The Giant Creator

Vol 2 Chapter 436: Episode [436]: The Copper Wall and Iron Wall Defense

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The referee gave a whistle and the game officially started.

The first kick-off was Liverpool. As soon as they came up, they attacked Leeds United with a frantic attack at home.

The Liverpool are well aware that they only have the chance to attack madly.

From the beginning of the game, Benitez stood directly on the side of the court, and stood upright, so it can be seen that Benitez was very nervous.

The side of Leeds United really did what everyone expected, the defensive counterattack!

Leeds United backed their own line very deeply. Even Edinson Cavani has shrunk near his midline, and sometimes even Ha has returned to his own half. The determination of the Leeds United to stay tight It is already very clear.

With a click, the football spins and continues to spin to the right!

This is Liverpool's first attack in this game. Liverpool fans cheered wildly and shouted loudly to cheer on their team.

Football hastened to Gerrard's feet, and the players of Leeds United did not immediately rush to steal. At this time, Leeds United is to maintain a good team formation!

After Gerrard took the ball, he saw that the Leeds United player didn't pounce, and he immediately accelerated the ball forward. Just two steps out, Leeds United's winger Frank Ribery rushed out like a fast cheetah and rushed to Gerrard.

Gerald was a big shock in his heart, and before he thought about what to do next, Frank Ribery gave him a sideline.

"Beautiful! Beautiful defense! Frank Ribéry's grab was very sudden. Gerrard was unexpected and the ball was destroyed." Mark Lawrence said immediately.

"Yes, Leeds United's tactics are really good. When Frank Ribery grabbed, Leeds United's defensive formation was fully linked, even if Gerrard got rid of Frank Ribery, it was difficult to escape The second wave of strangling, Leeds United's defense is really very powerful! "Eddie Gray said.

The fans of the Leeds United team gave thunderous applause to Frank Ribery.

Liverpool quickly threw the sideline ball and the football flew directly to Gerrard.

Frank Ribery immediately rushed up from behind, trying to intercept again.

But Gerrard didn't stop the ball at all, but quickly kicked the football back to Steve Finnan, who sent the ball out of bounds. Finnan immediately returned the football, and the football rolled to the center-back Daniel A. Gehl's feet.

"Frank, come back. Don't greedy for it!" Kompany shouted loudly.

At this time, Kompany is the leader of the defense of Leeds United. He arranges the defenders of Leeds United to ensure that the defense of Leeds United is complete.

Frank Ribery immediately retreated to the safe position, waiting for the second wave of defense.

On the sidelines, Zhong Cheng saw that he could nod his head noisily, yes, very good. This defense can be done. If this defense is maintained until the end of the game, Leeds United will definitely be able to advance to the next round.

The players played well, and Zhong Cheng didn't have any instructions, still sitting quietly on the coach seat.

Liverpool launched the offensive again, this time Xavi Alonso directly passed the football to the other side.

Ryan Babel had just stopped the football, and one foot stretched out from behind him, and he slammed the football out.

"Well, watch out ..." Ryan Babel had lost control of the football before Mascherano's words were called out. Mascherano shook his head, the young guy played too hard. Or it was a little nervous and didn't notice the situation around the body at all, and the ball was easily destroyed. Fortunately, Leeds United defends the whole line, otherwise this time it is dangerous.

The football was rolled to the foot of full-back John John Riser.

Lisse immediately waved for Babel to step in and take away the Leeds defensive player. He was about to assist. Ryan Babel was fully aware, immediately turned around and quickly moved forward, but unfortunately Joaquin, who had just kicked off the football under his feet, did not follow him back, but let Ryan Babel pass, and Joaquin directly confronted Lisse.

Leeds United's defense is the overall defense, put Ryan Babel in the past, Babel directly fell into the siege and locked up, it is difficult to make a difference. Joaquin had just lived in Lisse and wouldn't let him play easily.

Liser naturally saw the behavior of Joaquin, he shook his head slightly, it was difficult.

Liese felt it was difficult to find a good point for the ball, as if the Leeds players were stuck at each point, and there was no line of passing.

Yes, Liverpool's frontcourt offensive players are interspersing and running, tearing the Leeds United defence. However, Leeds United's defensive battle is very good, always maintaining the integrity and tightness of the defense line, even Liverpool's offensive players interspersed wildly, it is difficult to tear the Leeds United defense line.

"His! This madman, Loya, is awesome!" Benitez took a breath.

In Benitez's view, Leeds United's defense line not only lacks strength, but also lacks thickness. It seems that the defense system is very complete and solid. Liverpool want to break through Leeds United's defense, only to break the point. But it was also very difficult to break the face, and Benitez frowned.

