The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 94: Episode: Every Penalty Shooter is a Psychologist

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"A penalty! A penalty! This turned out to be a penalty!" Eddie Gray was stunned!

To be honest, Eddie Gray imagined the countless endings of this ball, he thought about Gareth Bell passing Brechet and Isaacson hit the ball into the empty goal, he thought about Gareth Bell directly Slightly slammed a shot and broke the goal. He even thought that Gareth Bell had cheated the defense and passed the football to Diego Millito who followed up and pushed the goal ...

Eddie Gray didn't think it would be a penalty in the end!

Eddie Gray didn't even think that this penalty was actually obtained this way. Is this guy Brechett too nervous or has his brain shorted, and gave Leeds United a penalty!

Eddie Gray was really stunned.

If someone tells Eddie Gray that the ball is a fake, Eddie Gray will be convinced, because Brechet is really doubtful.

Is anyone rushing to send a penalty?

No wonder Eddie Gray would shout in such a surprised voice: "Pen!"

All fans at the scene were shocked!

The fans of Leeds United don't think they can die. How could this ball be a penalty? Do we still have one in the other camp?

The fans of Leeds United really want to say to Zhong Cheng: "My brother, this kind of operation!"

The fans of Eindhoven are dumbfounded, my god, what's going on? How could this happen?

Eindhoven fans really wanted to shout, "We have a traitor!"

On the sidelines, Eindhoven's head coach Cocu held his head with both hands, and his face was unbelievable, and he even murmured: "I would have liked not to call that foul!"

Coco also felt that Brechet had chosen to foul after hearing the "foul" he shouted.

Coco was really speechless. Sending this penalty made Eindhoven even harder to play!

Originally, Leeds United was good at defense. If they scored this goal, they would be able to focus on defense. In that case, Eindhoven would have a harder time winning.

Koko really regretted his death. Why did he yell like that?

"It's incredible! This match is really incredible! This penalty makes us a little ... a little, a little overwhelmed!" Mark Lawrence didn't know what to say.

The players in Eindhoven did not come forward to explain this ball, because there is really nothing to say about this ball. This is a penalty kick. There is nothing to say!

Burzi also smiled slightly, which is also the penalty that he has judged the least.

Bulzi immediately signaled to the players of Leeds United to rush forward to serve this penalty!

Prior to this, Luka Tony and Luka Modric took the penalty for Leeds United's penalty, but today Diego Milito took the ball.

This season, the order of penalty penalty set by Zhong Cheng is: first is Cristiano Ronaldo, second is Luca Modric, and third is Diego Milito.

Today Cristiano Ronaldo was sitting in the stands with an injury, and the ball naturally did not make him. This ball should have been hosted by Luca Modric, but Luca Modric gave it to Diego Milito.

Diego Milito did not humble himself, hugged the football directly, and went to the penalty spot.

This season, Leeds United ’s direct free kick serve order is like this: Luka Modric is the first pick, Cristiano Ronaldo is the second pick, and the third pick is Gareth Bell.

The media and fans believe that Luka Modric also used the right to take a penalty kick and also the right to a free kick. Penalty and free kick serve right will not be given to the same person to serve, although Lu Cards Modric, Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bell can all take responsibility for penalties and direct free kicks, but Zhong Cheng made such a decision for the unity of the team.

Many people think that Zhong Cheng is very smart and has refined these things to the extreme. In this way, the chances of players' internal conflicts and contradictions on the court are extremely small.

Now, no one knows why Luka Modric gave the penalty to Diego Milito, but everyone can see that the relationship within Leeds United is better than everyone thinks!

The fans of Leeds United are at ease, and they are cheering for Leeds United.


Diego Milito came to the penalty spot with a football!

Isaacson is very nervous. This ball is very important for the Eindhoven team. If the ball is lost, their Eindhoven soul will be lost.

This has to do with the end of the game in Eindhoven!

Isaacson felt that his body was under heavy pressure, and he was unable to breathe.

However, there is no way, standing in this position, he will take up the corresponding responsibility!

At this point, the hope of the whole Eindhoven was on him. He took a deep breath, cheering himself up in his heart,

I can do it, I can do it, definitely!

In order to be bold, Isaacson even walked two steps forward and came to Diego Millito, raised his thumbs towards Diego Millito, and said, "I know you are great, but This time I will definitely save your penalty. I know your penalty will go to the bottom right corner, right? "

For a moment, Diego Millito didn't expect that Isaacson would play these careful machines with him. It's like two people playing rock and paper scissors. I tell you first that I want to make cloth, or tell the other party that I will make cloth. This is a kind of psychological game.

