The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 86: Episode: The Bad Situation of the City's Deadly Enemies

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On the plane from Marseille to London, Zhong Cheng leaned quietly on the back of his chair, staring closely at the newspaper a few days ago, and carefully browsing.

Albertini, who was sitting next to him, turned his head and glanced at the news of Huntelaar.

Sure enough, Zhong Cheng now cares about Huntelaar's news.

Albertini didn't understand. At the time, Huntelaar's betrayed Leeds United team. At this time, why would Zhong Cheng still care about him?

Albertini thought about it, then suddenly asked, "Do you seem to care about him?"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly, looked at Albertini confusedly, and asked, "Who?"

Because Albertini's words were meaningless, Zhong Cheng didn't understand. Who was Albertini talking about?

Albertini glanced at Zhong Cheng's confused look, and pointed his finger at the huge photograph of Huntelaar in the newspaper. There is also one person in this picture, which is Sheffield Wednesday coach Van Gaal. In the middle is another flash of light telling that the two are separated, as if a picture was torn and the two were separated to the sides.

There are a few big characters in this photo-parting ways?

Yes, there really is a big question mark behind these words!

Zhong Cheng looked at the photos of Albertini's fingers, he nodded slightly, and knew who Albertini was talking about, Huntelaar!

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "I wasn't very concerned, or I was asked by media reporters about his situation, so just take a look to ease the boredom of the journey!"

Albertini glanced at Zhong Cheng and asked, "Is this really the case?"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Of course it is, otherwise what do you think?"

Albertini also said with a smile: "I thought you were always upset and wanted to know why Huntelaar betrayed you then!"

Zhong Cheng fell silent for a moment!

To be honest, Zhong Cheng was really a little bit bitter about things. At the time, Huntelaar had a good relationship with him and Leeds United, and Leeds United was much better than Sheffield Wednesday. Why did Huntelaar want to leave Leeds United to join Sheffield Wednesday?

Zhong Cheng didn't figure out why!

Is it because of money? It should be impossible!

Because Huntelaar had only one goal at the time, that was to stamp Van Persie under him severely, so that Van Persie knew that he was the most powerful forward in the Netherlands today, and Van Persie would always be behind him.

He had done this at the beginning, but his position was not stable.

Van Persie also rose slowly that year. If Huntelaar wants to continue to suppress Van Persie, he should stay stronger, and he is also most familiar with Leeds instead of going to a promotion in Sheffield Wednesday.

So, he didn't know what caused Huntelaar to give up his previous goal and switch to Sheffield Wednesday.

Zhong Cheng has no idea how he lost to Sheffield Wednesday team!

Is it really because of the original report that Huntelaar and Kramer went in and out of the nightclub together, and some pickles formed a very good relationship? Cramer used emotion to pull Huntelaar past?

Obviously, Zhong Cheng does not believe this!

Zhong Cheng believes that Huntelaar chose Sheffield Wednesday for deeper reasons. But now everyone does not know, nor is it clear. Maybe in the future Zhong Cheng will solve this doubt, but not now!

Albertini watched Zhong Cheng's thoughtful look tightly, he murmured, "Also said you don't care about Huntelaar, you are all like this!"

Zhong Cheng woke up and shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't care, but I didn't understand something at the time!"

That being the case, Albertini nodded slightly and asked, "Why did Huntelaar choose to leave Leeds, which was a strong rise, and join a promoted horse club?"

Zhong Cheng didn't hide, nodding slightly.

Albertini said so, and then he said, "We are not Huntelaar, but sometimes we think about things very complicated. It is very likely that their party was because of an insignificant reason, because He felt emotional or whatever, and he chose Sheffield Wednesday! Of course, Huntelaar's character should not be so emotional, but perhaps the reason he wants to go to Sheffield Wednesday is very simple, but we are not enough Just know Huntelaar! "

Zhong Cheng froze, as if a lightning flashed across his mind, his whole body shivered.


Perhaps the reason why Huntelaar moved to Sheffield on Wednesday is very simple, because he thinks it is too complicated.

Forget it, ignore him. It doesn't make much sense to figure out this now, Zhong Cheng put down the newspaper in his hand.

Albertini nodded slightly!

Albertini also said, "Huntral is in a very bad situation now!"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "Not necessarily!"

Albertini froze slightly and said, "Why not? He has been pressed on the bench by Van Gaal for a few more games and hasn't played in a long time. It is said that Van Gaal will not even beat Henry in the UEFA Cup tomorrow. Terrar's name is on the big list! Huntelaar is now in a loss, and Sheffield will not be able to stay on Wednesday! "

Is it really? Zhong Cheng doesn't think so!

