The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 109 Registered Trademark

The sun shines down from among the tall buildings, and the snow-white shadows shuttle between the reinforced concrete buildings. She kept changing white silk threads to rise and fall between the buildings. Her movements were smooth, unrestrained, and done in one go, giving people a pleasing beauty.

Richard, Jessica and Gwen stood under the big screen in the circular square, watching with a group of passers-by the heroic figure of Spider-Woman on the screen as she shuttled between buildings, as if they were watching a movie.

Jessica was a little proud: "I took this photo and uploaded it to our website. It has received millions of views in a few days."

Richard felt a little strange: "No, she was swinging so fast in the city and flying in the sky. How did your camera keep catching up with her?"

This was also the doubt he had when watching Spider-Man movies before. In movies, street billboards and bulletin boards often show footage of Spider-Man swinging in the sky, but who took the shot? Could it be that the photographer was sitting on the helicopter chasing him the whole time?

But the helicopter doesn't seem to be as fast as him, right?

Jessica was even more proud: "Secret."

Oh, you actually started keeping secrets with me. But Richard said it didn't matter. He turned to Gwen with a smile: "How did you take this shot?"

Gwen is much more honest than Jessica: "This was actually not shot directly. It was a lot of discontinuous shots cut together, but it was cut very well."

Richard was stunned. I see, that’s what I’m saying, after all, Jessica can’t fly (she can only fly in comics)

Richard hadn't noticed just now, but then he realized that there were so many Spider-Woman-related peripherals around them unknowingly. For example, the cartoon portraits on the balloons in the hands of the balloon seller, the T-shirts with Spider-Women in the cupboard of a store on the street, or the keychain hanging on the butt of a passerby.

"Are you so angry?" Richard looked at Gwen in surprise.

"Yes, Spider-Woman's exposure has skyrocketed since we collaborated, and she is now a well-known superhero in New York." Jessica explained, "Last week it was on the top of the trending list."

What, so awesome?

Incredible, isn’t that CXK level of popularity?

I didn’t expect that the public would pay so much attention to superheroes. But Richard probably has to do with Spider-Woman’s down-to-earth nature. Like Spider-Man, she is also a kind of friendly neighborhood hero, which is easier to do than the Avengers who are busy fighting aliens and saving the world all day long. Make people feel friendly.

But it also gave Richard new ideas.

Jessica and Gwen were still discussing this, and Richard suddenly spoke: "I think we should register this trademark first."

The two girls stopped their discussion and turned their heads.

"Register. What?"

"Spider-Woman's trademark." Richard said seriously, "Look, Spider-Woman is very popular now, and merchants have launched a large number of peripheral products. God knows how much profit and revenue these products have created. Think about it carefully, this Everything I make is your money!"

Gwen pointed at herself blankly: "Me?"

"Of course. You are Spider-Woman, and businessmen are crazy about your popularity. Why can't you take a share of the profits?"

Gwen tilted her head and thought about it.

That seems to be the case?

"Traffic means exposure. The more fans an image has, the higher its commercial value. If we package the image of Spider-Woman well and vigorously promote it, it won't be long before we can have an image that rivals the first-tier Celebrity traffic. Do you know how much revenue that can create?"

Gwen felt dizzy.

Am I going to become a big star?

She was still a little hesitant: "But I can't show my face, packaging promotion or something."

Richard waved his hand: "That's the point. What everyone pays attention to is your mask, not who is under the mask."

Besides, wearing a mask allows people to have more room for imagination! Unlike those celebrities who can only follow a predetermined route, one hundred people can have one hundred Spider-Women in their hearts. If you think she is a royal sister, she will be a royal sister; if you think she is a loli, she will be a loli. How great is that?

Gwen was still a little unsettled, and she couldn't change her mind for a while. She always instinctively felt that it was inappropriate to use the identity of Spider-Woman for commercial purposes. It felt as if it had changed the meaning of the identity itself. But she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Richard thought that was the way it should be. The idea came to him when he saw the original Spider-Man. Spider-Man is so popular in New York. How come so many businesses can make a lot of money from this image, but Spider-Man himself is so poor that he wants to live on subsistence allowances?

The most annoying thing is that the copyright of Spider-Man in the comic "Ultimate Spider-Man" has fallen into the hands of Spidey's nemesis Kingpin. Little Spider had a hard day, but Kingpin was using his copyright to make movies and sell peripherals, and his hands cramped even when he counted the money.

Anyway, if you don’t make the money yourself, someone will always make it, so why not make it yourself?

Jessica thought about it for a moment, and seemed to think that this plan was feasible. She also advised Gwen: "I think what the boss said makes sense. Anyway, you should do whatever you have to do. What's wrong with being able to just lie down and take the money?"

Gwen couldn't help but waver under the flanking attack of the two. Since sister Jessica said so, let’s give it a try?

The more Richard thought about it, the more feasible it became: "Look, after we register the trademark, you can occasionally earn some extra money from advertising, publishing in magazines, etc. Then we can contact other businesses to cooperate and launch various peripherals. For example, Spider-Woman dolls, figures, figurines, pillows, etc.”

Uh, it seems like something weird got mixed in.

What the hell is a pillow?

Gwen's face was filled with dark lines. She suddenly didn't seem to want to register anymore.

A group of geeks sleep holding pillows in their own image. Just imagining Gwen makes her skin crawl.

On the worst side, since we already have pillows, we won’t be launching any more extreme special items.

Gwen made up her mind. If she really wanted to use her own image to produce something like that, she would definitely protest to the end.

"Haha, just kidding," Richard patted her shoulder and consoled her, "After all, your image is a superhero, how could we produce something so unethical?"

Gwen was doubtful: "Really?"

"Of course, I guarantee it on my reputation."

Gwen: "."

Mr. Li, it’s not that I don’t want to believe you, but why do I always feel that you don’t look trustworthy?

After finishing Gwen's ideological work, without further delay, Richard decided to settle the trademark registration issue tomorrow.

This then gave him another idea.

He thought they could make a superhero movie.

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