The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 383: Episode [383]: I want revenge, not too late in ten years

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A quick and loud cough sounded!


A buckle of blood rushed up from his throat and sprayed out instantly.

A violent impact instantly came from all over the body. Zhong Cheng felt like he was thrown out of a sandbag and hit the wall hard, his chest was stuffy, and a sip of blood was spurted.

Then his body hit the ground hard again. The collision and shock of distance seemed to tear Zhong Cheng's entire body in an instant, as if his body had fallen apart.

The eyes were dark, and the ears were tinnitus at a distance, so that Zhong Cheng could not see clearly or hear anything, and his entire head was about to explode.

Then countless pieces of things crashed into his body frantically, and another violent pain came.

Zhong Cheng was instantly dumbfounded, what is the situation?

Zhong Cheng's head really hurts, as if it is about to burst, and it hurts when he thinks about things.

It took a while for Zhong Cheng to get a little better!

"Am I there? Shouldn't I be on a plane to France?" Zhong Cheng's head was full of doubts.

Yes, Zhong Cheng should have appeared on a flight from England to France at this time. Zhong Cheng is taking Cristiano Ronaldo to France to attend this year's European Footballer's awards ceremony!

Cristiano Ronaldo's odds of winning the whole season are still very, very big. In order to support Cristiano Ronaldo, Zhong Cheng naturally followed along.

Yeah, I'm obviously on the plane, why is it here?

The situation improved slightly, Zhong Cheng immediately struggled to look at the situation around him with his eyes open, while standing up hard.

As soon as he propped up his body, Zhong Cheng felt the pain in the distance, and at the same time, he also felt that the body was a little bit distracted. He was injured, and he was seriously injured.

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng felt wrong!

He is too familiar with such injuries, he seems to have experienced such injuries!

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng's eyes tightened, and he thought of it.

Hasn't he suffered such injuries early this season? It was also on the plane at the time, but his injury came from LlianYu's survival!

Zhong Cheng instantly understood, where he was, he was back in "Swinging for Survival"!

Zhong Cheng's vision became clearer. He looked at the surroundings. Although it had become a broken wall, it was vaguely able to see that this was the remote police branch.

And although this police separation was bombed, it was only blown away!

The bomb did not fall directly on Zhong Cheng ’s head. Zhong Cheng was not injured by the bomb, but was shocked by the shock wave brought by the bomb. He threw his whole body and hit the wall fiercely. And then hit the ground hard again.

It's no wonder that Zhong Cheng's injury was like that, especially the same injury that was hit by a car passing by quickly. It turned out that he was really hit!

Of course, a lot of broken stones and wooden blocks, etc. were splashed on Zhong Cheng's body, and the loyal arm's chest was hurt and scratched.

Zhong Cheng now seems to be a blood man, covered in blood.

Zhong Cheng's injury is quite serious, but Zhong Cheng's physical fitness is very good, barely able to withstand. But this must have caused a lot of trouble and unchanged for the "Desert Island Survival" behind him.

Zhong Cheng struggled to move his body, leaning on a relatively safe position in the corner of the police station, his ears were full of the sharp sound of bombs falling and the sound of explosions.

This bombing is really too fierce. Now I'm afraid the outside will be razed to the ground, right?

Zhong Cheng couldn't manage so much now, he was watching his injury.

This also has the feeling of dying before he can die. It seems that he really overestimates himself, and really thinks that he is the son of the natural selection. He can easily get to the end and win.

I'm really wrong.

This luck is really too TMD's back, and became the first unlucky bombed.

Of course, this is not the time to complain and complain.

Zhong Cheng looked at his injury and now he has to deal with it. Otherwise, no enemies will be encountered later, but they will be easily killed by poison gas.

Zhong Cheng immediately took out some of the medicines he had collected from his backpack.

These drugs are obviously different from real-world drugs, both in packaging and in name.

Zhong Cheng took a look at the fact that there are not many kinds of medicines in his hand. There are only a few kinds, such as painkillers, hemostatic medicines, and a kind of thing called a panacea. Zhong Cheng really does not know what this all-purpose special medicine is, but it sounds like awesome as soon as it sounds!

Of course, Zhong Cheng chose the medicine directly without much consideration.

No matter what analgesics, hemostatics, and all-purpose medicines are used, of course, it is impossible to use them all, but a small part. After using this small part, Zhong Cheng instantly felt different.

Zhong Cheng's eyes were wide open, and his eyes widened like copper bells were incredible!

Because the effect of this medicine is really amazing, he could not believe it.

He was just so seriously injured, and now he is getting better soon, and his body is recovering very quickly. Zhong Cheng can feel that if he is given another minute or two, his internal injury should be able to heal. In case of trauma, it is better to get some anti-inflammatory drugs and get another bandage.

