The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 107 Aegis Efficiency

Hill was stunned for a moment after hearing Fury's question, but quickly answered: "From the perspective of ability and combat power, if he is willing to join, it is naturally the best option. But judging from the attitude shown by the other party so far, Looking at it, I think it might be a bit difficult.”

Indeed, until now, Richard has been far from cooperative with their SHIELD work. The only time he went to New Mexico with them to assist in the battle was because he was personally interested in this incident. Even so, SHIELD paid him a lot of salary in return.

Join the Avengers? He could almost imagine how the other party would reply. That guy will probably say that he will be an honorary consultant or a member, and maybe he will have to be paid every month or something.

Oh, by the way, even so, you definitely don’t want to manipulate him casually. When he's happy, he might run an errand for you to save the world. When he's unhappy, he can just give you any excuse not to go, and there's nothing you can do about him.

Seeing Fury staring at the document without saying anything for a long time, Hill couldn't help but ask: "So, sir, do we need to arrange for someone to get close to him? I can call Agent Romanoff back."

"No." Fury shook his head. "If he finds out, doing so will only cause resentment. Maintain the status quo and continue to observe. We will do nothing for the time being."

Anyway, the Avengers Project is still just an idea at the moment, and it is still unknown whether it can be implemented into Chengdu. It is useless to think so much in advance. It's better to take it one step at a time and let nature take its course.

"You didn't get my order at that time, why did you go up to support on your own initiative?" After leaving the director's office, Garrett asked Ward beside him while walking in the corridor of the base, "The weapons of the Quinjet are against that end Monsters are useless, you should have known that a long time ago.”

"I know." Ward nodded, "The Quinjet can't hurt it, but hitting a vital part with weak defense can still cause a certain amount of pain, which can effectively distract the attention of the alien beast. At least I can give him Create more opportunities.”

Garrett frowned and looked at him suspiciously.

"So you are saying that you supported him because you wanted to support him?"

"Yes." Ward said expressionlessly, "He saved my life more than once."

Garrett was silent for a while, nodded, and said no more.

He had raised Ward single-handedly, so of course he understood his adopted son.

Many people may think that as a Hydra spy, a guy who is destined to betray his friends and colleagues, and even everyone close to him, that person must be very ruthless.

But not Ward. The only reason he was undercover at SHIELD was because Garrett told him to. Even in the American TV series SHIELD, he betrayed his team and even did many things that he could not cleanse or forgive, but that did not mean that he was not sincere to his friends. If not, he wouldn't have been able to infiltrate the team so smoothly, and even the most seasoned agents wouldn't have been able to see the slightest clue.

So instead of being a ruthless guy, Grant Ward is actually quite emotional.

That's why he remembers anyone who has been kind to him or saved his life.

Garrett didn't say much about this and just said: "It doesn't matter what you think, but I still have to remind you. Judging from the current situation, it is more likely that he will become our enemy. If one day in the future we have to Don’t stand opposite him”

"I understand." Ward said calmly, with a calm expression on his face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Richard didn't know anything about SHIELD's discussion about him, and maybe he wouldn't care even if he knew. Now he only pays attention to one thing, and that is how efficient the braised eggs are!

He was still on the road and hadn't even gotten home yet, and all the remaining money had already been credited to his account. It should be said that Aegis is indeed a wealthy man. He has no intention of bargaining. He casually said that he would increase the price by 300% and the other party immediately paid the price, no more and no less. This made Aegis score in his heart. It's a little higher by one or two points.

It's amazing, he even forgot to mention his bank card number to Lu Dan, and the money has already arrived in his account. Who can match this efficiency?

When he got home, Richard thought that when he opened the door, what he saw would be a mess - God only knew what the two girls would do to the house in his absence.

He was mentally prepared for the worst. How confusing can it be anyway? The big deal is that the garbage in the trash can is full and no one takes it out, the floor is covered with vegetarian boxes and takeout bags, and the table is greasy and not wiped clean. It's not a big problem, right?

There's no way he could open the door and see women's products thrown on the floor in the living room, right?

The result was beyond his expectation. When he returned home and opened the door, he found that it was still the same as when he left. The house was still spotless, the trash cans were clean, and everything was where it should be, as if no one had ever touched it.

This was an unexpected surprise. Richard was mentally prepared to come back and do a moving-style cleaning, but found that the two girls actually kept the house clean surprisingly well.

As if she heard the door opening, Jessica quickly poked her head out of the room. After not seeing her for a few days, she still looked the same - messy hair, casually wearing a gray T-shirt on her upper body, and a pair of crooked jeans on her lower body that she hadn't changed in an unknown amount of time.

Well, I, the identification is complete.

"Hey, you guys are doing a good job of keeping clean," Richard closed the door and praised, "I thought I would find the house as messy as a chicken coop when I came back."

Jessica snorted: "Of course, I pay attention to cleanliness every day."

Richard looked at her sloppy appearance with suspicion: "Really?"

do cleaning? Why do you think you haven't changed your clothes yet?

"of course it's true."

Jessica seemed to feel a little guilty by his eyes, and subconsciously avoided his questioning eyes: "I really clean every day."

"to be honest."

".I clean with Gwen every day."


".Gwen cleans every day."

Richard nodded with a "sure enough" expression.

Let me just say, a girl like Jessica Jones who doesn’t even bother to wash her face can clean herself? How can it be?

Sure enough, little Gwen is better, this is what a girl’s family should be like. Richard's favorability towards the little girl is +1 again.

But speaking of which, who is Gwen?

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