The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 404: Episode [404]: The gentleman is open-minded

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Seven to zero, in the end Leeds United beat the opponent.

After the game, the fans supporting Leeds United were naturally very excited, very excited. Is this Leeds United so powerful? And this is the semi-main lineup of Leeds United.

The semi-main lineup is so powerful. What about the Leeds United team?

Many people dare not imagine.

In fact, many people are different, and Leeds United is really great. But it is really not as perverted as everyone imagines, those imaginations are a bit too far.

The players of Leeds United in this game are very good, unprecedentedly good, and even some super level. Moreover, the opponent Atlante is a bit disdainful of them. Especially when seeing Leeds United sent so many substitutes, they thought they had a chance and invested more energy in the offense.

Anyway, the Atlante team lost this game by accident.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng did not expect that they could defeat the Atlanat team so easily with most of them, nor did he think that the Atlant team was so disappointed.

Before the game, Jose Guadalupe shouted so much that he really thought that this guy had two brushes. Unfortunately, this guy let Zhong Cheng down.

Zhong Cheng immediately turned his head to look at the other side, and to Atalanta's head coach Jose Guadalupe. Unfortunately, this guy has turned and strode out of the field, it seems that there is no more Meaning of staying.

The corner of Zhong Cheng's mouth slightly tilted, this guy really has a song to escape!

This guy left so quickly, is he afraid to stay here?

Zhong Cheng smiled lightly, then ignored the guy, set his sights on the court, and looked at his players, this game performed very well.

On the other side, Jose Guadalupe really didn't have a face to stay, and when he heard the crazy cheers of the Liz United fans in his ears, he felt harsh, and felt that these sounds were like a fan on him. Slap on the face!

My ears are loud!

When he thinks of his remarks before the game, he feels embarrassed, and staying here seems to be able to feel the countless people around him cast a mocking and ridiculous look, letting him feel complacent.

Jose Guadalupe is still too young, not thick enough!

To be honest, those words that Jose Guadalupe said before the game did not really look down on Leeds United, nor did they really underestimate Leeds United, slamming Zhong Cheng. His purpose is twofold. One is to let the outside world and his opponent Leeds United focus on him. All the pressure is to be carried by himself, giving his players a relatively relaxed environment; The second is nothing more than letting the Leeds United's own radical method, so that Cristiano Ronaldo should not be very rough in this game.

To be honest, both goals of Jose Guadalupe have been achieved, and the effect is even better than he expected, much better.

Because Leeds United not only did not let Cristiano Ronaldo play, but also concealed the entire main defense line and exhausted the full defense line. And as he thought, everyone's attention was focused on his head coach, and his players were not under any pressure.

But he still made a mistake!

One hundred secrets and one sparse, he happened to underestimate the Leeds United team. He really thought that the group of substitutes of the Leeds United team were some ordinary young people, lacking strength, and on the offensive, wanted to win the game.

Now the results have come out, and she is still too arrogant.

Jose Guadalupe shook his head slightly, he suddenly felt like he was being fooled!

He used all kinds of tricks before the game, but the lunatic Loia used only one trick, and the trick was counted. All the performance of the lunatic Loya has only one purpose, that is, to let him and their players leap Leeds United ...

Jose Guadalupe's footsteps suddenly, his eyes widened, his face horrified ...

It took a while before he smiled bitterly, then he quickened his pace and quickly left the place.

Loya, the lunatic, is well-deserved.

Jose Guadalupe is really convinced this time!

━━━Split line ━━━

After the game, the press conference site.

Head coach Jose Guadalupe of the Mexican Atlant was sitting on the rostrum, and he could see that he was very calm and didn't say anything, just sitting quietly.

The eyebrow reporters below mostly stared at Jose Guadalupe in sportswear. They all wanted to know what was in their hearts?

"What the **** are you thinking about? Is this almost half an hour away? He just sat there motionless. Did he come over to play the sculpture?" Kelly Fox wondered.

Kelly Fox is also a prominent reporter for the Yorkshire Post and has not resigned. She rejected the invitation of the Red Devils Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson and did not go to Manchester United to take office.

Although, the position given by Alex Ferguson is very good. However, she was a **** fan of Leeds United from an early age. She still has not put her in the arms of her deadly rival, and her man Zhong Zheng is still playing for Leeds United. More importantly, Zhong Zhong is the absolute diehard of Leeds United.

If she did go to Manchester United, she didn't know what the consequences would be?

Kelly Foxx stared at Jose Guadalupe on the stage, but her words were spoken to Xi Yuqing beside her.

