The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 387: Episode [387]: Who can't talk big?

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Before Zhong Cheng, who was preparing for the slaughter, had time to show his strength, he returned to the real world.

The flight had now arrived in Paris, France.

Here are a lot of media reporters gathered here, they are looking forward to waiting for the arrival of the football giants.

Of course, there are also a lot of fans here.

Some of these fans are wearing a red Manchester United jersey, some are wearing a white Leeds United jersey, some are wearing a green and white jersey, a Lisbon Athletic team jersey, and even a dark red Portuguese national team. Jersey ...

This man's jersey has a name printed on it-Cristiano Ronaldo!

These people are fans of Cristiano Ronaldo. They are here to meet Cristiano Ronaldo. They all hope that Cristiano Ronaldo will get the European Footballer of the Year.

Moreover, these fans also believe that Cristiano Ronaldo is more qualified than the guy Lionel Messi to win this award.

In this year, Cristiano Ronaldo's performance is undoubtedly the most eye-catching. He is also the first player in the world to successfully defend the Champions League title after the Champions League restructuring.

Based on this, Cristiano Ronaldo deserves this award.

Speaking of which, Barcelona's Leo Messi is just a Champions League and Kings Cup champion. Can his honor be compared with Cristiano Ronaldo?

These fans support Cristiano Ronaldo.

Now countless fans are pouring in, flocking to Cristiano Ronaldo, they are asking questions to Cristiano Ronaldo, and there are very, very many media reporters constantly pressing the shutter to record Cristiano Ronaldo is just the figure.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo, do you have any confidence in winning the European Golden Globe?" A reporter asked.

Cristiano Ronaldo took a look at the reporter and said, "Of course I am confident. I think I am the most worthy player this time. If no one who has performed this way has won the award, does it mean that there is a shady vote What about? "

Everyone in the audience was stunned, this Cristiano Ronaldo is completely in Diss "French Football", if this award can not give him Cristiano Ronaldo, this is a shady.

"French Football" is certainly very unhappy to hear such remarks.

But Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't care about these. He just said everything he wanted to say.

Zhong Cheng glanced at Cristiano Ronaldo and said nothing.

Media reporters continue to interview Cristiano Ronaldo: "Excuse me, Mr. Ronaldo, what do you think of Mr. Rio Messi's performance this year?"

Cristiano Ronaldo said lightly: "We have so many tasks in Leeds United, so busy, where do I have time to learn about the others. To be honest, I also know some players in the Premier League, and players in other leagues I really didn't know it, I didn't have time. "

hiss! The scene was a sound of breathless air.

Does Cristiano Ronaldo mean that he didn't look at Leo Messi?

The media reporters were all very surprised, one by one, they were very, very excited. This time, it really wasn't in vain. This is big news, and it will definitely cause a lot of sensation afterwards. Ronaldo's fans will die with Leo Messi fans.

Cristiano Ronaldo continued: "To be honest, I think I was very surprised that Frank Ribery was not in the top five of the European Footballer's Selection this time!"

Media reporters froze in reality, and then stared at Cristiano Ronaldo, as if struck by lightning.

Does this guy know what he said? Isn't this the offense of "French Football"?

What exactly is this guy Cristiano Ronaldo doing? Is this guy digging his own grave? Or did this guy know in advance that he could not win the prize, and expressed his dissatisfaction here?

Zhong Cheng was also a little stunned, without understanding Cristiano Ronaldo's intentions.

However, Zhong Cheng didn't bother, these things are handled by the players themselves.

Cristiano Ronaldo continued: "In the past year, Frank Ribéry has performed very well in the Premier League and the Champions League. He even helped Manchester United to win the Premier League. I think he should have a place in the top five of the European Football Championship. "

Indeed, the performance of Frank Ribery this year is really very good. Their Manchester United performance in the Champions League is also very, very good. Such players have not been selected in the top five. .

However, everyone is assured of this question. How could a guy like Cristiano Ronaldo be so reckless and speak out directly in the public.

Zhong Cheng looked at Cristiano Ronaldo again. What happened to this guy today?

Suddenly another media reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo, are you dissatisfied with the practice of" French Football "and do not think there is any fairness in their selection?"

Everyone at the scene was short of breath. This problem was too sharp.

This is just a trick for Cristiano Ronaldo. Is this reporter a reporter for the "World Sports News", who secretly assists Leo Messi here?

