The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 1 The starting point of the legend

New York City.

The sky is burning and the earth is mourning. The soaring flames lit up the night sky, and black smoke filled the streets and buildings. The violent earthquake felt as if someone was beating violently with a drumstick, and the streets were riddled with holes.

Even the residents living on this street may have a hard time imagining that this is in the center of New York City.

This should be hell.

The streets were filled with people fleeing in panic, as if fleeing from an endless fire scene. Bodies and blood could be seen everywhere, and even some roads were painted bright red. Armored vehicles and tanks were driven up the streets, and soldiers, shouting kill, rushed forward, pouring firepower wildly at something in flames.

But it's no use. The demon was bathed in flames, stepping on the hot corpses and bullet casings everywhere, and rushed out of the fire scene with a roar that reached the sky!

There are no words to describe what kind of monster it is, it seems to be something that should only exist in hell! It is huge in size, but moves extremely fast. It shuttles and jumps quickly among the burning ruins of the street, like a flexible orangutan. Its skin is so indestructible that bullets hit it like it is itching, and even frontal bombardment from tank guns has no effect. The demon can overturn a tank with just one hand, and its sharp claws can cut through armored vehicles like paper. These thermal weapons are like funny jokes in its eyes.

Another squad was wiped out. A soldier with bruises all over his body was curled up in a military jeep with a severely twisted body. His forehead was covered with sticky liquid, and his vision was blurred. He grabbed the walkie-talkie and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Alpha Team has been wiped out! Repeat, wiped out! We need more people and heavier firepower."


As if lightning struck the ground outside his car, the demon landed next to him.

The soldier turned back with difficulty. This was the first time since the battle that he used his own eyes to confirm what they were fighting.

He was a big man over three meters tall, with rough khaki skin and bumps all over his body. It has eyes as penetrating as a poisonous snake, and its spine is covered with shocking barbs. Its breath was heavy and hot, like a burning flame in this hell on earth.

This was also the last thing the soldier saw in his life. Looking at that thing was like looking at the God of Death himself.

The next second, he felt as if his weight had disappeared - he was thrown more than ten meters into the air by that thing, including the person and the car.

Aegis, Helicarrier.

Ever since that khaki monster appeared on the streets of New York, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s dedicated line has been almost overwhelmed. Director Nick Fury's face was as dark as a pot—even though his face looked much the same normally. He stared intently at the lively khaki guy on the huge hanging screen with one eye, and almost had the words "angry" plastered on his face.

"Commander Fury, General Oss is calling!"

"No answer."

"Mr. Secretary of State is calling!"

"Tell me I'm busy!" Fury said, turning to the person next to him angrily, "Where's Stark? Where are the Starks?"

"Mr. Stark is not in New York City right now." A sweaty communications agent wearing a headset said. "He rushed to Washington last week to hold talks with the military about the ownership of Iron Man technology. He is still there for the time being. Didn’t come back”

Fury cursed under his breath.

"World Security Council"

"Just say no," Fury said distractedly.

"Mr. President called! He emphasized that he must talk to you."

Nick Fury frowned, thought for a few seconds, nodded and said, "Come in."

"Commander Fury, you must have seen the situation in New York, right?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"So I want to know, what are SHIELD's current countermeasures?" Mr. President said, seeming to feel that his tone was not quite right, so he added with emphasis, "We need it now."

"We are still conducting evaluation and observation." Fury said solemnly, "Aegis is not equipped to fight against this situation."

"I must remind you, Commander Fury, while you are 'assessing and observing', innocent people are dying!" Mr. President raised his voice.

There is no doubt that this is direct pressure. But Fury said calmly: "General Ross's troops are already on the scene to fight. After all, the 'Abomination' is the trap they poked, and no one is more experienced in dealing with gamma-mutated monsters than General Ross's troops. So I judge"

"Commander!" an agent yelled, "You have to take a look at this!"

Fury glanced at the screen over there with one eye, and was instantly petrified as if he was electrocuted.

He always thought that he had seen enough in his life, and as the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D., he had seen all the weirdest things in the world. But even so, he couldn't help but doubt what he saw with his only remaining eye.

"The situation has changed a bit." Fury felt as if his lips were dry as he spoke, "I'll call you later."

Not only SHIELD saw it, but everyone saw it. The photographer on the news helicopter who was in the air throughout the whole process faithfully recorded this scene - a moment that will undoubtedly be recorded in the history of the world.

Like a meteor tearing open the night sky, the golden light made the night shine as bright as day. A large fuzzy object wrapped in the golden light fell from the sky, aiming straight at the monster on the street like a smart missile with a target input. And go.

At this moment, the monster just happened to tear apart a squad of armored vehicles. At this time, it was arrogant. It closed its eyes and raised its head and roared like a demonstration, as if it felt that it was invincible in the world. And when it realized something was wrong, it opened its eyes and looked up, and saw that the giant shadow was as close as the top of Mount Tai.

boom! ! !

As if a meteorite fell from the sky to the ground, the monster that was so arrogant just a moment ago was blasted deep into the ground the next second. A transparent air wave erupted like a typhoon, the flames were blown away by the overbearing air pressure, and the billowing black smoke was blown away instantly.

That's a fist.

Yes, a huge fist.

A silver giant as tall as a building squatted in the middle of the dilapidated block, with his right fist deeply embedded in the ground - exactly where the monster was standing just now. When he slowly retracted his fist and stood up straight, the monster was nailed into the floor like a shrimp, unable to move even a finger.

The neighborhood was still dilapidated and the flames were still burning, but in an instant, it seemed as if the whole world had gone silent.

This is where it all started.

This is the moment when the legend called "Ultraman" was born in this world.

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