The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 18: Episode [018]: He still wants to try

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With the progress of the European Cup, time is passing, and the door to the transfer market is also getting closer.

At this time, the news of transfers also came out of European football.

Manchester United's Saha transfer to Everton, Manchester United's Silvestre transfer to Arsenal, Arsenal's Gilberto Silva transfers to Panasina, Greece Kos, the young Mancini from Rome went to Inter Milan ...

At this time, Chelsea are busy choosing coaches!

Now it is said that Everton's coach David Moyes, Sheffield Wednesday's coach Van Gaal, and Capello and other well-known European coaches are among the Chelsea team.

Now the European transfer market is really moving!

And at this time, Leeds United's official website updated a message that Leeds United introduced Argentina forward Diego Millito from the relegated Real Zaragoza for 18.5 million euros!

This news also exceeded many people's expectations. No one expected that Leeds United would introduce such a forward. Many people are guessing that Zhong Cheng should rightify Lewandowski as the team's main striker next season.

What I didn't expect was that Zhong Cheng brought a main striker!

Yes, Diego Milito is the main striker, after all, Zhong Cheng spent 18.5 million euros. Does Zhong Cheng spend such a large price to buy a substitute? Don't tease me, okay?

Diego Milito is very happy to join Leeds United, and at this time he did not receive any invitation, so he agreed to join Leeds United.

Real Zaragoza is not struggling, after all, the other party is Leeds United, Diego Milito has already moved. Regardless of the price given by Liz United, Leeds United was also the only one to offer Diego Milito, so Real Zaragoza agreed.

After winning Diego Millito, Zhong Cheng was very satisfied.

In the new season, there are four players in the forward line of Leeds United: Diego Milito, Edinson Cavani, Alexander Pato and Lewandowski. The frontline strength is still good. However, if it is necessary to cope with multi-line operations, Zhong Cheng seems to have to introduce one person.

However, Zhong Cheng has no plans to introduce forwards.

Because, Zhong Cheng is ready to take back Brazilian winger Hulk playing in Belgium!

Hulk can play both wingers and forwards. When he returns to the team, he can play right-wing forwards and forwards.

At this time, although Hulk has not yet entered the Brazilian national team, he has been in Belgium for three years and has already obtained Belgian nationality. He can play for Leeds United without a labor certificate.

At this time, the Belgian national team is fighting for David Louis and Hulk, wanting them to play for the Belgian national team. Next, the Belgian U23 national team will go to participate in the Olympic Games held in Beijing, China. David Louis and Hulk are both age-appropriate players.

The Belgian national team naturally hopes to recruit these two good Brazilian players.

However, at this time, both of them are now hesitating.

Both of them are now waiting for the Brazilian U23 national team to join, but the Brazilian Football Association has not done anything, which makes them hesitate.

But time is short, they must make a decision as soon as possible!

Zhong Cheng was also a bit shocked to see this place. Was this butterfly really so powerful? Will the main Brazilian centre-back David Luiz and the Brazilian national team player Hulk choose Belgian nationality in the future?

If this is the case, Zhong Cheng himself is a bit scared, because the butterfly effect is too powerful, Zhong Cheng will have a kind of unpredictability in the future, Zhong Cheng is also closely watching the news.

To be honest, if David Louis and Hulk really joined the Belgian national team, how much better the Belgian national team will be in the future.

Take a look at the Olympic-aged players of the Belgian national team, such as Kompany, Vermaelen, Fellaini, Veltone, Moussa Dembele, Shadley, Van den Bore and Mirabeau If you add David Luiz, Hulk, and later Lukaku, Azar, Debrune, and Bentec, is this Belgian national team going to explode?

Therefore, Zhong Cheng is really surprised. Did the Belgian national team really emerge from the times and rise up?

Now, Zhong Cheng is also paying attention to the choice of David Luiz and Hulk, and there is really not much time left for them.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng does not want them to choose Belgium, they should still wait for the call of the Brazilian team. But think of the previous Pepe, David Louis and others should be a bit excited. After all, Pepe is now the main force of the Portuguese national team, representing Portugal in the European Cup.

So, how exactly did David Louis and Hulk choose?

━━━Split line ━━━

And at this time, the Bayern Munich team responded, and they were willing to exchange 20 million pounds plus Tony Clos in exchange for Joaquin!

Yes, the Bayern Munich team really can't afford much money, or they want to exchange players and cash for Joaquin.

Seeing Bayern Munich's proposal, Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly. This deal was too bad for Leeds United.

Zhong Cheng immediately proposed 20 million pounds plus Tony Clos and Thomas Muller, or 20 million pounds plus Tony Clos and Bad Stubel, which requires at least two talents.