Tong Yuqing, like Kelly Fox, is wearing a professional suit today, sitting in a relatively high position. Wu Yuqing did not know if Jose Guadalupe on the stage could hear them, after all, the distance between them was not too far.

Pu Yuqing glanced at Jose Guadalupe, then shook his head slightly, and said, "The ghost knows what he is thinking?"

Kelly Fox was shocked, and it was really rare for Qi Yuqing to say such words. This fear of death was not in line with the temperament of Qi Yuqing's fairy.

Sure enough, there is a Chinese poet and philosopher who is right, if life is just like first sight!

Many people will give you a strong label or halo when they first meet, but after you know him and walk into his life, you will find that in fact he and your first first The impression will be very different!

Like this Miss Sister Yuqing Qing, when you first saw her, you thought she was a holy white lotus, a fairy left in the world, and not a human firework. But after you have contacted him, you will understand that she will be more flesh and blood than you think, not so cold and unattainable.

Even many times, she will subvert your impression of her, such as now!

Pu Yuqing seemed to understand what Kelly Fox thought, and smiled at Kelly Fox lightly, saying, "This is me who really exists, not me who lives in your impression!"

Kelly Fox first stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I like you better now!"

Pu Yuqing also smiled and said, "Thank you!"

At this time, the door to the press conference opened, and Zhong Cheng, the head coach of Leeds United, led Zhong Zheng and Gareth Bell into the podium.

Jose Guadalupe, who sat on the stage, stood up immediately, welcoming Zhong Cheng. He stretched out his right hand far away and looked at Zhong Cheng with a smile on his face and said, "Welcome Mr. Loya. I'm so sorry, I just forgot to congratulate you on winning the game!"

Zhong Cheng was a little stunned in his heart. He didn't expect this person to have such a reaction. What is this guy's attempt to do?

However, Zhong Cheng was not surprised by his performance, and even said with a slight smile to Jose Guadalupe: "Thank you for your congratulations, Mr. Guadalupe !:

Zhong Cheng also said: "I'm really sorry, our team has been delayed a bit, and you have been waiting for a long time!"

Jose Guadalupe showed enough respect for Zhong Cheng. It can be seen that his congratulations and blessings are sincere, so Zhong Cheng's answer is also very sincere.

In fact, Jose Guadalupe really admires Zhong Cheng. Don't look at the guy in front of him, he is not even 30 years old, but he is really very powerful. From this game, he learned a lot, and learned a lot.

Jose Guadalupe immediately said, "Mr. Loya, please sit down, the press conference is about to begin!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, stretched out his right hand, motioned to Jose Guadalupe to sit first!

The pictures of the two modestly surprised all reporters at the scene. What the **** is this? Before the match, the two men were in tit-for-tat. I did not expect this time to be so polite, were the two men acting before the game?

Kelly Fox also stared at Yu Yuqing and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

After Zhong Cheng and Jose Guadalupe were sitting, Zhong Cheng strongly signaled that Jose Guadalupe first said that Jose Guadalupe had just opened his mouth.

Looking at the modest attitude of the two men, all media reporters at the scene were shocked.

At this moment, Jose Guadalupe immediately said: "This game, our team's performance is not satisfactory. But these have nothing to do with my players, this game The failure of the game is a mistake in decision-making and tactics, all this is my sin! "

Media reporters have turned their attention to the head coach on the stage. Why did this guy have such a big contrast before and after the game?

Jose Guadalupe ignored the following media reporters, and he continued: "This is caused by my underestimation of the strength of Leeds United, which led to our team's tactics being too aggressive and ultimately losing. After this game, it was all my fault! "

After a pause, Jose Guadalupe continued: "Mr. Loya deserves to be a brilliant head coach. Before the game, I think I have taken him seriously, and I have figured out all the ways to deal with him. However, he was easily resolved in the game. Even after the game was over, I reacted. It turned out that I was defeated by Mr. Loya. Mr. Loya is really great, admire and admire! "

The media reporters at the scene all looked at Zhong Cheng, and then looked at Jose Guadalupe. This guy was too irritated, did he give up? This guy wasn't like this before the game. He was tough at that time. He didn't expect to be convinced by Zhong Cheng.

Regardless of whether he is really convinced or fake, he admits to persuasion at this time.

Of course, media reporters didn't expect that even Jose Guadalupe was so boneless, even if he confessed, he finally made a fool of Zhong Cheng, this guy is really a villain.

However, Zhong Cheng does not think so.

Jose Guadalupe really has a little ability, after the game these are just some means, not showing the nature and character of Jose Guadalupe, so he did not think that Jose Guadalupe What kind of villain is Pu, but he still thinks he is a frank person!

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