The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 112: Episode: I want to express myself well

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The football flew quickly in the sky and quickly flew to the front court.

The tall man in the frontcourt, Nicholas Bentner, leaned back with his body immediately, leaning directly on the deep Ivanovic, jumping up high and heading for the ball.

Today, Nicholas Bentner is struggling!

Nicholas Bentner wants Zhong Cheng to know that he left Leeds United and he is developing well!

Because there are a lot of crazy words recently!

Many people have claimed that if Nicholas Bentner did not leave Leeds United then, there would be no such thing as Diego Milito. And Nicholas Bentner can also learn something with Luca Tony, and then directly take over the main position of Kalu Tony.

After Nicholas Bentner chose to leave Leeds United to join Arsenal, the mix was actually not satisfactory!

Nicolas Bentner didn't get any good chances because Arsene Wenger chose to believe in Adebayor!

Adebayor is the main center of the Arsenal team, Nicolas Bentner was pressed to the bench, there is almost no chance.

If it wasn't for Adebayor's recent clamor for wanting to leave Arsenal, and Arsene Wenger and the club getting stuck, Nicolas Bentner would have the chance.

Only now is Nicholas Bentner.

Many people claim that if Adebayor did not kill himself, Nicholas Bentner would have little chance.

Many people are questioning Nicholas Bentner, especially Leeds fans.

Many Leeds United fans are ironically sarcastic Nicholas Bentner, and many of the brow journalists are following the trend, claiming that Nicholas Bentner is blind-eyed, but he was born in Baoshan but abandoned it. Black hole.

Hearing these satires, Nicholas Bentner was naturally very angry.

At the same time, Nicholas Bentner vowed secretly that in this game, he must perform well and must show himself well, so that all Leeds associates know that he is doing well in Arsenal and growing up After a lot, it is not a mistake to join Arsenal.

So, Nicholas Bentner gritted his teeth and must shock all Leeds!

Including Zhong Cheng!

Nicholas Bentner jumped up high, and growled wildly in his heart: "You guys, I'll show you!"

With a bang, Nicholas Bentner shook his head and brushed the football directly to Van Persie who followed him!

"Beautiful! Beautiful header ferry! Nicholas Bentner overwhelmed Ivanovic, beautiful ferry, Arsenal chance!" Exclaimed Mark Laurenson. <>

Arsene Wenger stood up on the coach's seat.

Because the van Persie who followed him was ready to volley his leg-chance!


A loud noise came, and all away fans sighed with disappointment and uproar!

"Pretty! Beautiful defense, Gary Cahill, perfect!" Eddie Gray growled in excitement and gave applause.

In the Crown Stadium, countless applauses sounded like thunder!

It turned out that just as Van Persie volleyed, Leeds United's center defender Gary Cahill took the lead and shoveled out, kicking the football out.

Fortunately, Van Persie saw this happening and took his own leg, otherwise they would not be able to bear the leg and would be seriously injured!

"Wow, very dangerous defense, but very successful. Gary Cahill defeated Van Persie in courage. Van Persie pulled his leg at the end. There is no courage to look back. Maybe if he went out of the first round regardless of everything, he would First meet the football. Gary Cahill will close his leg like him. Van Persie lost here! "Mark Lawrence said immediately.

The fans of Leeds United at the scene shouted Gary Cahill's name and applauded it!

"Van Persie's leg retraction is expected this time because Van Persie has suffered a serious injury before. He should be very aware of the pain of the injury. He does not want to be injured to recover, so although he has 50% of this ball, Opportunity, even if he is cruel, he will, but he will not fight. Because compared with the success of this opportunity, his long career is the most important! He does not want to be ruined by this opportunity. His entire career, so from this point, I still agree with Van Persie not to grab this ball! "Eddie Gray said.

On the sidelines Arsene Wenger may think so, so he also applauded Van Persie. Sometimes, you should never have the courage to play football. He is very much in favor of Van Persie's choice.

Zhong Cheng also applauded and gave the applause to Gary Cahill!

Football fell to midfielder Luka Modric!

Luca Modric still turned around, and he felt someone behind him. He immediately swayed left and right, and then quickly turned to the left, throwing away Abu Diaby behind him!

"Wow! Diaby is risky, dangerous! Arsenal are dangerous!" Mark Lawrence growled immediately. <>

As soon as he turned around, Luca Modric sighted Abu Diaby, who had been shaken by him. Then he accelerated sharply and dribbled forward.

The back position is already empty, and someone must be on top!