Zhong Cheng was really shocked. You have to know that in the real world, Zhong Cheng has been injured for more than a month. This is still the case when Zhong Cheng's physical fitness exceeds that of ordinary people. If it is replaced by an ordinary person who suffered such a serious injury, it will take about half a year to heal!

And now this medicine is able to heal his internal injuries in a few minutes, this omnipotent special effect medicine is really amazing!

And this is exactly the case. Zhong Cheng understood that "Desert Island Survival" is definitely a super product of the system.

Zhong Cheng slowly recovered while bandaging his wound while listening to the situation outside the scene. The bombing outside continued. But now Zhong Cheng only continues to shrink in this police station, because the outside is completely open, without any bunkers, Zhong Cheng will die even worse when he goes out.

Zhong Cheng looked at the poison of poison in his hand immediately after finishing the bandage.

Judging from the situation of the healing drug just now, Zhong Cheng has more expectations for the poison gas antidote. He firmly believes that this poison gas antidote is absolutely very good.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng is not too worried about the poison now.

Because Zhong Cheng then searched for poison gas antidote quite a lot. Of course, it is not to say that Zhong Cheng is not afraid of these poisonous gases at all, he is just not afraid for a while. If he stays in the poison gas for too long, this poison gas antidote will also be used up. After that, Zhong Cheng will also be poisoned.

Yes, this poison gas antidote can relieve the poison gas in your body at once. But he does not form antibodies, nor does it mean that if you take this antidote once, you will not be poisoned in the future.

Once you take it, you can only touch the poison gas in your body this time. If you inhale poison gas next time without taking antidote, you will still be poisoned!

Therefore, now Zhong Cheng still wants to run away from drugs!

At that time, he did not have to be particularly anxious. If he encountered some buildings in the process of running drugs, Zhong Cheng could still search a little, because Zhong Cheng now does not have a rifle or submachine gun, let alone a sniper rifle.

Even if it was poisoning, Zhong Cheng had to find a spear as soon as possible.

Zhong Cheng immediately took out the map in his hand. He wanted to see where he was going next?

Zhong Cheng saw many schools, warehouses, factories, power plants, prisons, shooting ranges, etc. on the map. It can be seen that this desert island is really very big.

Zhong Cheng is thinking where he should enter the safe zone?

At this time, the bombing outside was getting weaker and weaker. Zhong Cheng immediately looked at the wrist watch. He understood that the bombing time was only the last two minutes. After these two minutes, he would start to release poison gas.

Of course, it takes a certain amount of time for the poison gas to come to this police branch. Zhong Cheng can also stay in the police branch for a while before leaving. After all, the outside has just been intensively bombed, and just after the bombing, Zhong Cheng went out. Uncomfortable.

Zhong Cheng was prepared to stay here for about five minutes before setting off.

Zhong Cheng carefully scanned the safety zone on the watch. He was choosing the location and route to enter the safety zone next.

However, Zhong Cheng looked at the information above the wrist watch again, and the number of survivors now displayed is still 74. Zhong Cheng understood it here, and no one died in this bombing.

Then this shows a problem, that is, Zhong Cheng is in the area where he has very few people, or even almost no one is here, and they are all in the security zone.

Of course, Zhong Cheng also thought of a very terrible thing, that is, the person who had just ambushed himself was not dead. This guy escaped this bombing in an air raid shelter.

This is troublesome!

I know that the other party is not dead, and the old hunter like the other party will obviously know that he is not dead!

So what kind of choice will this **** guy make next? Will the guy leave immediately by car or boat and enter the safe area? Or will he stand on the hillside and wait for the rabbit to destroy himself? Or is this guy going directly from behind the hillside to solve himself?

Zhong Cheng is really unsure, can't understand!

But Zhong Cheng knew one thing, that is, he should not die with this guy now. Because there are only two pistols in his hand, the range of the pistol is only 50 meters, and the precise range is closer. Only melee can solve the opponent. However, the equipment in the opponent's hands is very good. You can easily lose yourself within a few hundred meters. How can you progress with this guy?

This is not an urban area. There are dense construction areas. This is an empty hillside. There is no good hiding place. If Zhong Cheng rushes up and dies, it is likely that he has not rushed to the other side , Directly dropped by the opponent's spear.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng now only has to avoid its edge and ignore this **** guy.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

Zhong Cheng had to find a long-range spear as soon as possible. In this case, Zhong Cheng would not be empty of anyone. He was very, very confident in his marksmanship!

Zhong Cheng took a closer look at the slender map in his hand, and then he stared at the small factory on the edge of the safety zone not far from him, should there be no one here? Because here is also very biased!

But no matter whether there is anyone or not, Zhong Cheng has to go once, because he has to enter the safety zone.

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