The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 421: Episode [421]: The big deal that hits the mark

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The fans of Leeds United were shocked!

No one had thought that the rumors had come true, and Luka Tony had really left Leeds United, which really shocked them.

Luca Tony is now Leeds United's top scorer.

Now Luca Tony has scored 22 goals in the Premier League this season, ranking first in the Premier League, two more than Cristiano Ronaldo in the order of goals.

As far as Luka Tony is now, that is also the level of the top center!

Why sell it to Bayern Munich after this season? Was it just for Lewandowski's position?

Leeds United fans cannot accept it!

Yes, through the finals of the League Cup, everyone knows that Lewandowski has some potential and is a good talent. But what happened? Potential is after all potential, not immediate combat power!

Can Lewandowski really match Luka Tony?

As soon as Luca Tony leaves, Leeds United will have one less stable goal point and one less team's best scorer. This has a very big impact on Leeds United!

Anyway, Leeds fans don't understand, why did Leeds shake off a striker like Luka Tony?

Not only the fans of Leeds United can't understand, even the other opponents' fans can't understand, is this guy Zhong Cheng really crazy? And the opponent's coaches can't understand it!

Many people are even thinking that if you knew you were going to shoot Luca Tony, it would be better if our team introduced him directly. Why should Bayern Munich be cheaper?

Many coaches are sorry, why did their news come so late? If they had received such news, they would have desperately introduced Luka Tony.

After all, Luka Tony's goals in Leeds United's two seasons are very high, and the effectiveness is scary. Although he is a bit older, he still has the strength and is worth the risk.

At this time, media reporters were also shocked. They didn't expect that their previous fluttering events turned out to be true. They were all very surprised. What exactly was Loya doing? The team's first forward, the most efficient forward was sent away? Is Leeds United digging its own grave?

Media reporters naturally rushed to Luka Tony crazy. He wanted to ask him what he thought of the deal and see if it would affect the game behind Leeds United?

Zhong Cheng also did not give a so-called password to Luca Tony. Since he had raised it himself, why couldn't other people talk about it?

Luca Tony was interviewed by media reporters, and it was still Yuqing Qing who came to interview!

After having a friendly meeting with Zhong Cheng, Xi Yuqing and Zhong Cheng formed a good friendship and came to interview Leeds United. Xi Yuqing would also get some cheap.

Xi Yuqing took her camera crew to the training base of Leeds United and offered to interview Lewandowski and Luca Tony directly.

Zhong Cheng led Xi Yuqing and others to a conference room, where he interviewed.

Tong Yuqing thanked Zhong Cheng very much. She was regarded as receiving special treatment. The average media worker is really unlikely to get such treatment.

Seeing Xi Yuqing thank him all the time, Zhong Cheng smiled slightly, waved his hand, and left.

The first interview by Qi Yuqing was naturally very hot Lewandowski, but at this time Levandowski's wind reviews were also mixed, and when he was happy, the outside world had a very positive evaluation of Lewandowski. Good change, the worry is that many fans are dissatisfied with Lewandowski crowded out Luka Tony.

Through the interview, Qi Yuqing knew that Lewandowski didn't pay much attention to this now, and his main energy was still in training. He didn't know what kind of position the club gave himself. He only knew that Zhong Cheng valued him very much. Zhong Cheng was watching the huge questioning and pressure and supported him so much. He was very grateful in Lewandowski. However, the only thing he can do is to train hard and earnestly so that Zhong Cheng's comeback will not be wasted. He also worked hard to achieve Zhong Cheng's expectations and not to let Zhong Cheng's golden signboard fall!

Qi Yuqing nodded slightly, Lewandowski and ordinary young people are really different!

Lewandowski was much more mature and sensible than the average young man. The main thing is that he knows what to do, and he can do it 100%. Without being influenced by these media and fans, to be honest, regardless of football skills, Qi Yuqing thinks Lewandowski is a genius, even if he does not engage in professional football, relying on his character in other fields He can also succeed.

At this point, Tong Yuqing understood why Zhong Cheng was so optimistic about Lewandowski. This guy has a foundation for success. Whether he can succeed depends on his personal luck!

After interviewing Lewandowski, Xi Yuqing interviewed Luka Tony.

Interviewing Luca Tony is the focus of her interview!

After Luca Tony arrived, the two greeted each other and went straight to the topic.

