The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Episode [002]: Here is another farewell!

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Gerard Pique's departure has become a foregone conclusion!

The atmosphere in the office dropped to freezing point without any sound.

In Di Matteo's opinion, this is the biggest begging since Zhong Cheng accepted Leeds United, which will definitely affect the foundation of Leeds United!

Although Di Matteo figured it out, he was still very angry!

Who is Gerald Pick? It is a world-class center defender trained by the Leeds United team. It was so painful to give it to Barcelona!

Albertini also felt very unhappy!

It's going to rain, and your mother is going to marry someone. Let him go!

Zhong Cheng sighed and then said, "Let's wait for Barcelona's offer! However, as far as we can go, we must officially launch Gerrard in the middle or late stage of the European Cup, you know?"

Yes, Zhong Cheng is not a fool!

Now selling Pique and selling it during the European Cup, this is exactly two prices. Zhong Cheng firmly believes that Pique can perform very well in the European Cup. At that time, Barcelona wanted to introduce Pique, which would cost a lot of money. It's up!

When Di Matteo and Albertini heard this, they felt better.

Di Matteo immediately said: "Yes! We must not lose money, we must sell Gerrard after the end of the European Cup, we must sell a good price, Barcelona people are not short of money!"

Albertini also nodded and agreed.

Zhong Cheng looked at the two, and Gerald Pique's topic passed. He suddenly asked: "How are the other players in the club except Gerrard? I heard that the players' hearts are floating!"

Hearing here, the smiles on Di Matteo and Albertini's faces disappeared instantly, and even the angry emotions climbed up to their faces.

Zhong Cheng was so nervous, was there anything particularly bad?

Di Matteo immediately yelled: "These ungrateful guys, they saw us Leeds United eliminated in the European Cup for two consecutive years, and some people have been clamoring to leave Leeds United! These guys are simply too **** I don't want to think about who took them back in the beginning ... "

Zhong Cheng immediately raised his hand and motioned for Di Matteo to stop complaining.

Watching Zhong Cheng's movements, Di Matteo sighed and said nothing for a long time.

Albertini's mood is not very high. Who can imagine that Leeds United, who has won three Premier League games in a row, will encounter these problems? These players of their team are really ambitious. The three Premier Leagues in the Premier League cannot satisfy them!

Of course, Albertini believes that these are just excuses for some people who really want to leave. For what? Of course for money.

Now Leeds United's players are fascinating.

First, the players of Leeds United are excellent. Second, they are very young. Third, they are young and already have a lot of experience in the tournament. As long as one or two of them are brought back, they can directly use them for seven or eight years. By ten years ...

Such players will inevitably attract other teams!

The main thing is that recently, in European football, major consortia have joined in, waving large sums of banknotes to seduce players. They pay sky-high weekly salaries to the players they value. For example, Manchester City have now paid more than 100,000 pounds, and even approaching the 200,000 pounds weekly seduce players.

Even if Zhong Cheng is very rich, he will not fire such a high salary.

Now the average weekly salary in Leeds United is only about 30,000 pounds, and the team's top salary is less than 60,000 pounds. How does this compare with those locals?

You see, as soon as Leeds United leave, they can get a weekly salary that is twice or even two or three times higher than now. Who can not be bothered?

Perhaps not being able to occasionally win the Champions League is one reason, the other is money, and where some players, money plays a bigger role.

In addition, some players of the Leeds United team have also received news that the salary level of the Leeds United team will increase slightly in the new season, but the increase will not be too large. The average weekly salary is about 40,000 pounds, and the top salary is also It's around £ 80,000.

This is far from the salary level offered by some people. Why should they stay?

No wonder Di Matteo will be so angry, this group of **** boys really forgot their interests, did this group of **** guys forget, who trained them?

Zhong Cheng sees it very well, and it makes sense for the players to leave for money.

Didn't people train from childhood to eat this meal and get more money to improve their lives? They want better treatment, which is normal. Instead, they are themselves, and maybe they will make the same decision as them.

People have their own aspirations, don't force them!

Zhong Cheng said: "Let ’s see first, which players are leaving. If we are determined to leave, we do n’t have to stay. As long as the other party can come to a price that is satisfactory to us, we can sell. This world Nothing is needed, just not people! "

Di Matteo immediately looked up at Zhong Cheng, his eyes blinking. He believes in Zhong Cheng's vision very much. Does Zhong Cheng now have a new goal?

Di Matteo is full of expectations!

━━━Split line ━━━

Luca Tony is in Zhong Cheng's office!

