The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 389: Episode [389]: Another Fire Should Be Added

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Two to zero, Arsenal led Leeds United.

Looking at this result, Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, already expected!

The Leeds United players have indeed drifted a bit during this time. The sixteen consecutive Premier League wins are their glory and their poison. It is now, now it is these sixteen consecutive victories that have killed them.

The first half of the game was not over yet, Leeds United was behind by two zeros, and this game was very unsuccessful.

However, Zhong Cheng still did not make any statement.

In this game, Zhong Cheng was completely handed over to the Leeds United players. Let them think about it and think about their mental state these days. Find out what exactly went wrong with them today?

Albertini was very worried, he immediately said to Zhong Cheng around him: "Boss. The game is already like this, shall we remind the players?"

Zhong Cheng understood what Albertini meant, but he did not think it was necessary.

Zhong Cheng said, "Let them think for themselves. They are all smart people. I believe they should know what's wrong with them!"

Albertini was very nervous: "But then the game is likely to be over!"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "This half of the game is not over yet, aren't we still in the second half?"

Albertini froze slightly and didn't speak.

Zhong Cheng said: "Actually, we should thank the Arsenal team. If they scored only one goal in the first half, maybe we Leeds United were completely defeated in this game. But they have now scored two goals Ball, this is likely to be an accident! "

Albertini was shocked. How could this happen?

Zhong Cheng said: "The Leeds United players are very clever. Do you agree?"

Albertini nodded immediately, agreeing.

Zhong Cheng said, "Now we are behind zero to two. This ball has at least a 50% chance to wake up our players and make them aware of their problems. Now the more we concede the ball, the better we can wake them up. Be aware of your problems! "

Albertini was startled, and Zhong Cheng thought so.

Zhong Cheng continued: "Of course, we have lost too many goals and we have no chance at Leeds. The two goals are just right, and it is best to lose two goals in the first half. Losing two goals in a row is something that has not happened in Leeds United for a long time. Such anomalies will definitely cause this group of smart reflections, and I believe they can realize their problems! "

Albertini's eyes brightened, alas, don't tell me what it is!

Zhong Cheng continued: "If only one goal was lost in the first half of the game, the players may not pay attention to it, and they thought that the goal was bad luck. But the two goals are different. I think they are I should be thinking about it! "

Albertini's eyes staring at Zhong Cheng were all shining. He really didn't know how the guy Zhong Zhong grew up. Zhong Cheng is actually using the lessons of Arsene Wenger to teach his players. Zhong Cheng is really a daring artist.

After hearing Zhong Cheng's words, Albertini was suddenly full of hope for this game.

Albertini immediately said: "Boss, you are still great!"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "This is not enough right now. I think we still need to pour a fire during the intermission. This is foolproof!"

Albertini stared at Zhong Cheng tightly, he wanted to see what tricks Zhong Cheng would make!

Zhong Cheng said directly: "I won't go back to the locker room during the intermission. I will cool these guys in the locker room and let them think for themselves."

There was a great shock in Albertini's heart, and I didn't expect Zhong Cheng to do so!

Zhong Cheng didn't even enter the locker room during the intermission. The Leeds United players will definitely be stunned. They will be very embarrassed at the same time. At the same time, they will think about why Zhong Cheng did not enter the locker room. If Zhong Cheng is dissatisfied, they will reflect on their behavior, which will deepen their impression and realize their problem!

As long as the players of Leeds United are a little bloody, the players of Leeds United in the second half will definitely change their mental outlook!

Albertini stared at Zhong Cheng tightly, then sincerely gave Thumbs up to Zhong Cheng.

Albertini really learned some bad tricks beside Zhong Cheng!

Now on the pitch, Leeds United are onslaught and want to get back a goal before the end of the first half. Unfortunately, they did not succeed. On the contrary, they almost stole another ball at the end of the game. Fortunately, Zhong Zheng performed well and saved the football.

Seeing this attack by the Arsenal team, Zhong Cheng was a joy, this time it was done.

The Arsenal team really cooperated with him. Zhong Cheng firmly believes that because of this threatening attack by the Arsenal team, Leeds players will definitely reflect on their current status and performance.

After all, Leeds United almost trailed a team by zero to three in the first half of the game, but this has not happened for a long, long time.

If, at this time, the people of Leeds are not reflecting, then these Leeds players are a bunch of silly!

