The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 92: Episode: Eindhoven with no escape route

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Crown Stadium, Leeds, England, January 1st!

This day is very special for Chinese fans. This is the day of the Chinese National Day. During the day, they can watch the grand military parade, and then they can watch the Leeds United Champions League late in the day.

For local fans in Leeds, England, this Champions League game is their biggest holiday.

Fans of Leeds United came to the scene wearing the white jersey of their home team to watch the game. Leeds United ’s new stadium is really spectacular. Every time he comes here, Leeds United fans are very excited and excited.

There are more than 40,000 Leeds United fans who came to the scene today, plus Eindhoven fans, this stadium is really about to fill up. It is really good to be able to have so many people in the middle of the week.

Fans of Leeds United are singing the team song of Leeds United to cheer for Leeds United.

The singing of the fans of Leeds United was very loud, and the whole Crown Stadium was their singing.

For the UEFA Champions League, Leeds United fans are very yearning. They all hope that the team can get better results and win the Champions League.

However, this season Leeds United was divided into a very difficult group. It is also very difficult for Leeds United to advance. However, Leeds United fans firmly believe that Leeds United can go further.

Because Leeds United has Roja!

The fans of Leeds United were singing this song with excitement.

There are also a lot of Eindhoven fans who came away today. They saw the new home of Leeds United. This is indeed very impressive. This stadium is really amazing.

However, today they did not come to appreciate the Crown Stadium, today they came to die Leeds United.

Eindhoven fans know that Leeds United is very strong, and it is really difficult for them to win this game. This will be a very difficult game. If Eindhoven loses this game again, they will be over this season.

Eindhoven fans had great expectations for the UEFA Champions League this season, but after seeing this **** group, they were dumbfounded.

For the first time, fans of Eindhoven frantically attacked UEFA's darkroom operations. This is the draw of certain controls. Eindhoven cannot be so unlucky.

Countless people bombard UEFA every year, claiming that this is a dark box operation, but there is no evidence every year. But UEFA ’s lottery has some interesting groups and draws every year, as if someone had arranged it.

Therefore, the rumor of UEFA's dark box operation has a long history.

The fans of Eindhoven thought that UEFA had carried out a black box operation, and they just wanted to throw them into this **** death group.

Now that they are in this death group, Eindhoven fans are very nervous.

In the first round, the home team lost to the Atletico Madrid with a score of 0 to 3, which made the prospect of Eindhoven ’s UEFA Champions League dimmed. Now many people are speculating that Eindhoven will be the first. The eliminated team.

All the fans of Eindhoven stood together and they all came together!

The number of security personnel who came to the scene today is also very large. They are really afraid of something happening. If Eindhoven loses, can Eindhoven fans remain sane? They really don't know that all protection work is the most important thing.

This game, the atmosphere before the game shows that this will be a fierce battle.

Now the players on both sides have come to the stadium, warmed up in the stadium, waiting for the final game to start, this atmosphere has suddenly reached the apex, people have a little breathing disorder.

The fans on both sides of the scene were shouting excitedly and clamoring.

This game really starts soon.

"Audience friends! Hello, fans! I'm Mark Lawrence!" BBC Sports broadcasted the game live.

"Hello everyone, this is BBc Sports, I'm familiar with Eddie Gray!" Eddie Gray is also introducing himself to fans all over the world.

"Today we are bringing you a game in the second round of Group D of the 2008-2009 UEFA Champions League group stage against Leeds United from England and Eindhoven from the Netherlands!" Mark Laurence said immediately.

"It is Leeds United of England who is at home today. They won the Marseilles in the first round and temporarily ranked second in the group. Their opponent Eindhoven was 0 to 1 in the first round Three scores were lost to Atletico Madrid, this game is very important for Eindhoven! "Eddie Gray said.

"Before the game, Eindhoven's head coach Koko said that they must win this game, otherwise they will be lost forever. And they are ready, they are confident to win this game ! "Mark Lawrence said immediately.

Eden Gray also said: "Yes, the Eindhoven people came to Leeds with unsuccessful heart, this game is also a very strong test for Leeds United, if the victory is not Eindhoven, the form of this group will be very confusing, when Leeds United will be able to qualify from this group, that is also for the unknown! "

The fans on the scene and in front of the TV were both nervous about the game caused by these two goods. It seems that this game is a life and death game. It is better than survival, and the loser is dead!

"In this group, home victory is particularly crucial. As long as you hold your own home victory, then it is very likely to break through from this group. Therefore, the last round of the game will lose your home game Eindhoven. With such tension and worries, they must now conquer an away game to fill the first round of mistakes, so they are very, very serious in this game! "Mark Lawrence said.

