The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 427: Episode 427: Zi Han Yuqing, Fat Man Zhong Cheng

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Zhong Cheng really did not expect to be able to run into Yuqing Yu here, it seems that they are really destined!

Pu Yuqing said, "It's hard to find here. Why did you come here?"

Zhong Cheng said, "I just came here accidentally. I didn't leave in a hurry today, so I went out and walked, so I came here!"

In fact, Zhong Cheng is not just walking around!

Zhong Cheng was thinking of the previous assassinations, and recently there was no news of the killers, she wanted to take a stroll here to see if there are some killers hidden in Switzerland?

Therefore, Zhong Cheng swaggered the city in Switzerland, but also walked the streets, and came to some more remote alleys, creating opportunities for the killers.

At will, I walked in front of this small noodle shop. As soon as Zhong Cheng saw this signboard, he became interested, and when he was happy, he walked in directly.

Obviously, Zhong Cheng didn't find anything this time!

Because there are no killers, Zhong Cheng and his party are very safe!

However, Qiu Yuqing appeared here. Zhong Cheng was a bit surprised at first, wouldn't he be such a coincidence? Qiu Yuqing also accidentally found this small noodle shop? If this is the case, then Zhong Cheng believes that there is a problem with Qi Yuqing. He must have intentionally made some coincidence to approach himself? And with a certain purpose!

However, Zhong Cheng later found out that Qi Yuqing seemed to be familiar with the boss lady here. Judging from the expressions and conversations when the two met, Xi Yuqing also often patronized the noodle shop.

Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly, this time he really had some peacocks on the screen!

I thought the whole world was turning around him, and everyone would try to approach him, really confident and narcissistic!

Xi Yuqing immediately said: "Then you're in luck, here you can't find it just by walking!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly and asked, "How did you find this place for the first time?"

Qi Yuqing smiled slightly, smiled like a flower, flourishing in the world!

Zhong Cheng finally realized what a smile is all about!

Wu Yuqing said: "My boss and I are good girlfriends, and I know her noodle shop!"

Zhong Cheng was startled, it turned out to be this way!

No wonder when Zhong Cheng first came in, she felt that the boss lady here was very temperamental, and her figure was so mature that she was a pretty young woman!

The person who can become a girlfriend with Xi Yuqing is really different in temperament!

Wu Yuqing also called her girlfriend, and introduced Zhong Cheng: "This is my girlfriend Yi Zihan, a Swiss Chinese, a treasure islander!"

Yi Zihan!

This name is very interesting!

Azusa is a kind of tree, and the azalea and mulberry trees planted next to the house refer to the hometown! Han means containment!

Obviously, her parents gave her the name in two layers. One is to express her thoughts about her hometown. At the same time, she also hopes that she will not forget her hometown and that she will always be a Chinese. The second level means that her parents want her to be a cultivated and noble person!

From this name, you can see the good intentions of her parents!

Looking at the figure in front of her, she looks exactly like the mature tranquility of future generations, her face is exactly like Wang Zuxian's boss in her youth, Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and said, "It's a good name, as the name is! Hello, I'm Zhong Cheng!"

Yi Zihan and Zhong Cheng left with a few words of embarrassment. She seemed to know that Qi Yuqing and Zhong Cheng had something to talk about, so they didn't bother.

Looking at the departing Yi Zihan, Zhong Cheng still admired it. Yi Yi Zihan can be described as having a figure, a face and a face, and a temperament and a temperament. Wherever a beautiful lady like her goes, it should be the focus of people. It is definitely not a lack of successful young people or the pursuit of the rich, but she chose to follow the big fat boss of this noodle shop here every day. Chai rice oil and salt sauce vinegar tea's dim life, this is by no means what ordinary people can do.

Zhong Cheng believes that Yi Zihan is married to love!

Otherwise, in such a small place, her face would not have such a pure smile!

To be honest, Zhong Cheng actually admires this kind of person who can resist the temptations of the outside world, insist on his own heart, and pursue his love!

In this materialistic world, there are such people, but definitely not too many!

Tong Yuqing's mouth slightly raised, staring at Zhong Cheng, smiling with a smile!

Wu Yuqing said, "Why, do you like my girlfriend? She is a married woman? And she loves her husband very much. Although you are Zhong Cheng, you have no chance!"

Zhong Cheng said with a bitter smile: "Am I the superficial person in your eyes?"

Pu Yuqing looked up at Zhong Cheng slightly and said, "Isn't it? Then why are you staring at my girlfriend, your eyes are almost out of sight!"

Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly again. It turned out that he was such a person in the eyes of Saitama.

Zhong Cheng grinned, without explanation, said directly: "Eat noodles!"

Qi Yuqing froze slightly, this rhythm is not right. Shouldn't the average man actively explain at this time? Let everyone not misunderstand him, he just simply appreciates the beautiful things?

However, Zhong Cheng just took it straight?

