The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 11: Episode [011]: This Summer of Floating Heart

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It's still a while before the door to the 2008 summer transfer opens, but rumors are now circulating.

Not long ago, Jose Mourinho, who was at home, officially took over the Inter Milan team. In the new season, Jose Mourinho will lead Inter Milan to the Serie A.

Just after Jose Mourinho took over Inter Milan, he announced that he would rebuild Inter Milan, and he was ready to bring in many proud disciples before himself.

At this time, Chelsea midfielder Lampard publicly stated that he was willing to follow Jose Mourinho to join Inter Milan. And Inter Milan also attaches great importance to Lampard, and is eager to hope that he can join Inter Milan.

Lampard's vocalization surprised Chelsea fans!

Who would have thought that the lighthouse of Chelsea Club actually wanted to choose to leave Chelsea? Why? Is it just because of Jose Mourinho? Or what's wrong with Chelsea?

Anyway Lampard stood up, but surprised the Chelsea.

It is said that Chelsea executives were also shocked and even very angry. Abramovich broke a few cups.

The other Chelsea players did not say anything.

Even if some of the confidantes that Jose Mourinho brought to the Chelsea team did not stand up to make any remarks, Lampard suddenly came out to make these remarks, there must be something nasty in it!

Media reporters flocked to London, to Chelsea, to Lampard!

Kelly Fox and Xi Yuqing all flocked to London, and wanted to interview Lampard, but unsuccessfully. Lampard did not accept any interviews with media reporters after his voice, and he chose to remain silent.

Because this time the European Cup, England did not enter the final 16, so this time they became spectators. This is what makes the English fans very angry, they are desperate for England.

England fans have chanted for Loya to take over England. England needs a coach like Zhong Cheng and needs to take off.

The FA has also been burned recently, with a lot of bad things.

But there is no way. They also want to let Zhong Cheng accept the English national team according to the fans ’intentions. Unfortunately, Zhong Cheng does n’t do it. They have their own Leeds United team to play. How can they accept your England national team? How about it?

The English Premier League is very popular recently, and it has become the world's first league. However, their national team's performance is really very poor, it has formed two extremes, which is also a headache for the FA.

Of course, these have nothing to do with the club.

At present, the most rumored is the transfer rumors.

"Marca" reported that Manchester United's Portuguese winger Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United and join Real Madrid. After the season, Cristiano Ronaldo, who has just won the Champions League, has met with Real Madrid President Florentino several times, and Cristiano Ronaldo has stated that he wants to join Real Madrid.

This is not the first time Cristiano Ronaldo has made such a statement. Since the grievance with Rooney broke out, Cristiano Ronaldo has clamored to join Real Madrid every transfer period. But Alex Ferguson has been pressing, Cristiano Ronaldo has not left Manchester United to join Real Madrid.

Now they have started again, and the "Marca" claimed that Cristiano Ronaldo has already been determined to leave Manchester United. Manchester United cannot keep Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo will definitely leave this summer. Manchester United.

Cristiano Ronaldo, who is playing in the European Cup in Austria, was also interviewed by media reporters at this time, saying this.

Cristiano Ronaldo said at the time: "Yes, I am indeed ready to leave Manchester United. I am not very happy with Manchester United because I am in conflict with the people in the team Yes, although we have repeatedly declared that there are no contradictions, in fact you all understand the reason! "

Media reporters nodded, certainly Alex Alex Ferguson ordered them to say so!

Cristiano Ronaldo also said: "The Real Madrid have a long history and a great team. They have endless glory and are the most powerful team on the planet. I am happy to join them. This is actually a few things. It should have been implemented years ago, unfortunately ... "

Media reporters were frightened when they heard these words. It was clear that Cristiano Ronaldo was really determined to leave Manchester United and join Real Madrid. Otherwise he wouldn't say that!

Who would have thought that Manchester United, which had just won the Champions League, would fall apart so quickly? And want to leave is the club's number one hero, Manchester United's ace player.

After Manchester United fans heard such words, they were naturally very angry, madly cursing Cristiano Ronaldo ingratitude, claiming that he is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, is a garbage, asshole!

Manchester United fans are slamming and cursing Cristiano Ronaldo!