Albertini continued: "And you know, there are many clubs and coaches who are starting to act now. They are going to take Huntelaar during the winter transfer. It is said that Arsene Wenger, Alex Ferguson and Rogers are very interested in him and are now waiting for the winter transfer! "

After finishing the fire, Albertini stared at Zhong Cheng tightly.

In fact, there was one other word that Albertini did not say, that is, "Will we Leeds also join in and bring Huntelaar back?"

However, Albertini did not say, he does not know how the sincerity of this clock is? He was a little puzzled by Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "You are all controlled by these unscrupulous media. In fact, Huntelaar's situation is not as bad as you think!"

Albertini is a little confused, what is the situation?

Albertini immediately asked: "Why do you think so? Huntelaar can't play, isn't it bad enough?"

Zhong Cheng smiled mysteriously, and then said, "You forgot a very important point! Who brought in Huntelaar in the past? Who was Cramer!"

Albertini blinked his eyes and instantly understood what Zhong Cheng meant.

Zhong Cheng continued: "And the relationship between Huntelaar and Kramer is not simple. Obviously, when Huntelaar left us for Leeds and joined Sheffield Wednesday, Kramer did a great job. .Although I don't know what means he used to win Huntelaar, I know very well that the relationship between the two is one step closer! "

Albertini thought about it, nodding slightly.

Because at that time, the news media always reported that Huntelaar and Kramer attended some parties together, went in and out of nightclubs, bars and other places, and surrounded by various beautiful women. The relationship between the two was guessed by countless people. .

Some people say that they are like-minded friends, and some people say that they have their own needs, and that they are gay.

These are of course speculations, but one thing is clear: the relationship between the two should be very good, otherwise they won't get together for a long time.

As soon as he thought about it, Albertini suddenly understood that what was dangerous was not Huntelaar, but ... Van Gaal! Albertini was so excited that they had missed such important information. Albertini suddenly felt that he was a little unsuitable as a head coach. He couldn't even notice such obvious information, which was really damn.

Zhong Cheng didn't think so, because the news was reported insanely that year, and then it lost its popularity and attention, so it was not reported much later. For so many years, few people remember it.

More importantly, Kramer has attached great importance to Van Gaal in recent years, making people think that Van Gaal is more important in Kramer's mind, and Van Gaal's authority cannot be provoked.

Moreover, in recent times, Huntelaar was put on the bench by Cramer, and he did not get a minute of playing time. Cramer did not appear as Huntelaar to ask for an argument, and to Van Gaalsch Pressure. So everyone thinks Kramer is on Van Gaal's side.

However, after such a reminder by Zhong Cheng, Albertini would not think so.

In recent years, it seems that Van Gaal's team has achieved very good results. In fact, it has not brought Sheffield Wednesday any championship honors. It has not even won the qualification of the Champions League. To be honest, in Kramer's Van Gaal was unsuccessful.

Therefore, at this time, regardless of consideration, Kramer will not stand on the side of Van Gaal, he will definitely stand on the side of Huntelaar.

Albertini was shocked. It's no wonder that Sheffield's Wednesday results are very bad. It turned out that there was a big problem inside them!

At this point, Albertini understood what Zhong Cheng meant, and he thought that Van Gaal was running out of Sheffield Wednesday.

Albertini immediately said, "Boss, you mean, Cramer will fire Van Gaal for Huntelaar?"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "Actually, it is not just Huntlear who wants to fire Van Gaal, but the main reason is that Van Gaal's performance has not met Cramer's expectations. Cramer is very proud Proud, he hasn't reached the Champions League for several years, and his patience has run out! "

Albertini nodded thoughtfully, it should be like this!

When Cramer bought the Sheffield Wednesday team, he was very arrogant, and countless media reporters clamored before them to surpass Leeds United, stepping Leeds United under their feet, and becoming the best club in Yorkshire. It will also make Sheffield Wednesday a superpower.

Now it is very far away from these goals. It is not easy for Kramer to forbear to this day. He gave Van Gaal such a long time and opportunity. Now Van Gaal has not satisfied Kramer. In Huntelaar, it was clear that Kramer would no longer tolerate Van Gaal.

It looks like Sheffield is going to mess up on Wednesday.

Otaku late night benefits, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account online to see: meinvxuan1 (long press for three seconds to copy) !!

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