The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 104 Odin who cheated his son


The fragments of the alien beasts fell all over the sky like rain, a faint white smoke filled the air, and the air was filled with a smell like something was burnt.

The firepower stopped, the Quinjet hovered in mid-air, and Brother Hammer stopped swinging the hammer and landed back to the ground. The silver giant held his hands in a cross shape and stood among the flying white smoke, like a sacred sculpture of Wei Ran.

The joy of victory swept over them like a tide, and everyone felt relieved. Who dared to believe it before? Not only did they fight a bunch of big aliens, they also destroyed a monster that was more than fifty meters tall! (Although most of the process is paddling)

Cheers began to erupt in the military camp, and the soldiers hugged each other warmly. The Quinjet flew past Nexus, and Ward, who was piloting the fighter, looked at him again. There seemed to be a rare smile on that rigid poker face.

A battle with Baig Bazun is not a small consumption. Richard took a deep breath and was about to release the transformation. And it was at this moment that a white beam of light fell from the sky like a waterfall and hit the ground hard. Incandescent waves swept across the ground, and the one-eyed old man slowly walked out wearing golden armor, holding a golden spear, and a king's cloak flying domineeringly behind him.

Lord of Asgard, father of the gods, God-King Odin.

Now that Odin appears here and has taken back his spear, Loki, the god-king, must have come to an end here.

Thor heard that something happened in Asgard, and he couldn't wait to go back to see his father after being trapped on earth for so long. Now that he saw Odin safe and sound, he couldn't help but be extremely happy: "Father!"

Odin was in mid-air and only glanced sideways at him and nodded, but did not step forward to speak. Instead, he turned his gaze to Nexus who had not yet released his transformation.

"Is it convenient for us to talk?" Odin asked, his voice strong and powerful, revealing the domineering aura of a king.

Richard was stunned.

Old man Odin wants to talk to me? What to talk about? Could it be that he feels that I threaten his position as the overlord of the Nine Realms and needs to emphasize his sovereignty?

But there’s nothing to be afraid of. Although Richard is not sure what level Odin is and whether he can beat him in his current state, there is no problem in leaving if he cannot beat him. Since Odin wants to talk, let's talk to him.

So he nodded slightly, indicating that it was okay.

Odin's body moved, and suddenly it was like a golden light that swept towards the top of a nearby mountain. Nexus' body was surrounded by white light, and his size quickly shrank, as if he had turned into pure light particles, transforming into a white ball of light and chasing after him.

In the blink of an eye, Odin landed on the top of the deserted snow mountain. The white light ball fell immediately, and when the light dissipated, Richard had changed back to human form.

Odin stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the bottom, and sighed: "Sometimes, no matter how much you don't want to admit it, you have to face the fact that even gods will eventually grow old, and one day they will eventually become unable to do what they want. If I were younger, or had more energy, things would never be like this."

Richard was a little confused. He didn't know which song Odin was singing, so he simply didn't speak for the time being and stood back and continued listening.

"I'm old, and I really need someone to take the lead. Otherwise, I wouldn't use such extreme methods to stimulate Thor to mature. Asgard needs its next king to take the lead as soon as possible." Odin sighed. He said, "As for Loki, that was something I didn't expect at first. But I should have known it a long time ago, from the time I brought him back from Jotunheim and raised him. I gave him what I could He gave me everything, but he always wanted more. His ambitions are growing day by day, and now he even wants to ascend the throne of Asgard. But I can't shirk anything from this. Because this is my fault, my fail."

Richard listened and nodded slightly.

The old man is right, Thor's story always seems to be about Brother Hammer trying to clean up the mess left by his old man when he was young. Loki is only one of them. In the future, there will be Hela, Surtur, Jormungandr and even the Cosmic Gods.

In the later stage, it seemed that every few days, a certain god-level BOSS would pop up from nowhere and come back to cause trouble for Odin. Then Odin didn't know whether it was because of his old age, but every time an awesome BOSS popped up, he would be there. There were murmurs of depressing words such as "Twilight of the Gods is coming" and "It's all over" (such as the final creator of the battle against the Celestial Gods in "Avengers v7"). In the end, Brother Chui often has to step in and fight tooth and nail to solve the remaining problems for Dad. Occasionally, if he is not careful, he may actually die.

We have seen this kind of plot so many times that even Richard couldn't help but want to ask for Brother Hammer - Dad, I don't care that you cheated your son, but can you tell me directly which gods you provoked when you were young? , I am mentally prepared

So Richard can somewhat understand what Odin said. Understanding is understanding, but...

Why is this old man telling me this?

Richard felt that he now had a black question mark face. To Odin, he is obviously just a passerby, right? When did a passerby get his turn to take care of Asgard's household affairs? Why did Odin tell him so clearly?

"We have never forgotten the past, and about that promise." Odin said, "Since then, for so many years, Asgard and Midgard have almost no contact. The nine kingdoms and our existence It has become stories and legends in Midgard, the connection between Midgard and us is no longer close, and all of us have never interfered in any affairs of Midgard."

Richard: "???"

After a while, he seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Did not interfere in any earth affairs", maybe this is the key point that Odin wants to express, maybe this is just because of some misunderstanding caused by Odin.

"This time I happened to be in deep sleep and couldn't stop the situation. But fortunately, you are here in Midgard." Odin glanced at him and said, "So maybe I should ask you this time Thank you. But I still want to ask, why does a being like you, a god, pretend to be a mortal and stay among them?"

it is as expected.

Richard seemed to suddenly understand why Odin was so polite to him, explained so much to him, and explained all his household chores to him.

Visually, Odin regarded him as a cosmic god group.

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