At the end of the first half, Arsenal led Leeds United 2-0.

The fans of the Arsenal team are very excited. They are celebrating and singing wildly in the Emirates Stadium. They are very happy and excited.

"This game, Leeds United have a lot of problems, they are really a little bit floating. It seems that it is not a good thing to win too many games in a row. Let's see what adjustments Loya will have during the intermission Right? If the adjustment is not good, this game Leeds United is finished! "Eddie Gray said.

"Yes, Leeds United are very serious now, and Loya must make good adjustments!" Mark Lawrence said so.

The players on both sides went to the player channel and went back to the locker room. Arsene Wenger and the members of the coaching staff walked towards their own locker room, while Zhong Cheng stayed in place and did not move for a while before turning around and leaving.

"Eh! We see, this crazy guy, Loya, didn't even return to the locker room for the first time. What is this guy doing? He wants to air the Leeds United players and let the Leeds players reflect on them? "Eddie Gray said immediately.

The fans of the Leeds United team were also shocked. Yeah, why did n’t Zhong Cheng return to the locker room for the first time?

In fact, what they didn't see was that Zhong Cheng didn't return to the locker room during the whole intermission. He stayed outside and rested, letting the players of Leeds United reflect on themselves.

Leeds United players are sitting in the locker room as if they were sitting in wax, their faces are very ugly!

The Leeds players are aggressive and don't know what happened?

Why did the team's head coach Zhong Cheng not return to the locker room? What the **** happened? Many people are aggressive!

The Leeds United players sat quietly for seven or eight minutes, and Zhong Cheng hadn't come in yet. They only realized the seriousness of the problem. It seems that their performance in this game made Zhong Cheng very, very dissatisfied, and they were here.

At this time, the Leeds United's players then reflected on their behavior and psychology in the first half of the game. Immediately they knew where the problem appeared. They were really too floating before. Did not talk about Arsenal's eyes. Before the game, Zhong Cheng reminded them many times, but they didn't care, and they completely regarded it as ears. This was the bad start of the game.

The players of Leeds United have lowered their high heads. They really made a big mistake this time!

At this point, as the team's captain Zhong Zheng stood up!

Yes, someone must stand up at this time, otherwise, Leeds United is really finished!

Zhong Zheng said to his teammates, "Brothers! I think you are all aware of our problems. From now on, it is clear that the boss is very dissatisfied with our performance. To be honest, I myself am very dissatisfied with my performance. We were all dissatisfied. We are a little bit drifted! "

Hearing this, Leeds United players have their heads lowered!

Zhong Zheng continued: "Now we can't continue this way. This game is very important for our Leeds United team. We must win this game because we can stay in the Premier League. So that we can continue to drift away! Otherwise, we will not even have the qualifications to float, but will also become a joke of the people all over the world, people will laugh at a group of guys who are not capable of such a crazy, really thought The world is invincible ... "

Leeds players can't help twitching. Now thinking about their naive thoughts, they can't bear it anymore.

Yeah, they were really naive before. What ’s so good about this?

Zhong Zheng continued: "Now we are zero to two behind, but this is not the end of the world. We still have the second half, we have a good performance in the second half, and use our strength to die against Arsenal, we may not lose . And I firmly believe that as long as we take it seriously, our Leeds will win! "

Zhong Zheng's words were loud, and Leeds United's players agreed.

Leeds United's players do not want to be a joke, let alone Zhong Cheng disappointed, the last thing they want is to come down from the top of the Premier League.

Zhong Zheng said loudly: "There are forty-five minutes left in the second half of the game. We have to use our strength to die with the Arsenal people. In this game, our Leeds United team will win and we must win! "

The players of Leeds United are full of fighting spirit, and their mentality is not the same as before. At this point, the Leeds United players are like the same tigers going downhill. They want to go out and wash their shame in the first half. They want everyone to understand that they are still the former winning general Leeds. team.

Albertini was not assured that he had been staying in front of the locker room door. Now he heard the words of Leeds players, he was relieved. At the same time, I also admire Zhong Cheng even more, Zhong Cheng is really amazing!

At this time, Zhong Cheng stepped out of the player channel in advance and came to the stadium early, waiting for the start of the second half of the game.

This was beyond many people's expectations, and everyone was shocked.

"What's going on? Loya came out so early. What was the situation in the second half of Leeds United? Did they give up?" Eddie Gray said very worriedly.

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