The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 56: Episode: The worst decision of my life

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This is the most interesting to Zhong Cheng!

If the characters in these novels really come out to compete in real games, it is indeed more promising. The talents of these main guys seem to have no upper limit. If they come out, then the things in football will be big.

Of course, Zhong Cheng is also fortunate.

Yes, this **** pirated system didn't come up with some, and so on!

According to the urine of this pirated system, it is really possible that these characters appear!

However, for now, it is still very good, at least it is people from the football circle, not some immortal heroes!

Suddenly, Zhong Cheng suddenly felt that this **** system would not be playing a big game of chess?

Will it be late, the system directly throws Alice or T virus, etc., and directly makes this world into a world under a biochemical crisis, and directly starts the mode survival mode?

But what does this **** system give so many survival skills and combat skills?

Does this field finally have to change from sports competition mode to eschatological battle mode or immortal battle mode?

If this is the case, Zhong Cheng feels that he is going crazy!

Of course, these are all just thinking about Zhong Cheng, this system should not be so unruly!

For the time being, this system is still in the normal range, there is no exhaust!

Let's look at the fifth task giant killer. This task is really very difficult. It is really difficult to perform a home and away double kill for these teams, especially these teams have a lot of reinforcements this season. It is very, very difficult for Leeds United to beat them easily.

The reward given by this task is to make Zhong Cheng a little stupefied! How could the **** system know that it wanted to try a three-back tactic? This directly gives the training bonus.

Of course, now Zhong Cheng doesn't want to set up a three-back system, so the reward of this system is likely to be a waste and useless.

But this punishment is very scary!

Next season's Premier League will have a 50% bonus. What else will Leeds play next season? Just give up the Premier League title to other teams!

Therefore, Zhong Cheng believes that this system is very affirmative. Some of the rewards made are getting more and more strange, and the difficulty of the task is also increasing madly. It can be seen that Zhong Cheng is getting more and more difficult to mix in this later period , Not only face the crazy impact of competitors, but also face the maliciousness from the full system.

Zhong Cheng should be regarded as one of the saddest protagonists. Everyone's system is trying to help the host. This system is specifically thinking about how to pit the host.

Set up some very simple tasks, and some of the rewards given are inexplicable. The main thing is that the punishment is very cruel.

Zhong Cheng thinks it's really enough. Is this system really not for me?

However, overall it is still very good. The system still helped him a lot. At least some training bonuses were given, so that the training of Leeds United was done with less effort. This is why the running-in period of Leeds United is longer than other teams. Short, the reason for the fast running-in speed.

Now, looking at these tasks, Zhong Cheng knows that they will be very lucky this season!

In the next few days, Leeds United will have to work hard for training, otherwise Leeds United will be very difficult to mix at the beginning of the new season.

Leeds United are preparing for the new season, waiting for the start of the new season.

The players of Leeds United are very hard, they have a high pursuit for the new season, especially Cristiano Ronaldo!

Many people are talking about Cristiano Ronaldo now!

Everyone believes that Cristiano Ronaldo's decision to join Leeds United was an extremely wrong decision. His joining Leeds was just a dark pearl. Leeds United will not give him anything, but will also drag him down.

Many media reporters claim that Cristiano Ronaldo should stay at Manchester United or go directly to Real Madrid. Why go to Leeds?

Leeds United's upstart has no background, and Leeds United will definitely crash this season.

You see who Leeds have gone this season?

Gerald Pique, Mohamed Sissoko, Bakary Sarnia, Frank Ribéry, Joan Gourcuff, Luca Tony, etc., these are Leeds United The cornerstone of the team, half of Leeds United's main lineup, the absolute core is gone, what is left of Leeds United?

Even if Cristiano Ronaldo is very powerful, this does not help!

Leeds United is really finished this season. There is no future at all. Cristiano Ronaldo is blind for going to such a team.

Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson said in an interview with media reporters: "Yes, I was shocked at the time! I didn't expect Chris to choose Leeds United, I always thought he would go to the Royal Madrid. To be honest, Leeds United have fallen apart this season and I don't like them. The Premier League champions this season must be our Manchester United team, I think Chris will regret it! "

Alex Ferguson also said, "To be honest, I wanted Chris to stay so that he could form a magical wing with Frank. However, he eventually chose to leave, and I still respect him. However, What I want to say is that he made the wrong choice. Even his joining Real Madrid is better than joining Leeds. This is the worst decision he has ever made! "

Alex Ferguson's words were recognized by many people, and they all thought that Cristiano Ronaldo had made a very wrong decision!

At this time, Manchester United fans were madly attacking Cristiano Ronaldo, claiming that Cristiano Ronaldo's ingratitude was a scum!

Manchester United fans are swearing at Cristiano Ronaldo fiercely, claiming that in the new season match, Manchester United will definitely teach Cristiano Ronaldo to be a man.

It can be seen from this that although Manchester United fans have been clamoring that they do not like Cristiano Ronaldo, they are still very upset and angry about the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo!

At this time, media reporters also interviewed Real Madrid's head coach Schuster, but said: "I don't have a good opinion of Cristiano Ronaldo. To be honest, it doesn't matter whether he comes to Real Madrid or not. It is his heart to join us in Real Madrid, and we do not have his place here! "

Yes, Real Madrid coach Schuster was very disgusted by everyone talking about Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo was not introduced by name, and he did not even have a place for Cristiano Ronaldo in his tactics. Real Madrid wants to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo This is exactly the political task of club chairman Calderon, he is going to use Cristiano Ronaldo to stabilize Real Madrid fans!

When Calderon came to power, he promised Real Madrid fans that he would introduce some of the world's top stars, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka and so on, but this season's transfer period is approaching the end. Real Madrid No one brought it.

Now Real Madrid fans hate Calderon very much!

Of course, Schuster is the same. He did not say that Cristiano Ronaldo is to be introduced. This was completely forcibly arranged by Calderon for himself. This made Schuster feel that the authority of his head coach was provoked. He Naturally, it is very uncomfortable for Calderon to do this.

However, he couldn't beat Calderon directly, so he vented his anger on Cristiano Ronaldo. Seeing Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer to Leeds United, Schuster was happy.

Schuster continued: "To be honest, I don't think Cristiano Ronaldo will suit Real Madrid's current tactics. Even if he comes to Real Madrid, he is not my first choice. So I want to say Yes, Real Madrid is not suitable for Cristiano Ronaldo. It is right that he does not come to Real Madrid. However, he should not go to a team like Leeds United. He really goes back to live! "

Obviously, this proud German looks down on Leeds United!

This is naturally stinging to the fans of Leeds United. The fans of Leeds United are slamming Schuster. Your coaching performance is really brilliant. You have won such a long coaching career. How many championships? So great?

Oh, you didn't even win a championship. I thought you were awesome!

And do you forget how you got the Real Madrid head coach position? It's not because you traded with Calderon's PY, what's wrong with one of your back coaches?

The fans of Leeds United were sarcastically sneer at Schuster, saying that he could not afford to look up.

Originally, Real Madrid fans were very dissatisfied with Schuster. They did not understand why Schuster, who had such a bad coaching record, became Real Madrid's head coach?

Now Schuster dare to stand up and say that he doesn't like Leeds United. This guy really doesn't have a face anymore!

Schuster was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait to find a place to drill in.

Because at this time, there were many Real Madrid fans who joined the Leeds United fans and angered Schuster frantically. Finally, the fans of Real Madrid have turned on the mode of Fury Schuster and Calderon!

Countless Real Madrid fans at the scene were screaming frantically, shouting the slogans that Calderon and Schuster were out of class.

This time Schuster really pitted himself this time!

If he knew this would be the case, he wouldn't say such an assertion, this is really asking for trouble!

Perhaps at this time, Schuster was kneeling on his knees, looking up at the sky and sincerely saying, "If God can give me another chance, I will never talk cheaply, say such a paragraph, blend into such a Brother, I regret it ... "

Now the whole world is discussing the matter of Cristiano Ronaldo joining Leeds United. Everyone claims that Cristiano Ronaldo is a pearl. This season is the beginning of the fall of Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo is going to pay for his waywardness!

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