"Here, John!" Suddenly he heard the shout. Lisse looked over and he saw midfielder Xavi Alonso asking for the ball. He immediately passed the football.

After Xavi Alonso received the ball, he made a long diagonal pass and wanted to pass the ball to the front sideline.

Gerald on the front side was ready to stop the ball, and Leeds wingback Patrick Evra rushed straight out, jumping high in front of Gerrard and kicking the football out of the sideline. .

"Pretty! Nice defense! Once in the danger zone of Leeds United, Leeds United's defense tightens up and does not give the opponent a chance to get the ball easily!" Mark Lawrence said immediately.

The defense of Leeds United is really very close, especially when they are in the hinterland, the defensive strength of Leeds United comes up at once, the oppression immediately rises, making it difficult for Liverpool players to get the ball.

During this time, Leeds United's defense was very good and tight.

Moreover, Leeds United's defense is loose and tight, full of flexibility!

Of course, Leeds United's defensive tactics are now implemented so well, mainly because they completely gave up the counterattack. They are doing the defender wholeheartedly, so the effect is very obvious, and the Liverpool team rarely have a chance.

However, Leeds United naturally has no chance!

However, now Leeds United don't really need any chances. They just hope to keep the score to the end, so they should advance to the next round.

At this point, the Liverpool team was a bit anxious, and Leeds United's defense was too rigorous.

The Liverpool team is a bit anxious, at the same time they have also strengthened the long-range shot at the forefront of the big penalty!

Yes, long shots are also a good way to get rid of intensive defense, and there are several masters of long shots in the Liverpool formation. Long shots are also some means of Liverpool.

At the 22nd minute of the first half, Liverpool's midfielder Xavi Alonso suddenly made a direct pass and sent the football to the front of Fernando Torres.

When Fernando Torres hadn't touched the ball, he was stuck behind him by Yaya Toure, and he couldn't turn around.

"Damn!" Fernando Torres frowned, his heart burning.

This game was really awkward, and my heart was very annoyed! Yaya Touré and Mohammed Sissoko took turns defending him, and their movements were very large, and physical contact was very frequent. Fernando Torres was annoyed.

Fernando Torres felt that the intensity of the game even reached the Champions League final.

Fernando Torres was about to spit after being hit. Naturally, this time he did not give Yaya Toure a chance. He directly passed the football without stopping the ball, and then quickly turned and slanted himself.

Yaya Touré has always carried Fernando Torres. He knows that Fernando Torres is fast, so he has been disturbing Fernando Torres, not the first to hit Fernando Torres with his shoulders, and some small movements, that is, Don't let Fernando Torres take off easily.

Fernando Torres was really annoyed. Yaya Toure is even more abominable and annoying than the mosquitoes who are constantly buzzing around!

Fernando Torres' plan was lost, and the second one was in a beautiful fantasy.

Fortunately, Xavi Alonso did not come to the second one, but passed the ball diagonally to the foot of Gerrard, who slanted it from the right to the middle.

To be honest, Gerrard is a pure midfielder. When he comes to the right, he is actually a fake winger. In the attack, he is trying to push the middle as far as possible, compressing the Leeds United's defense line and letting Give the right to Liverpool's wingback and make a wing lane for Liverpool's wingback.

Unfortunately, Leeds United is not fooled, they rely on the overall defense. When Gerald Necker was in the middle, Leeds's wing defenders did not kill the wing, but stayed in place and defended the wing. The mid lane is given to the mid lane players.

So, Liverpool are playing awkwardly now.

The game has been over for more than 20 minutes. Liverpool have got a total of four shots, three of which were long shots, which pose little threat to Leeds United.

This is like crazy attack, Liverpool team is getting a little irritated.

At this point, Gerrard saw no one following him, and he immediately speeded up madly. He stopped and stopped the ball. He wanted to pass the Leeds defensive player.

However, Mohammed Sissoko was very familiar with Gerrard, Gerrard's plan was ruined, and football was broken. Mohamed Sissoko immediately slanted the ball to the sideline, and the football quickly rolled to Frank Ribery, who was behind him quickly.

Liverpool fans immediately burst into panic screams: "Dangerous!"

The fans of Leeds United jumped excitedly, the counterattack of Leeds United came, and the Liverpool team was about to end.

"Ah! Chance, Leeds United's chance to fight back, Liverpool are in danger!" Eddie Gray was very excited, jumping excitedly.

There was a loud noise and a loud noise came.

As soon as Frank Ribery received the ball and was ready to speed up, Stephen Finnan, who was shoveling over, shoveled to the ground, and the football quickly rolled off the sideline.

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