The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 384: Episode [384]: The Premier League's top defense

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Other national leagues have entered the winter break, but the Premier League does not!

There is no winter break in the Premier League. During this period, games are played, and there are still many games. Players from other leagues are resting, and Premier League players are working overtime!

This is the Premier League!

One of the biggest things in English football now is that Leeds United have beaten Manchester United 1-0 at home and reached the top of the Premier League. Media across the British mainland are reporting on this incident, spreading it throughout the country.

"Tragedy repeats! Manchester United is again taken down by Leeds, fear of losing the championship!"-"The Times"

"Crazy Loya magic again, Leeds win home United again!"-"Liverpool Echo"

"Damn United strikes again, Leeds United fears three consecutive Premier League!"-"Merseyside Sports"

"Crazy Loya wins Manchester United again, Leeds United is the title of the Red Devils!" — "London Evening Standard"

"Winning Manchester United, Leeds again tops the Premier League!"-"Mirror"

"Leeds swept Manchester United to the top of the Premier League!"-The Guardian

"The Premier League is likely to change, Leeds United will achieve three consecutive Premier League!"-"The Sun"

"King Loya re-emerges, Leeds beat Manchester United to top the Premier League!"-"The Yorkshire Post"

"Bad venue ruins everything, Leeds United's victory is not worth it!"-"Manchester Evening News"


Such reports flooded the entire British continent, and everyone knew that Leeds United stepped on Manchester United's body again and reached the top of the Premier League.

The performance of Leeds United has surprised many people!

The start of this season's Leeds United team is very bad. It lost four games in a row. Almost everyone thinks that the Leeds United team is going to be finished this season. It has become a negative textbook for the Premier League and the defending champion of the Premier League has been directly relegated Yet.

Looking at Leeds United's four-game losing streak, many people in the Premier League claimed that Leeds United was really dead.

However, just when everyone hoped that Leeds United's four-game losing streak was about to go to the abyss, Leeds United unexpectedly directly began their invincible streak. Now Leeds United have achieved 16 in the Premier League. The winning streak is simply abnormal.

Now countless Premier League fans do not believe this thing!

Because in the season when Arsenal won the undefeated championship, Arsenal's winning streak was only fourteen consecutive victories. Now Leeds United have 16 consecutive victories, and Leeds United is really going against the sky. .

Therefore, many people do not believe this is true now. Is Leeds United really crazy this season? This season is really too bad.

Now Leeds United fans are naturally excited, one by one to the extreme. They feel that Leeds United is going to make history this season, and they are going to win the Premier League title and complete the triumph of the Premier League.

Fans of Leeds United are holding up Zhong Cheng's posters and portraits, and they will take Zhong Cheng directly to the sky.

When Leeds United was relegated four years ago, who could have thought that Leeds United would have such a brilliant result four years later? All of this was done after Zhong Cheng took over the Leeds United team. He took Leeds United to this fierce achievement by himself.

The fans of Leeds United are very grateful at this time, grateful that Zhong Cheng is the ultimate fan of Leeds United. I am grateful for everything that Zhong Cheng did for Leeds United during that bad summer, thank Zhong Cheng for acquiring Leeds United, and thank Zhong Cheng for taking the world by storm to become Leeds United! If it wasn't for Zhong Cheng's acceptance of the Leeds United team with the flags against the world, Leeds United would not have achieved today.

How hard Zhong Cheng fans of Leeds United were in the beginning, how much they love Zhong Cheng now!

Zhong Cheng is their god!

Now the results of Leeds United this season are really very good. The fans of Leeds United are full of expectations and expectations for the prospects of Leeds United. They have nothing to worry about in the Premier League. The only thing they want now is the Champions League. Now the only difference for Leeds is a Champions League.

Leeds United fans hope that the team can win the Champions League in the UEFA Champions League this season.

Of course, it is very difficult to win this championship, but they must do so, and they are also very confident!

The atmosphere in Leeds United is also very good. They just beat Manchester United. The players of Leeds United are full of energy. They are now the top of the league and they firmly believe that they can achieve better results.

However, this time Zhong Cheng did not give Leeds United a holiday, because two days later, Leeds United will usher in the 21st round of the Premier League this season, and it is also the first game Leeds United entered in 2008.

Yes, this game is equally important for Leeds United.

Because Leeds United's opponents are very strong, is now ranked second in the Premier League Arsenal!

Yes, after the end of the twentieth round of the Premier League, Manchester United was not only pushed down from the throne by Leeds United, but they did not even retain the second place in the league. Arsenal came later, directly to 47. Scores ranked third in the Premier League.

