The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 100 Backup has arrived

Richard was telling the truth. He just "flyed in normally and took it out normally" without any unnecessary actions.

However, in the eyes of others, this is not the case.

Thor thought that even if his powers were restored, it would not be easy to rush into so many Frost Giants and steal the Ice Box. And unlike other frost giants, Laufey is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Although Thor could defeat Laufey in a single fight, it would only happen after many rounds of fierce fighting between the two sides. Now that there are so many Frost Giants around to help, to be honest, Thor feels that it is still unknown whether he can succeed.

As a result, Richard retrieved the box from Wanjun without blinking an eye while they were talking a few words. Thinking back to how Richard was able to lift Mjolnir with ease before, Thor couldn't help but feel even more depressed.

How about you rule Asgard in my place from now on?

Laufey had already been warned by Loki that there was a very troublesome guy in Midgard. Nearly a hundred Frost Giants sent to the other side of Midgard last night all evaporated without warning, and they had no idea what was happening on the other side. Thinking about it now, Laufey felt that it was the guy Loki mentioned that was most likely causing trouble.

Since when did Midgard have such a powerful character?

But since the other party has not yet appeared head-on, it either means that the other party does not want to be too high-profile, or it means that the other party is restricted by certain conditions and cannot easily take action. No matter what, this is their opportunity for the Frost Giants. Laufei gave the order, and the Giants immediately stepped up their offensive. More and more Frost Giants poured out of the valley behind, and the momentum became more and more terrifying like a wave.

Although the Asgardian warriors are brave, there are only four of them after all, and they cannot withstand this surging giant wave. Facing such a huge momentum, the human camp behind could not help but feel a little apprehensive.

Agent Grant Ward followed the large troops outside and fired a few symbolic shots and paddled into the water. Later, I don't know whether he couldn't hold himself back or he withdrew under Garrett's instruction. He specially took Richard to ask : "Do you have a plan?"

The implication is, brother, you are not planning to take action yet? If you don't take action, our place will be pushed aside soon!

As a result, Richard looked confident and just said with a smile: "No rush, no rush."

Young people these days are so impetuous that they can't sit still at all.

Ward almost rolled his eyes. God is not in a hurry? The tower is about to be pushed, aren't you in a hurry?

The quality of the Frost Giants was indeed a little beyond Richard's expectations. In his opinion, modern cannons and tanks, like Frost Giants, which can be blasted with one hammer, should also be effective.

But things were a little different from what he expected. The army's firepower was far from the effect he imagined. He estimated that it was probably because Brother Hammer's hammer attack had magical properties. It was impossible for Brother Hammer to hit a flat A casually and be more powerful than all the conventional missiles on the earth, right? It doesn't even look like it.

In fact, when the military and the Asgardian warriors were suppressed just now, Richard had already planned to take action, but due to some special changes, he still did not take action.

Because he found a better option.

"That's almost it," Richard said to himself.

Agent Ward was thinking hard about how to persuade this great god to go out and help. When he heard what he said, he couldn't help but be stunned: "What's almost done?"

Richard just smiled.

boom! ! !

The piece of land where the frost giants were located suddenly bulged out, like the sea rising suddenly. The ice cubes were crushed with a "click", thousands of feet of dust and white snow were raised high, yellow dust spread everywhere, and a huge shadow like a mountain peak rose from the ground, covering the sky and the sun.

The alien beast Baigba Zun!

Baigbazun, who had been playing hide-and-seek with Aegis for so many days, finally showed up, and he showed up directly in the middle of the Frost Giant camp! The moment the huge body broke out of the ground, countless Frost Giants were lifted high into the air, and then fell down like fried beans. The alien beast opened its arms, raised its head, opened and closed its sharp mouthparts, and let out a sharp and high-pitched shout, as if saying...

Who the hell turned on the air conditioner and it froze the workers to death! ! !

That's right, the alien beast Baigba Zun was frozen out right now.

The Ice Box is not a mortal thing. If its power is exerted to the extreme, even the entire earth can be completely frozen and the ice age can be recreated. Although Laufei was far from fully releasing his power just now, at least it was quite cold in this small area, and even an alien beast like Baigbazun would feel uncomfortable. What's more important is that this ice magic itself will arouse its disgust, so it will instinctively follow the source and attack the frost giant.

Richard was ready to take out the Evolved Truster before, but at that moment he sensed Baig Bazun from a distance, who was escaping from the ground at high speed. This alien beast had been hiding for so long without making any movement. As soon as Laufei showed the box of ice, it crawled over quickly. After thinking for a while, he figured out the joints.

So since someone came all the way to take over the work he originally planned to do, why did he need to do it himself?

Things turned out as Richard expected. I saw Baigba Zun rushing into the formation of the Frost Giants, killing the gods and Buddhas. His sharp claws were like chopping melons and vegetables. With each claw, three or five Frost Giants were shattered to pieces.

Frost giants have amazing physiques and can even resist Sidewinder missiles, but they have their limits after all. The alien beast Baigbazun can exert a power of 30,000 to 50,000 tons with just one claw. Its claws are so sharp that they can even pierce the skin of Nexus. Are these frost giants still a joke?

Laufey roared loudly and commanded the Frost Giant to counterattack. The giants were well-trained, and they quickly reorganized into a queue, gathered around the feet of the alien beasts, and began to smash them wildly with axes, hammers, and the like.

Their weapons may be made of extraordinary materials, and they may even have magical properties, but they are useless in front of behemoths like alien beasts. Baigbazun kicked down irritably, and the Frost Giant was flattened to a large extent. Then there was another tail, and the giants swept away a large area.

At this moment, the four Asgardian warriors all withdrew from the battlefield in time. Asgardians and humans stood together, and the people who had just been participating in the war suddenly turned into a crowd. A large group of people stood on the side with their heads raised, as if they were watching a big play on the stage. The name of the play was "Crazy Ice Giant".

"Look, let me tell you." Richard smiled and patted Agent Ward on the shoulder, "Isn't our backup here soon?"

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