Cristiano Ronaldo glanced at the reporter lightly, and then said, "What's wrong with me? Freedom of expression, I just say what I think. One thousand readers have a thousand Hamlet, in In my mind, Frank Ribéry should be in the top five. It's as simple as that. I'm just expressing my own thoughts. What does this river "French Football" have to do? "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and we can see that Cristiano Ronaldo is not the kind of player without a mind.

The reporter was obviously very dissatisfied and did not reach his goal.

Cristiano Ronaldo continued: "This is just my own opinion, this cannot change the public opinion. I think some people still don't have ulterior motives, do your own thing, not everyone is like you Silly!"

The reporters at the scene laughed for a while. The reporter who had just asked was immediately ashamed and resentful, staring at Cristiano Ronaldo's eyes almost ready to spit fire.

Cristiano Ronaldo didn't bother this guy at all, he just pulled away and was ready to leave here, go to the hotel where he stayed, take a good rest, and then attend the awarding ceremony of the European Footballer of the Year tonight.

This year ’s European Footballer ’s awards ceremony was still held on the French TV station. There is a very good awards ceremony here, and there will be a lot of famous football players coming to the scene.

Just as Cristiano Ronaldo was about to leave, another person asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo, is it true that you are about to transfer to Real Madrid in the near future? You really want to pay 180 million euros. Is the price transferred to Real Madrid? "

All reporters on the scene were shocked, 180 million euros?

Hurry up, which player is worth 180 million euros? 180 million euros can re-form a new team, but also a very strong team. 180 million euros just to buy someone? It's really too fake!

Many people at the scene did not believe that this Nima was absolutely fake.

However, many people know that Real Madrid is really chasing Cristiano Ronaldo now. Real Madrid chairman Florentino thinks that Cristiano Ronaldo is going crazy.

Florentino once said directly: "In this winter, we will take Cristiano Ronaldo to our Real Madrid club at all costs!"

It can be seen that Florentino is a must-have for Cristiano Ronaldo.

However, everyone has not heard of the figure of 180 million euros. Many people think that 80 million euros is very scary. It is 180 million, which is simply nonsense.

Cristiano Ronaldo suddenly turned to look at the questioning reporter and said, "I don't know where you got the news, I don't know if the news is true or false, but what I can tell you is, I have no intention of leaving Cristiano Ronaldo to leave Leeds United, I will desperately need to stay here and will not go anywhere! "

Zhong Cheng smiled lightly, I really don't know where the reporter got the news, Hu Hehe.

Zhong Cheng has repeatedly rejected Florentino positively. Cristiano Ronaldo Leeds United will not be sold. Leeds United is not short of money. You ca n’t make Christie no matter how much money you make. Arno Ronaldo took away.

I didn't expect that Florentino would stand up and make trouble as soon as he was free. It seemed that he was not ready to calm down Zhong Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Media reporters frowned when they heard Cristiano Ronaldo say so. Then many media reporters turned to look at Zhong Cheng, and some people asked Zhong Cheng.

A reporter asked: "Excuse me, Mr. Loya, is the Real Madrid Club's purchase of Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo true?"

Zhong Cheng immediately bowed his head and said, "It is true that this is the case. It is not the first time that Mr. Florentino has asked for our club. I have bought Cristiano Ronaldo. However, this is the first time I have reached 180 million Euro I heard, I do n’t know where this reporter learned the news? "

When Zhong Cheng said this, the media reporters at the scene suddenly realized that this reporter was nonsense!

At this time, some media reporters immediately continued to ask questions: "Excuse me, Mr. Loya, is the club planning to sell Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo?"

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "I have said this many times, Cristiano Ronaldo is a non-sale product of our club, and we will not sell him. Therefore, you should not ask this question again, even if it is Raise it, and I will not answer in the future! "

Many media reporters at the scene nodded and expressed their understanding.

But some people still don't believe it, and some people ask, "Even if Real Madrid quotes 180 million euros, will it not be sold?"

Zhong Cheng chuckled, this reporter really looked down on himself.

Zhong Cheng immediately said: "Don't say 180 million euros, even if it is 200 million pounds, our club will not sell Cristiano Ronaldo. If you are sent by Real Madrid to explore the road, you can use me Report to your upline! "

As soon as Zhong Cheng's words came out, the audience was shocked!

Isn't this true, will Zhong Cheng really reject the 200 million pound offer? This Nima must be fake, who can't speak big!

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