Obviously, Bayern Munich team will agree, they are very optimistic about Bad Stuber and Thomas Muller, they will not talk about the two exchange. However, Bayern Munich also knows that their current offer is far from the price of Leeds.

At this time, Bayern Munich raised the price by 22 million pounds Gatoni Clos, and then 25 million pounds. · Müller and Bad Stuber they will not trade out.

Zhong Cheng saw it, he did not reluctantly, and proposed 35 million pounds Gatney Clos in exchange for Joaquin. Zhong Cheng is paying Tony Cross for 5 million pounds. Even if he is a genius, the price is not low.

However, the Bayern Munich team still bite the bullet, that is, 25 million pounds Gatney Clos in exchange for Joaquin, either exchange or pull down!

In fact, Zhong Cheng's psychological price is still a bit high. The price of 40 million pounds is still a bit outrageous. Joaquin is now very valuable, but it can not reach 40 million pounds.

It is said that now that the Manchester City team likes Real Madrid's Robinho very much, they have also given Robinho 35 million euros. However, it is clear that Real Madrid will not agree with this price. It is said that the psychological price of Real Madrid is 45 million euros.

It also means that Robinho is only worth about 40 million pounds.

After all, Robinho is younger than Joaquin and has a brighter future, so Robinho is more valuable and justified.

Zhong Cheng and Bayern Munich bargained, and eventually exchanged Leeds United's Joaquin for £ 28.5 million plus Tony Clos. In this way, Joaquin's worth is about £ 33 million! To be honest, Zhong Cheng agreed to the deal because he valued Tony Cross. At the same time, it is also because of the condition proposed by Manchester United Alex Alex Ferguson, that is, Leeds United used Frank Ribery Gaioan Gourcuff in exchange for Cristiano Ronaldo.

Joan Gourcuff is gone. Although Leeds United still have Luka Modric and Yaya Touré, it seems that there are enough personnel, but they are not enough. If any of them suffers an injury, then the problem will be serious, so Zhong Cheng still has to prepare first hand, and agreed to Bayern Munich's request, and exchanged Joaquin for 28.5 million pounds plus Tony Clos.

Fans of Leeds United have seen the trade, they are all in circles!

What's happening here? What exactly is happening with Leeds United? Is Leeds United really going to fall apart? Is the Leeds United's star supermarket really going to open?

You see, Leeds United have now sent the team's main striker, the team's first striker, Premier League top scorer Luca Tony. He also sent away the team's defensive core, Gerard Pique, and now away the king of the midfield, Joaquin King. What is the Leeds United team doing?

The fans of Leeds United have been aggressive.

Leeds United fans are all staring at it all. What is Leeds United going to do? What exactly is Zhong Cheng doing?

Moreover, at this time, there were some rumors of transfers, such as Leeds United's left forward Frank Ribery is about to transfer and leave, Leeds United's right-back main wingback Sarnia is leaving, Leeds United lost the ball to be completely paralyzed!

Now, what are the signings for Leeds United?

Swiss right-back Lichtsteiner, exchanged Tony Clos, and Real Zaragoza forward Diego Millito. anything else? No more!

The fans of Leeds United are very anxious!

At this time, even more anxious was Alex Ferguson. He saw the trade between Leeds United and Bayern Munich. After he knew the position of Tony Cross, he knew that the transaction between him and Leeds United was basically It will be reached.

Alex Ferguson once again sent Zhong Cheng a proposal to exchange Cristiano Ronaldo for Leeds United's Frank Ribery and Joan Gourcuff.

Anyway, their Manchester United team can't keep Cristiano Ronaldo, they might as well use him in exchange for Frank Ribery and Joan Gourcuff. Both of them are good in strength, and both can meet the requirements of Alex Ferguson.

With these two, Alex Ferguson believes Manchester United will be strong.

After seeing Alex Ferguson's proposal, Zhong Cheng didn't even think about it, so he directly agreed.

Because Zhong Cheng agreed to Bayern Munich's deal, it was directed at the deal with Manchester United. After all, he sent away Joan Gourcuff, and Zhong Cheng also had to make up for Tony Clos.

So Zhong Cheng immediately resumed Alex Ferguson, and he agreed to the deal.

Alex Ferguson told Zhong Cheng: "We have agreed with Manchester United and we will also inform Cristiano. However, he now wants to go to Real Madrid very much and you have to persuade him. If you can't convince He, this is more complete than a transaction, you know? "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, he knew this!

Getting Manchester United and Alex Ferguson is not the key. The key is whether he can get Cristiano Ronaldo, because Cristiano Ronaldo is the key.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid have been eyebrowsing for many years. Zhong Cheng wants to persuade Cristiano Ronaldo, it is very difficult!

However, Zhong Cheng still wants to try it!

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