in England are naturally applauded. They also think that this award should belong to Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo has the highest honor. If this is not the case, it is probably a It's undercover!

So, compared with Cristiano Ronaldo, Leo Messi is almost honorable.

Now many media reports are like this, and the wind is gradually shifting towards Cristiano Ronaldo. Now in the public opinion, the approval rate of Cristiano Ronaldo is higher, now waiting for the award ceremony It ’s time to see who can win?

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