At this point, Arsenal center defender Kolo Toure rushed out, he is now the back, is the Arsenal's back.

This is one of the reasons why Kolo Toure is not tall and is a central defender for Arsenal.

Chloe Touré is fast, and he knows when to play and when to play. Moreover, Kolo Toure's ability to bounce is very good, he is very suitable for hitting the guard position.

Collo Touré topped out, and the two full-backs of the Arsenal team immediately recovered to the middle, forming a three-back system.

Chloe Toure came out too fast, but Luka Modric didn't panic. He calculated the footsteps of Kolo Toure. Seeing that Kolo Toure was about to pounce, he immediately slanted the ball and pushed the football to the side.

The football quickly rolled towards Gareth Bell's forward!

Arsenal's ribs are empty and it looks very dangerous because Gareth Bell is too fast.

Chloe Touré was following Luka Modric at the moment and did not return to the guard position. So now the Arsenal team has only three defenders, and full-back Eboue immediately makes up to stop Gareth Bell.

When Gareth Bell saw Eboue rushing out, Gareth Bell immediately sent the football to the middle and Eboue immediately moved sideways. But just as he was moving sideways, Gareth Bell suddenly turned and stepped on the ball, turning around continuously.

McGiddy turned!

Gareth Bell directly turned McGeedy into a yellow snapper and took Eboue.

Eboue was stunned by Gareth Bell, but Gareth Bell was facing near the bottom line, not near the incision.

Gareth Bell knew he had to pass the ball immediately, or Eboue would take it back.

Gareth Bell did not delay the fighter and immediately passed the football out, and the football quickly flew to the middle.

Midfielder Diego Milito rushed to the front and brought Arsenal's defensive players to the front. Because Diego Milito is the strongest attacker at Leeds United, the Arsenal don't know where the ball will go, and they can only keep up.

Everyone followed, but football flew directly to the back.

"Pretty! Beautiful pass, Leeds United opportunity, Leeds United opportunity is here! Alexander Pato!" Eddie Gray growled excitedly and cheered wildly. <>

The football quickly flew to the back. Alexander Pato, who was at the back, took off very easily and then slammed into the football.

All Arsenal fans were desperate at the scene, because Alexander Pato was a big empty door in front of him.

Arsenal goalkeeper Amunia couldn't even save the ball.

Sure enough, the football quickly flew into the Arsenal goal.

Boom, the entire Crown Stadium exploded, and the scene was full of cheers from Leeds fans. The entire stadium erupted like an active volcano.

The fans of the Leeds United team roared excitedly: "Pato! Pato! Pato!"

The goal scored by Pato was also very excited. He rushed to Gareth Bell who passed for him. Pato growled excitedly: "Pretty, it's really beautiful and perfect!"

Gareth Bell hugged Pato fiercely and growled loudly: "Pretty, so beautiful!"

Then the players from Leeds United came over, hurriedly hugged with the two, and celebrated together!

"Pretty! A beautiful goal, the Leeds United counterattack is really too fast. Of course, the midfield pass of Luka Modric and Gareth Bell is really critical. People are really amazing, very amazing! "Eddie Gray growled excitedly.

At this point, Eddie Gray didn't know how to praise the two.

Arsene Wenger is very complex, this ball was originally a chance for their Arsenal team. All of a sudden, what's the back line doing?

In fact, the biggest mistake of the Arsenal team came from Abu Diaby!

Abu Diaby was too hopeful of his performance, so he was a little bit offensive on this ball, and was directly shaken by Luka Modric, which broke the Arsenal's defensive system in an instant. Leeds United have another chance to play less.

Of course, Arsene Wenger is very dissatisfied with Abu Diabbi's performance.

Abu Diabi also shook his head constantly. He knew that the ball was a problem for him. He was too anxious. He wanted to play in front of the Leeds. He wanted to prove himself. Already.

Abu Diabi apologized to the Arsenal teammates and said, "Sorry, everyone! This is my fault!"

Arsenal's players came over and patted Diaby's shoulder to comfort him. And claiming that this is nothing, they work hard next and they can pull it back.

Yes, the Arsenal players are confident at this time!

Soon, the Arsenal team was restarted. The Arsenal players furiously rushed to the goal of Leeds United. The Arsenal team obviously strengthened the rhythm of the attack!

Offense, Arsenal's offense is here. Cesc Fabregas glanced diagonally across the front, and then suddenly thrust the football straight, and the football quickly rolled towards Van Persie.

Opportunity, the fans of the Arsenal team roared in excitement!

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