Yes, the penalty shootout started from this moment.

Isaacson stared at Diego Millito with a gaze on his face, very firm, as if to say, "I'm sure you'll make the bottom right corner."

Great, my brother!

Diego Milito was stunned for a moment, and it was almost that Isaacson's deception.

After calming down, Diego Milito gave Isaacson a slight smile and said, "How do you know that I will hit your bottom right corner? How do you know that I will not hit your bottom left corner?"

Isaacson froze slightly!

Diego Milito did not give Isaacson a chance to respond and immediately said, "Are you so sure of your guess? Are you not afraid that I will really hit the football to your bottom left corner?"

Isaacson tightened his eyes and stared at Diego Millito carefully.

Diego Milito ignored it and continued: "I tell you, you're right, I really want to hit your bottom right corner, are you ready?"

Having said that, Diego Milito did not bother Isaacson any more, and did not give Isaacson a chance to respond. He turned directly and walked away from Isaacson outside the restricted area.

Isaacson was truly stunned, and at this moment his mind was even more confused!

Isaacson's mind now seemed to have many voices saying to him: "It's the left, it must be the right, would you believe his words? Left, right, left, right ..."

Isaacson took a breath, and the **** Diego Millito was too good.

Isaacson immediately looked up at Diego Milito.

Just then, Diego Millito suddenly turned around and stared at Isaacson tightly, as if to say, "Are you ready?"

Isaacson was stunned, and at this time he had lost the original determination.


Seeing Isaacson in deep contemplation, the referee Burzi could not help but immediately blew his whistle to signal Isaacson to retreat and the penalty kick was about to begin.

Hearing the whistle, Isaacson came back.

Isaacson felt like he was finished. How could he be disturbed by this guy Diego Millito? You must be firm and not be controlled by Diego Milito. Believe in yourself and your judgment must be correct.

Under the direction of the referee Burzi, Isaacson slowly backed away.

Isaacson was firm in his thoughts, but there were always two voices fighting in his mind: "Left, right, left, right ..."

Isaacson suddenly found that his heart was disturbed, and he couldn't calm down anyway. Even if he deliberately didn't think about Diego Milito's things, he didn't care about the subconscious voice in his mind, but something always appeared in his mind.

Isaacson stared at Diego Milito, and he suddenly regretted it!

I regret going to Diego Milito, but this time he did not catch Diego Milito, instead he put himself in!

Isaac shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, the referee Bulzi blew his whistle in his mouth-toot!

Isaacson was immediately awake, staring closely at the serving Diego Millito. Suddenly he found that Diego Millito smiled strangely at him, and then Diego Millito started running up.

Isaacson's heart suddenly burst, what does this mean?

What does the strange smile of this guy Diego Milito mean? Does this mean you got fooled? Or is this guy laughing at himself? Will this guy still find football in the bottom right corner?

Isaacson was dumbfounded, and his heart was shaken and messy.

Diego Milito's run-up was so fast that Isaacson was still confused, and when he didn't make up his mind, he kicked the football hard.

With a bang, the football quickly flew towards Eindhoven's goal-the bottom right corner!

Yes, Diego Milito lived up to his claim, he just sent the football to the bottom right corner of the goal!

But at this time, Isaacson was messed up. Isaacson's response was noticeably slow, and he flung in the wrong direction.

Diego Milito's sudden shot gave him a surprise, and in a panic he made a decision. Diego Milito's weird smile was mocking himself for being fooled. The ball was definitely not going to the bottom right corner, so he decided to pounce on the bottom left corner.

Isaacson did, but the action looked a little funny.

Because Isaacson's movement was more than one beat slow, and the most important thing was that he was more than one beat slow. He even took the ball in the wrong direction.

All Eindhoven people at the scene were dumbfounded!

What is the situation today? Are we not one traitor, but two traitors?

The football flew into Eindhoven's goal without a doubt and flew in from the bottom right corner!

And Diego Milito's angle is very tricky, even if Isaacson flutters in the right direction, he may not be able to catch. It seems that Diego Milito is very cautious, this shot is perfect.

One to zero!

Leeds United finally took the lead at their home Crown Stadium.

Sure enough, there is a saying that is really right-every penalty shooter is a master of psychology!

Otaku late night benefits, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account online to see: meinvxuan1 (long press for three seconds to copy) !!

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