Yes, Manchester United fans are still on Wayne Rooney's side. They hated Cristiano Ronaldo very much at the beginning. Now Cristiano Ronaldo has come back again. Naturally, they hate Christi even more. Jarno Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't care about this, just show his heart.

When Zhong Cheng saw these reports, he suspected that Alex Ferguson must be dying of his lungs. And that should make Alex Ferguson determined to send Cristiano Ronaldo away. Maybe Manchester United is really willing to exchange Cristiano Ronaldo for Frank Ribery!

If that's the case, Leeds United will not lose!

At this time, there were many rumors of transfers, including Leeds United's transfer rumors.

Some media broke out that Leeds United were out of the UEFA Champions League for two consecutive seasons, which made some players of Leeds United realize that the young guard of Leeds United would be indifferent in the Champions League. After all, Leeds United's players are still too young. If they have been engaged in the Young Guards, it will be difficult for them to win the Champions League.

If you want to win the Champions League, you have to transfer.

Yes, at this time, the French "Team" reported that the top star in the Leeds United team, Frank Ribéry, has decided to transfer to Leeds United this summer.

And "Team News" also claimed that the clubs that are now associated with Frank Ribery include Inter Milan, Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool and other teams.

"Team News" also claimed that Inter Milan and Bayern Munich were very concerned about Frank Ribéry. They really wanted to introduce Frank Ribéry. It is said that they had contacted Frank Ribéry in private. Now, Frank Ribery also hopes to transfer and leave.

Now, it depends on what the Leeds United Club thinks.

And, at this time, Jose Mourinho, who just took over Inter Milan, came forward to speak: "Frank Ribéry's strength is extraordinary, we are very optimistic about him, he is our international Milian The important figure of the reconstruction, I think Frank Ribéry chose to join us Inter Milan is the most correct choice. And we will soon quote to Leeds United! "

Don't you say that Jose Mourinho really offered Leeds United a quotation for the first time, 35 million euros, and wanted to introduce Frank Ribery.

Of course, Jose Mourinho's offer is dead.

This offer is simply an insulting offer. Frank Ribery is worth 35 million pounds? You pull it down. A few years ago, people like Huntelaar and Darren Bent, Zhong Cheng, sold about 30 million pounds. Now Frank Ribery, you only quote 35 million euros, you look down on us Leeds What about United, or does it look down on Frank Ribery?

Zhong Cheng naturally will not reply to Jose Mourinho, this offer has no sincerity.

In addition to the rumors of Frank Ribery, there are also transfer rumors in the Leeds United team including Alexander Pato, Eddinson Cavani, Patrick Evra and Kompany.

It is said that the Rossoneri, Inter Milan, Bayern Munich and Manchester United have all paid attention to the young striker Alexander Pato in the Leeds United team, and Barcelona in La Liga are also very optimistic about this Brazilian, who want to introduce this Brazil forward.

The head coaches of these teams have publicly stated that their love for Alexander Pato is very much to bring in this forward. Especially Alex Ferguson, he missed Kaka that year, this time he didn't want to miss Alexander Pato.

And Edinson Cavani was valued by Lazio, Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain. They wanted to introduce the Uruguay striker, and they looked at each other with a lot of eyes.

Patrick Evra was followed by Juventus, Inter Milan and Manchester United. Especially the Red Devils Manchester United, the position of the left guard has always been lacking. Although they introduced Zimbonda, Zimbonda often got injured after coming to Manchester United, so there are not many opportunities to play.

At first, they also looked at Patrick Evra. Unfortunately, they were preempted by Leeds United. Alex Ferguson has been worried about this, so now he is still chasing Patrick Evra crazy. .

In an interview with media reporters, Alex Ferguson began to publicly express his love for Patrick Evra. He said: "Patrick is one of the best left-backs on the planet and he is very strong And his mind is also very clear. If he joins our Manchester United team, we will definitely take it to the next level! I really like him very much, and I believe that in the new season, he will join us. ! "

Alex Ferguson seems very confident in the introduction of Patrick Evra. Many media reporters are guessing, has Alex Ferguson reached a good agreement with Patrick Evra?

Is Patrick Evra leaving Leeds United to join the Red Devils Manchester United in the new season?

Zhong Cheng's brow frowned. Patrick Evra is very important to Leeds United. He doesn't want to let Patrick Evra leave Leeds United. The French left-back must stay in Leeds United go away!

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