The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Episode [405]: As the name suggests, Qi Yuqing!

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Rui Jinguang is stunning and beautiful, 藕 冰 坼 and Yuqing!

Looking at Wu Yuqing in front of him, these two words suddenly popped into Zhong Cheng's mind!

Yes, these two words suddenly came to my mind!

For no reason!

It seems that these two sentences exist specifically for the woman in front of her!

In fact, these two words are not to describe people, but to describe a kind of flower that produces mud without staining, and lotus that is clear but not demon!

These two sentences come from the "Fu of Lotus" by Jiang Yan in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

"Lotus Fu" or Jiang Yan may have heard very few people, but everyone should be familiar with "Jianglang".

Yes, Jiang Lang's "Jianglang" is just this Jiang Yan!

Jiang Yan, the word Wentong, the famous political scientist, writer, essayist of the Southern Dynasties, Li Shi Song, Qi, Liang Three Dynasties!

Jiang Yan was poor when he was young, but he was a genius when he was six years old. He was able to write poems with brilliant literary skills and gorgeous vocabulary. The "Fu Fu" and "Hate Fu" he made are the pinnacles of his brilliant talents. These two articles are called eternal writings.

However, after reaching middle age, Jiang Yan suddenly sealed off and stopped writing. Later, someone asked, Jiang Yan said, "I've thought hard!"

Then came the story that Jiang Lang had done!

Of course, there are other versions circulating.

The most widely circulated version is:

"One day, Jiang Yan took a nap in the gazebo in the garden and fell asleep. In the dream, he met a man named Guo Yan. Guo Yan asked for a pen like him, saying: "I have a pen with you for a long time. Shouldn't you return it to me?"

Jiang Yan will reach into his arms, and there is a pen in his arms.

Jiang Yan immediately panned out the pen, and at first glance it turned out to be a colorful pen. Then, he returned the pen to Guo Yan with the trend.

Who knew that when he woke up, this genius writer was so talented that he had nothing to think about, and could no longer write Huang Xiutuan's jingxiu articles. A

At this point, Jiang Lang's only allusion passed down.

In fact, it is debatable that Jiang Lang did this allusion!

Yes, Jiang Yan rarely writes or writes after middle age, but this is not because he has nothing to do with writing, but he has devoted more energy to living in troubled times and to officialdom. went.

Jiang Yan relied on his Jingxiu article to open his career. After entering the career, the young lost his father's family, and Jiang Yan, who had saved his mother's salary, devoted himself to the officialdom, and then died.

Jiang Yan's article is indeed very good and very amazing, and this "Lotus Fu" is not even his famous work, but the literary talent is brilliant, the rhetoric is gorgeous, it is a very gorgeous fu!

The context of these two sentences is the vivid expression of the lotus shape.

These sentences are:

"Fang Cuiyu has a leaf and a stem than Bi Shi. Rui Jinguang and stunning, Bing Bing 坼 and Yu Qing. Zai Honglian vomited to show, Phi Hua Hua to Shu Ying. A

Looking at this person, then listening to his name Yuqing, Zhong Cheng naturally came up with these few essays. The jade halal in front of him is just like his name, and Gao Jie is like a lotus flower in the flourishing age.

Listening to the compliment of this beautiful woman in front of her eyes, Zhong Cheng shook her head slightly and said, "Miss Yunqing is ridiculous. Someone only reads two books occasionally, and can't compare with your father!"

Saitama shines brightly and brilliantly!

Qi Yuqing said in amazement: "Why did Mr. Zhong Cheng say so? Have you met my father?"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't seen Miss Yuqing's father yet!"

Wu Yuqing was even more puzzled, asking, "Why do you say something worse than your father?"

Zhong Cheng smiled with a smile: "The person who can give Miss Yuqing such a connotative name must be a great contemporary Confucianist. Your father is naturally very powerful, and someone Zhong will also admire the wind!"

Pu Yuqing took a moment's notice, then smiled and said, "So you are sure my name was taken by my father, not by others?"

Zhong Cheng said, "Your response has said it all!"

Wu Yuqing gave Zhong Cheng a pair of hygienic eyes. She didn't expect Zhong Cheng to answer like this. However, she smiled, and was considered to be Zhong Cheng's wit.

The two chatted happily, but the group around them saw the fog in the clouds.

Earlier, the two said they were meeting for the second time today. However, watching the two talked so speculatively and so happy, everyone really didn't believe that the two were meeting for the second time. The two should be old friends who haven't seen each other for years!

At this point, Julia Oliveira felt a huge crisis!

Zhong Cheng and Xi Yuqing were talking in Chinese behind them. The two were very happy and devoted to each other. If no one looked beside them, they looked very close and intimate, which made Julia Oliveira think Could these two have feelings beyond friendship?

Now Zhong Cheng is surrounded by two beautiful women, Isabella George and Kristina, and now there is another Lena. What will happen to her Julia Oliveira?