Leeds United currently has 48 points, ranking first in the league. However, they are only one point ahead of Arsenal. Leeds United has not secured a top spot in the league at all.

So this game is very crucial.

If Leeds United lose to Arsenal in this game, then Leeds United will be overthrown by Arsenal and fall to the top of the league. Even like Manchester United, they cannot maintain the second position in the league, and even the third position in the league.

Because Sheffield now have the same points as Manchester United on Wednesday, they both have 45 points. If the next round of Leeds United loses, and Sheffield and Manchester United perform better on Wednesday, it is said that both teams can have the same points as Leeds United, and then use the advantage of the goal difference to surpass Leeds United Therefore, Leeds United have to go to the fourth position in the league.

Therefore, the importance of this game is very clear.

Against Arsenal this game, Leeds United must also go all out and must win this game. Of course, if Leeds United had only one draw in this game, they would still be at the top of the league. But it is clear that Zhong Cheng hopes that Leeds United can win this game, and it is the best to get three points.

The recent Leeds United match is still very intensive, because three days after playing with Arsenal, Leeds United will participate in the FA Cup this season, all Premier League teams will be in this round Playing in the game, Leeds United is no exception.

Leeds United's opponents in this round of competition are not weak, the one is Manchester City!

And three days after this game, Leeds United will usher in the first round of the semi-finals of the English League Cup this season, Leeds United have challenged Chelsea away! After this game, Leeds United will usher in the 22nd round of the Premier League three days later, and Leeds United will face Fulham at home.

Yes, this is the recent Leeds United schedule. There are four games to be played in two weeks. It is really very, very dense.

Think of the players in other leagues enjoying a good winter break, and the players of Leeds United have to work overtime, the Premier League players are really very fortunate.

Of course, for Leeds United, the most important thing is the league.

In the FA Cup and the League Cup, Zhong Cheng is handed over to some young players. How far they can go depends on themselves. The further they go, the more chances they have to play. If they are eliminated too early, they lose A lot of opportunities for growing up.

These Zhong Cheng are made clear with the young players of the Leeds United team. They all cherish these games. Each of them is going all out and playing as the finals, hoping to get more. Chance of a match.

At present, Zhong Cheng is not thinking about these cup matches, what he is currently thinking about is the upcoming 21st round of the Premier League, Leeds United went to challenge Arsenal away.

Arsenal's current strength is very strong, this season later came on top, and directly reached the second place in the league, which is still beyond many people's expectations.

The Liverpool team was very powerful this season. Benitez introduced a lot of players and spent a lot of money. At the beginning of next year's game, their results were very good and often occupied Top of the league. But the twenty rounds passed, and they only ranked sixth in the Premier League with 40 points, which is very different from their investment. Therefore, this season Benitez is under great pressure, and many people are calling for Benitez to leave the class!

Many people think that Benitez is no longer suitable for Liverpool. Benitez should leave Liverpool. Liverpool now needs fresh blood. Of course, this fresh blood refers to the new head coach.

However, Liverpool's senior team is still very confident about Benitez, they still support Benitez. Because Benitez previously coached Liverpool's results are very good, twice reached the Champions League final, and won a Champions League champion, can be called the king of the cup.

Liverpool executives believe Benitez can bring them more championships, and they believe in Benitez.

However, Zhong Cheng is very clear that the Liverpool team is going to sink for a while.

Now Zhong Cheng is naturally worried about Arsenal. He knows that this game is definitely not good. The Arsenal team is very strong, really strong. Moreover, Leeds United have just died with Manchester United, and the consumption is huge.

The Arsenal team just beat Everton in the Premier League next year, and morale is growing.

Everton's results are still pretty good, ranking eighth in the Premier League, the strength is pretty good. But the Arsenal team has won so easily, it seems that the Arsenal team is really good now. At this time, Leeds United faced Arsenal, Zhong Cheng was a bit worried.

Looking at this upcoming game, Zhong Cheng seriously reminded the players of Leeds United to not drift, this game must be played well.

Now that Leeds United has won 16 consecutive games in the league, Zhong Cheng is really afraid that these young players of Leeds United are floating. Yes, winning streak is easy to make people impetuous, especially such a long winning streak. Zhong Cheng is very worried and reminds the Leeds players several times a day.

It can be seen how much Zhong Cheng values ​​this game!

At this time, Zhong Cheng led the players of Leeds United to London and ushered in the league's top defense!

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