Qi Yuqing immediately asked: "Mr. Luca, I think you already know, Mr. Loya said that after the end of this season you will leave Leeds United and go to Bayern Munich!"

Looking at Luca Tony's head nodding slightly, Qi Yuqing immediately asked: "When did you know this thing?"

Luca Tony didn't conceal anything, and said straightly, "I knew this very early, and I knew it when it was first raised."

Qi Yuqing was a little surprised, and then immediately asked: "At that time, you knew what the reaction was like? You can also say what was the mood at that time?"

Luca Tony froze slightly, then said, "To be honest, it was a bit stubborn at the time. Some weren't sure what was happening! I didn't expect the boss to want to send me away!"

Xi Yuqing interjected immediately: "You mean that Mr. Loya wants to send you away, and you don't want to leave Leeds United, do you?"

Luca Tony said with a slight smile: "This is not the case. When Bayern Munich made this request, our boss didn't necessarily want me to go. He asked me my wish at the time, yes he was very Respect my wishes! "

Qi Yuqing has interviewed many people, she can see that Luca Tony is not lying!

Pu Yuqing asked, "So how did you think about that?"

Luca Tony said: "To be honest, the conditions of the Bayern Munich team are very good, and they are also world-class giants. It is also my dream to be able to play for such a team, and I am no longer young Now, I am lucky to be able to play for such a giant team at the end of my career! "

Say Yu Qing, Luka Tony himself was willing to go to Bayern Munich.

Luka Tony continued: "And I also understand that our club has a lot of cooperation with Bayern Munich. Our club also wants to introduce some young players from Bayern Munich, such as Matz, etc., so After comprehensive consideration, I agreed to join Bayern Munich, just after the end of this season! "

Wu Yuqing knows that there are so many stories inside!

Wu Yuqing also asked a question. How many young players did Leeds United bring in from Bayern Munich?

Luca Tony said with a grin: "There are still a lot of young players, but I don't know exactly what they are. You have to ask our boss about this!"

Luca Tony also said: "I am lucky to be able to join Leeds United, Leeds United is a very great team, they are very young, but they are very strong. Being able to play in such a championship team This is my blessing. I am also very grateful to my boss. Without him, I do n’t think my career would be so exciting. Although I will leave at the end of the season, I will definitely go all out now Play well this season. At the same time I will also bless Leeds United and hope that Leeds United get better and better! "

Tong Yuqing figured it out. Luca Tony left Leeds United for three parties. It was not yours who forced them to leave. Leeds United means to send away Luca Tony, Luca Tony also wants to go to Bayern Munich, and Bayern Munich has called for Luka Tony, isn't that right?

Therefore, some conspiracy theories spreading wildly by the outside world are self-defeating.

Now, Saitama Qing is very interested in the young people that Leeds United brought in from Bayern Munich. How many young people did Cheng Cheng bring in? Who are these young people?

Now Zhong Cheng's discovery of young people's vision and ability has been speculated to a pinnacle. The outside world seems to be saying that as long as Zhong Cheng values ​​it, it is the embryo of the future world superstar. Even if he cannot become a world-class superstar, An is definitely the Premier League Top six main level players.

So, now I don't know how many scouts and agents and even other teams are digging young players behind the **** with Leeds United.

Qi Yuqing found Zhong Cheng directly and wanted to know the situation in this regard. Zhong Cheng directly waved it and refused!

Yes, Zhong Cheng appreciates Yu Yuqing very much. The relationship between the two is also good, and they get along very well. But at some point, Zhong Cheng still has his own bottom line and principles. Even if you Xi Yuqing proposed, Zhong Cheng would not hesitate to refuse.

For Zhong Cheng's reaction, Qi Yuqing also slightly hesitated, beyond his expectations.

Looking at Zhong Cheng's business affairs, Pu Yuqing smiled a little, and suddenly she also felt that Zhong Cheng was a bit cute and charming!

After Yu Yuqing returned, the interviews were posted to the BBC's Sports News Channel that afternoon, which immediately caused a great sensation and caused discussion among the people.

At this time, everyone knows that this is the essence of the transaction. At the same time, more people are concerned about how many young players Zhong Cheng brought down from Bayern Munich. Who are the young players valued by Zhong Cheng? Many teams are starting to get busy, busy preparing for corners!

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