The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 8: Episode [008]: Don't fetch a bamboo basket

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After a while with Zhong Cheng, Alex Ferguson really couldn't stand it.

Alex Ferguson is very clear that if he doesn't tell the purpose of this move, Zhong Cheng will continue to play Tai Chi with him, and he will not be able to enter the topic until the end of the call.

Sure enough, the lunatic Loya guessed his intention to call.

To be honest, it was impossible for Alex Alex to call Zhong Cheng for anything else, except for his help!

Alex Ferguson said immediately, "Okay, Loya! You don't have to go around with me, I'll just ask, how much can I take Frank Ribery!"

To be straightforward, the sword points to the army!

Zhong Cheng smiled slightly. The old boy finally couldn't handle it, so he asked in advance. However, Zhong Cheng's mood is still very bad!

Alex Ferguson is ready to dig into his corner again.

Zhong Cheng immediately said: "Sir Ferguson, didn't I tell you? Frank is a non-sale for our club!"

Alex Ferguson said with a grin: "Mr. Loya, you are not interesting anymore! We should open the door and talk about it, you Leeds United really can't keep Frank Ribery, the player himself wants To leave! "

Zhong Cheng's mouth slightly raised: "That is to say, your Manchester United team has contacted my team in advance in private? This seems to violate the rules of UEFA. Do you think I should sue your Manchester United team?"

Alex Ferguson froze slightly, twitching the corners of his mouth, and aching pain.

I did not expect to fall directly into the trap set by Zhong Cheng. Alex Ferguson had to laugh a bitterly, this guy is really difficult to deal with.

Alex Ferguson said with a grin: "Mr. Loya, even if we didn't contact Frank, he came up with the intention to leave Leeds United. I think you should know that!"

Zhong Cheng is certainly very clear, this is all made by that **** system.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng really didn't want to send away Frank Ribery, but now there is no way out.

Zhong Cheng said directly: "Okay, you Manchester United want to take away Frank Ribéry, you can either prepare a penalty of 75 million pounds, or use Cristiano Ronaldo for it!"

On the phone, Alex Ferguson froze!

When Alex Ferguson heard the news, he was a little bit embarrassed. The price of Zhong Cheng was too whimsical!

75 million pounds?

Oh my god, do you really think Frank Ribery is a star in the sky, so expensive?

Also, Cristiano Ronaldo is the trump card of our Manchester United team. Last season's events have scored nearly 50 goals. Such players will return your Frank Ribery? Are you mistaken?

At the same time, Alex Ferguson was also skeptical. Is Frank Ribéry's liquidation penalty really £ 75 million? Isn't this crazy Loya guy deliberately taking out and rejecting himself?

Alex Ferguson immediately said: "No, £ 75 million is too expensive. No one on this planet has a worth of £ 75 million. No, no!"

Zhong Cheng sneered slightly, then said, "Then you exchange it with Cristiano Ronaldo!"

Alex Ferguson immediately replied: "This is impossible, Cristiano Ronaldo is a non-sale for our Manchester United team!"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Frank Ribéry is still a non-sale item for our Leeds United team!"

Alex Ferguson twitched at the corner of his mouth and immediately said, "It's different. Frank Ribéry wants to leave, but Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't!"

Loyal chuckled and said: "Alex Ferguson, this is boring to you! Everyone knows how the grudge between Cristiano Ronaldo and Rooney came from, and everyone knows what Cristiano Ronaldo has come from. I wanted to leave Manchester United from the beginning, I think you should be sincere? "

When Alex Ferguson heard this, he was so angry and glaring!

Alex Ferguson screamed: "Without my consent, his kid can't go anywhere, he can only stay with Manchester United!"

Zhong Cheng sneered and said: "It's the same with Frank Ribéry. He can't go anywhere without my consent, unless you Manchester United paid a penalty of 75 million pounds!"

On the phone, Alex Ferguson tightened his eyes and shot a very sharp look. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng is now invisible.

Alex Ferguson immediately said: "Mr. Loya, really can't talk anymore?"

Zhong Cheng groaned for a while and then said, "I have something to talk about here, and now it's mainly up to you. Let's be honest, there are many clubs that value Frank and they also have good money, so you have to Hurry up, you can't wait for you to figure it out. When you want to trade, Frank is already a member of another club! "

Alex Ferguson was shocked, and then said, "Do you really want to send away Frank Ribery?"