Yes, Luca Tony came to Zhong Cheng's office and said goodbye to Zhong Cheng!

Luca Tony is going to report to the Italian national team. He is going to practice with the Italian national team and participate in the next Euro 2008.

Luca Tony also knows that his departure is a complete departure from Leeds United. So, he came to bid farewell to Zhong Cheng!

To be honest, Luca Tony was very happy at Leeds United!

After arriving late in the game, he came to Leeds United, and his performance was one step higher. In two seasons, he scored more than sixty goals in the Premier League, with amazing effectiveness. In two seasons with Leeds United, Luca Tony scored 101 goals for Leeds United!

Luca Tony likes Leeds United very much, but he knows he can't stay.

He knew it last year, because at that time he agreed to transfer to Bayern Munich, and at that time, the comparison deal had been reached.

To be honest, Luca Tony is a bit reluctant to leave Leeds United!

Luca Tony looked at the young Zhong Cheng in front of him, and his heart was full of gratitude. In the two seasons of Leeds, Zhong Cheng had unprecedented trust in him, and the team also revolved around him and attacked him. With such an amazing performance, not only settled the starting center in Italy, but also got a high annual salary in Bayern Munich!

For Luca Tony, who is in his thirties, being able to get such a large contract at this age is really a miracle. Luca Tony is very grateful to Zhong Cheng, all of which was given to him by Zhong Cheng.

Luca Tony sincerely thanked, "Thank you, boss! Playing under your hands was the happiest period of my career. Here I gained more fame, more money, more money. The goal ... Thank you, thank you very much! "Zhongzhong Cheng patted Luca Tony on the shoulder and said," Not to mention Luca! These are all your own efforts, you are a professional A high forward is also an outstanding forward, and I believe that no matter where you go, you will succeed! "

Luca Tony was full of gratitude. He didn't know what to say at this time, and gave Zhong Cheng a hug directly.

Zhong Cheng was also impressed!

Luca Tony is really very powerful. Even if he is very optimistic about his Zhong Cheng, he did not expect that the two seasons when Luca Tony came to Leeds United team turned out such amazing results. Luca Tony is really a super player. At this time, Zhong Cheng is a bit reluctant!

However, there is no way, who told himself to sell him?

Zhong Cheng reminded Luca Tony: "Luca! Although it hurts a bit, I still have to say!"

Luca Tony, Di Matteo and others are in a tight heart. What is Zhong Cheng doing?

Luca Tony paused for a moment, then nodded at Zhong Cheng and motioned to Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng said: "Luca, you are old now. You do n’t have to fight that much in the competition. Now your most important thing is to keep your body healthy. People now ca n’t stand major injuries, and you can hurt again, maybe you It is necessary to retire in advance. Therefore, in the game, do not fight for some very risky balls. Even if you remove these risky balls, you can definitely score about 20 goals in a season. The ten-year-old veteran is already very, very amazing. Therefore, health is the most important thing, and health can play longer and get more goals, you know? "

Luca Tony froze slightly, he didn't expect Zhong Cheng to tell him this!

Luca Tony was full of gratitude, endless gratitude.

Although Zhong Cheng's remarks are not very pleasant, they are indeed true. And it's all about Luca Tony's consideration. Luca Tony feels a genuine relationship, not a false concern.

Luca Tony was grateful and said, "Thank you boss, I know what to do!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly and patted Luca Tony on the shoulder!

Luca Tony immediately said: "Thank you, boss! Thank you for taking care of me for the past two years. Being able to play under your hands is really a happy thing, and I think I will miss this time very much in the future! "

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "It is also my honor to work with you for a while. You are a great player and you are also one of the best forwards in our Leeds United team. I think I and all of Leeds United fans will remember you, you will always be with us Leeds! "

Luca Tony gave Zhong Cheng a hug again and expressed gratitude.

Then Luca Tony hugged Di Matteo and Albertini, after which he bid farewell to Zhong Cheng and others and left.

Looking at the back of Luca Tony's departure, the office is full of sorrows!

Albertini's mood is a bit bad. Pique just decided to leave before, and now Luca Tony is leaving too. It seems that Leeds United is really going to change blood this season!

Is it true that Leeds United will be separated this season?

Albertini himself knew that there should be a few people in Leeds United who wanted to leave, not just those two who wanted to leave.

Albertini's heart is full of helplessness, this is professional football!

What Albertini doesn't know is that Zhong Cheng is more upset now than he is because Zhong Cheng knows that Frank Ribery and their Leeds United team can't keep it.

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