"However, it's not easy to break the home stadium of Leeds United Crown Stadium first. Leeds United's home performance is very good, and Leeds United also attaches great importance to this game. Obviously, they want to Want to talk to Atletico Madrid coach! "Eddie Gray said.

"Perhaps also because they knew that if they couldn't get a good result early in the season, then at the end of the group stage, the scene would be very chaotic and very tragic. Instead of going crazy at the end of the group stage Opponents, it is better to get good results now, to ensure the team qualify! "Mark Laurensen said.

This is indeed a very bad group, and may be very chaotic at the end. Of course, from the current situation, it is also possible that Leeds United and Atletico Madrid go hand in hand, leaving Marseille and Eindhoven without any chance.

Therefore, at this time, Marseille and Eindhoven will be so desperate.

"This game is really too important. Obviously the two sides played this game as a final. This game will definitely be the winner!" Eddie Gray said.

Suddenly, Mark Lawrence asked: "Which one do you prefer, Eddie?"

Without thinking, Eddie Gray blurted out, "Of course it is Leeds United. I have full confidence in Leeds United and Mr. Loya. This game will win, and in the face of Atletico Madrid, we Leeds United will definitely win, please rest assured! "

Mark Lawrence showed such an expression, "Are you sure?"

Eddie Gray immediately said: "Of course, long live Leeds United!"

The fans in front of the TV were very excited, and they followed Eddie Gray roaring loudly, the voice was very loud: "Long live Leeds United!"

At this time, the players from both sides appeared in the player channel, ready to play.

"Okay, the players on both sides have come to the player channel and are ready to play. Now let's use this time to introduce you to the list of statements of both parties today!" Mark Lawrence said.

"Yes, now we also want to let everyone know who the two sides started today!" Eddie Gray also said immediately.

Today's starting list for both parties is as follows:

Away team: Eindhoven, head coach: Koko, formation: 3-5-2

Goalkeeper: 1-Isaacson

Guards: 24-Marcelis, 13-Brechet, 3-Salcido

Wingbacks: 2-G. Longkamp, ​​15-Courina

Midfielders: 29-Uitnes, 6-Simons, 8-Mendez

Forwards: 28-Bakar, 11-Amrabat

Subs: 31-Ramos, 4-Rodriguez, 5-Zuneved, 10-Koyvimans, 14-Pieters, 16-Neland, 22-Sudesack

This is the starting list for Eindhoven today.

It can be seen that this time Eindhoven is really ready to die with Leeds United!

Eindhoven has sacrificed the three-back lineup. The main energy is put into the offense. Although two wingbacks are sent, the obvious is the assist ability of the two wingbacks Is stronger, their defense is a bit weak, so this is already very obvious, as the Eindhoven team said before their game, this game they must go all out to win!

Kecu is naturally very satisfied with their starting list, they think they will win this game!

Today's starting list for Leeds United is as follows:

Home team: Leeds United, head coach: Zhong Cheng, formation: 4-1-3-2

Goalkeeper: Bell

Four backs: Patrick Evra, Ivanovic, Gary Cahill and Lichsteiner

Single midfielder: Cedhu Keita

Three forwards: Gareth Bale, Luca Modric and Marco Royce

Double forwards: Diego Milito and Alexander Pato.

This is the starting list for Leeds United today, which is still a bit different from the last game. Obviously, Leeds United did the rotation in the last round and replaced some young bench players.

This game, this lineup should be regarded as the main starting lineup of Leeds United at this stage.

However, this is definitely not the strongest team in Leeds United. Because Compani and Cristiano Ronaldo in the Leeds RUF were sitting in the stands in suits today, watching the game.

Now the players on both sides have come to the stadium and have completed some pre-match ceremonies. The players on both sides have come to their respective positions and are waiting for the start of this game.

Everyone can see from the position on the spot that the first kick-off will be the visiting team Eindhoven.

Zhong Cheng is very concerned. At the beginning of the game, Eindhoven really will be crazy to attack, the wing guard will be crazy to press on, or will the wing guard directly drag behind and become a defensive five back?

This determined the final tactics of PSV in this game. Zhong Cheng watched it very seriously.

Of course, Zhong Cheng also believes that Eindhoven will definitely attack aggressively, because they have no retreat now. If they do not win this game, their confidence will be a serious blow. At that time they thought It is very difficult to tighten it again.

Zhong Chengshuang said to hug his chest, sitting quietly on the sidelines, staring at the stadium.

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