Zhong Cheng didn't conceal, saying, "Frank really has the mind of leaving, and we don't want to stay strong. And I have to remind you that the strong twist is not sweet. And you can really keep Cristiano. · How about Ronaldo? Don't wait until Cristiano Ronaldo has n’t kept it, and Frank Ribéry has n’t got it. Here comes a bamboo basket to draw water! Think about it! "

Zhong Cheng's words were correct, and Alex Ferguson was lost in thought.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney's grievances in Manchester United are no secret. If it weren't for him Alex Alex Ferguson had been under pressure, it would have erupted. And Cristiano Ronaldo, this guy almost every transfer period to make some transfer rumors, this guy has always wanted to leave Manchester United.

Can he really suppress Cristiano Ronaldo? What if this guy does n’t renew his contract in the future? Is it really necessary to sell it at a low price or wait until the contract expires and let him leave in free body?

To be honest, Alex Ferguson didn't have much confidence in leaving Cristiano Ronaldo.

Now Zhong Cheng said this, he had to let Alex Ferguson think deeply!

Yeah, do n’t wait until Cristiano Ronaldo did n’t keep it, and Frank Ribéry missed it too, did n’t wait!

Alex Ferguson groaned and said to Zhong Cheng, "I need to think about it!"

Zhong Cheng was very pleased. It seems that Alex Ferguson was really telling him. Maybe next season Leeds United might really introduce Cristiano Ronaldo.

Zhong Cheng said immediately: "Okay, but you have to do it as soon as possible. Because many people are working on Frank's idea, and many people are rich, and they say that they will give liquidated damages directly."

Alex Ferguson nodded slightly and said, "I see!"

Zhong Cheng said: "I will go to Austria recently to see the European Cup. I think you should be able to contact me!"

Alex Ferguson nodded slightly: "Well, I know!"

Zhong Cheng and Alex Ferguson then hung up.之后 After hanging up, Zhong Cheng couldn't sleep!

To be honest, this really surprised Zhong Cheng. If Cristiano Ronaldo really came to Leeds United, then Leeds United will take off!

Of course, even if it is to be exchanged, Leeds United will not be able to exchange Cristiano Ronaldo just with Frank Ribéry. Zhong Cheng may have to add a little money at that time.

However, if Cristiano Ronaldo can really join the Leeds United team, then the Leeds United team in the new season will be bunkers.

Of course, even if Manchester United are willing to exchange Cristiano Ronaldo for Frank Ribery, Zhong Cheng still has to face a difficult point, that is, Cristiano Ronaldo himself.

Is Cristiano Ronaldo willing to come to Leeds?

Because Cristiano Ronaldo has been associated with the world's top giants Real Madrid these past few seasons, and a scandal has spread. Compared with Real Madrid, Leeds United are not comparable.

Therefore, even if Manchester United agree, Cristiano Ronaldo may not agree.

Zhong Cheng knows that it is really difficult for Leeds United to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo.

Of course, Zhong Cheng didn't want to find more questions now. Because the Manchester United team is not the same now, maybe Alex Ferguson will refuse it later, and Cristiano Ronaldo will not be used in exchange for Frank Ribery.

Of course, Zhong Cheng thinks the possibility is still relatively high.

Because Alex Ferguson knows very well that their Manchester United team can't keep Cristiano Ronaldo, they must be eager to leave. After Cristiano Ronaldo left, it was very, very difficult for Manchester United to find a qualified replacement.

Now there is a very good substitute in front of him, and that is Frank Ribéry, so Alex Zhong will definitely consider seriously the proposal of Zhong Cheng, and will even have a high-level meeting Yet.

Of course, these are not things that Zhong Cheng should care about.

Now Zhong Cheng wants to think, after Frank Ribéry leaves, who will replace Leeds United team to replace Frank Ribéry. Cristiano Ronaldo is one, but the success rate will not be too high. And what about the others?

Zhong Cheng had to think again.

Now, Leeds United are not only receiving requests from Manchester United, but also from Chelsea, Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Liverpool, and even Real Madrid!

Yes, Frank Ribery has done very well in recent years. Although last season was affected by injuries and the "prostitutes" incident, everyone still believes in the strength of Frank Ribery. But they did have an excuse for lowering prices.

However, it is clear that Zhong Cheng has been dragging on, he is waiting to talk after the European Cup is over. Because Zhong Cheng believes that Frank Ribery will have an amazing performance in the European Cup, by the time Frank Ribery will naturally rise.

Other clubs certainly want to win Frank Ribéry before the European Cup, but obviously not. Zhong Cheng is not a fool, so at this time they are praying that Frank Ribery should not be too bright in the European Cup.

Moreover, it seems that their luck is good.

This year's French national team seems to have a lot of problems. Among the generals, players and players, they have a lot of problems. Many European gaming companies are not very optimistic about the French team, thinking that the French team is likely to announce the elimination of the group.

This is what those big clubs want to see!

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