Wu Yuqing is a bit confused, Zhong Cheng is really different!

Xi Yuqing raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "Well, shouldn't you explain this time?"

Zhong Cheng chuckled and said, "Is there any good explanation for this? I did look at her. This is a fact. What else can be explained!"

Qiu Yu stared sharply, staring at Zhong Cheng coldly, and said coldly, "You are really interesting to her? She is a husband, but I didn't expect you to be the same person! Huh!"

Zhong Cheng chuckled again and said, "What logic do you have? I think he is interesting to her at first glance? Then I still see you, am I also interesting to you? So many women on the street, I glanced at them, too. Am I interesting to them? "

Qi Yuqing was a little shy, slightly shy!

At this point, Qi Yuqing himself reacted. Did he react a little bit? How could you say that? Wu Yuqing was a little stunned. It seems that he was not the usual one. What happened to himself?

Looking at Xi Yuqing's hairpin, Zhong Cheng smiled a little, without a word, buried himself in his bowl of beef noodles!

Julia Oliveira stared at Yuqing Qing coldly, snorting in her heart: "Hum, you're a hoof hoof! It looks so pure and pure on the surface, but I don't know if it's a **** who can't move his legs when he sees a man. , Dare to seduce our old clock, hum! "

Wu Yuqing didn't notice these eyes, she was completely stunned, she couldn't figure out what happened to her today?

At this time, Yi Zihan came over with the ribs noodles and winter melon ball soup that Qi Yuqing wanted.

Seeing her girlfriend's cyanosis, she gently pushed Qi Yuqing, and then said, "Your face is here, what's wrong with you, how can you stop it? Did you meet the handsome guy?"

Qi Yuqing then woke up, and glanced at Zhong Cheng subconsciously. Seeing that Zhong Cheng was immersed in the beef noodles in front of her, she was not relieved, and she was relieved.

Xi Yuqing immediately turned her head and smiled at Yi Zihan, saying, "It's all right, I just thought of some things in the past!"

Yi Zihan took a closer look at Tong Yuqing, and then looked at Zhong Cheng, which seemed to understand something.

Yi Zihan smiled slightly and did not bother Zhong Cheng and others, and left directly!

Julia Oliveira was still a cold face, but at this time her eyes did not fall on Xi Yuqing's body anymore, and she looked directly to the outside and inquired about the situation outside.

Zhong Cheng's security guard Mu Zheng shook his head slightly, saying there were no problems. Julia Oliveira was relieved. She was very worried.

To be honest, she didn't agree with Zhong Cheng doing this!

Coming out of the way like this, if Switzerland really ambush killers, isn't it for those killers? Julia Oliveira was worried, a reminder to be daunted, now it's a little more relaxed!

Zhong Cheng didn't feel anything, because now he has super strong ability to perceive danger.

Because Zhong Cheng got a lot of combat skills in the system, he was very keen on the danger, and he was able to ensure his own safety, so he came out as a bait.

Unfortunately, today's actions do not seem to be successful!

It can be seen that the person hiding in the dark and trying to kill him is now hidden, and has not taken the initiative to attack. It seems that the previous few incidents have had a great impact on them, and they too dared to attack rashly, so this operation will fail!

Although this time has no effect, Zhong Cheng has speculated something. Generally speaking, this operation was not wasted, and it was not bad.

At this point, Zhong Cheng had finished eating the noodles in front of him!

To be honest, the taste of this noodle is really authentic and delicious. However, Zhong Cheng has some doubts whether this noodle will not adapt to the taste of foreigners. Opening such a noodle restaurant here should not be too profitable!

If you are yourself, you will definitely not open such a noodle shop here anymore, it is much better to just do something else than to see such a noodle shop.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng is curious about the fat boss here.

At this time, the fat boss saw that Zhong Cheng was finished eating, and he immediately came over, looked at Zhong Cheng with a smile, and said sincerely: "Mr. Zhong Cheng, I am your fan, I hope you can Sign me a name so that I can hang in this store, and my store will be booming in the future! "

Hearing this, Zhong Cheng smiled. This guy should not be his own fan. Is this the last sentence for him to find his signature?

Yi Zihan's face was blushing, and he screwed the soft flesh around the fat boss's waist fiercely.

Zhong Cheng looked painful in his eyes, and he mourned for the fat boss in his heart.

However, this fat boss can find such a beautiful boss, Zhong Cheng is also very admire, you can see that the husband and wife relationship between the two is very good!

The fat boss is about 1.17 meters tall, but he weighs more than his height. It should be about 200 pounds. This guy can find such a beautiful wife, it is really an inspirational story!

Zhong Cheng immediately signed a name to the boss, both in English and Chinese, and wrote down the words "Bong Hong Ribs Noodle Shop is booming"!

With Zhong Cheng's signature, Hong Fatty smirked and was very, very satisfied. Today, he really made a lot of money. He believes that as long as this signboard is hung out, the business of his noodle shop will definitely go up!

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