And this Lina is also an Oriental, has the same ancestors as Zhong Cheng, retains the same blood, and more importantly speaks the same language, received the same education, and has endless topics. Going up is more like a perfect match!

Yes, Julia Oliveira is a bit jealous!

Zhong Cheng's current status is rarely seen, even before Christina and Isabella George, Zhong Cheng has not shown this side. It seems that Zhong Cheng admires the Asian beauty in front of him very much, even has admiration!

So at this time, Julia Oliveira's gaze at Pu Yuqing was a little bit undisturbed. Although she was better in hiding, she was discovered by the same woman, Yuyu Qing.

How clever Yu Qing was, she instantly wanted to understand what was going on!

Pu Yuqing laughed lightly, and thought it was very interesting. She also deliberately discussed with Zhong Cheng about some topics that were very interesting to both of them. It's all about zero distance, even no, even negative distance.

Julia Oliveira was so angry that her eyes were about to spit fire.

"Damn fox, dare to seduce the old man's man, you're looking for death!" Julia Oliveira stared at Yu Yuqing with a severe look!

Bian Yuqing blocked Zhong Cheng's sight with her body, turned slightly, smiled slightly at Julia Oliveira, revealed a playful smile, scorned Julia Oliveira, then turned her head, as a proud Like a peacock, and then chatted fiercely with Zhong Cheng.

Seeing this, Julia Oliveira was even more angry, eager to rush forward, tearing the seductive pink mouth of Xi Yuqing.

Of course, Julia Oliveira can't do it now because so many people are watching. The main thing is that Zhong Cheng is still here. If she really wants to do this, she has to wait for no one.

However, Julia Oliveira remembered the woman, Yuqing Qing.

Zhong Cheng is still chatting with Ji Yuqingli. Zhong Cheng feels a bit late to meet each other. He seems to have endless topics with the beauty in front of him. However, now Zhong Cheng is in the dressing room, they have to separate.

Because time is running out, Zhong Cheng has to make up and even change clothes. Therefore, now Zhong Cheng must go in and get busy.

Zhong Cheng broke up with Qi Yuqing and others.

She Yuqing is going to another dressing room to change clothes and make-up. She is the host of this show, so she is naturally busy.

After Zhong Cheng and Saitama farewell, they entered the dressing room!

Of course, Julia Oliveira also followed Zhong Cheng into the dressing room, but when she entered the dressing room, Julia Oliveira's beautiful eyes issued a cold light warning Wu Yuqing!

Qi Yuqing directly counted Julia Oliveira's gaze, instead she smiled gently at Julia Oliveira, then turned away and walked to her dressing room.

Damn, even dare to provoke!

Julia Oliveira is naturally very angry. In her heart, she has positioned Qi Yuqing as the number one enemy.

However, Qiu Yuqing walked into her own dressing room. The moment the door was closed, Xiu Yuqing leaned against the door as if she was detached. She vomited her lilac tongue pretty cutely. Look like.

Saitama Halal did not expect that she would be so bold just now, and would respond to Zhong Cheng's assistant Julia Oliveira in such a way.

She just felt that the relationship between Zhong Cheng and his personal beauty assistant was extraordinary, and she was curious. So I boldly tried it out, and she did not expect her. The response of Julia Oliveira has explained everything!

Qiu Yuqing's face was red and fluttering, and she continued to stretch out her Yiyi to fan herself. That look was really cute and cute!

In ordinary times, she was very elegant and pure, and rarely did such extraordinary behavior.

Yes, in Yu Yuqing's cognition, these actions she just did are extraordinary behaviors.

Xi Yuqing's parents have cultivated her like this since she was a child. It seems that after taking the name for Xi Yuqing, it became interesting to cultivate Xi Yuqing into a goddess like lotus.

Obviously, my father and mother were very successful!

It took her a while to lean back on the door, and then she returned to her sense of grace, returned to her elegant appearance, came to the dressing table, and started her makeup!

Today, this program is also very important for her. The BBC headquarters pays great attention to this program, otherwise the headquarters will not shoot her, and there must be no problems in this program.

Therefore, when preparing, Qi Yuqing was very serious and very careful.

Although she is not responsible for many things, these are the staff of the BBC Leeds television station in England. However, for the effect of the show, Qi Yuqing did a lot of things herself, and she had to achieve the effect she expected.

And Zhong Cheng is proceeding methodically.

At this time, Zhong Cheng was feeling the wonder of fate. He thought that Qi Yuqing would be a passer-by in his life, and would never appear again. I don't know if I met her again here today, and the two talked like this, like an old friend I haven't seen in years.

Zhong Cheng is really lamenting the magic of fate, chance encounters are really everywhere!

At this time, Zhong Cheng thought of another sentence. Of course, he couldn't remember who said it. This sentence was: "Life is often more bizarre than fiction!"

Now everything happened around Zhong Cheng justified this sentence!

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