The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 11 Encountering Hard Trouble

It seems that due to the influence of various film and television works, many reporters always leave people with a very bad impression.

When it comes to reporters, the following labels always seem to pop up in everyone's mind - stalker, inquiring, troublemaker, and especially seeking death.

These impressions may be correct, but many people also easily overlook some important things.

Sometimes the world just needs such people. Their existence is like a mirror of society, reflecting all aspects of human society-whether it is good or bad.

Some things just have to be investigated. For example, a group of girls were locked in a container, hidden from the light of day, and forgotten by the whole world.

As a newcomer who has not even received a formal license, Cathy obviously has many shortcomings. She has begun to reflect on where she needs to improve. If she still has this opportunity.

At this moment, three strong men had blocked her face. Each of them looks more sinister than the other, with muscles all over their bodies, and the words "not to be trifled with" written all over their faces. Cathy had originally enrolled in a women's self-defense class, and barely managed to learn two tricks. She calmed her breathing, calmly observed the situation, analyzed the combat capabilities of the three people on the opposite side, and then came to a conclusion.

Can't beat any of them.

"Who are you?" the man wearing the gold chain asked viciously, "How do you know this place?"

Cathy said in her heart: Brother, do you believe me when I say I was just passing by?

"I'm just a soy sauce guy." She smiled awkwardly, "I didn't see anything, why don't you just do what you should do, haha."

The younger brother at the back pointed to the name tag pinned to her coat: "She is a reporter from the Daily Planet!"

Cathy pulled off her name tag as if nothing had happened and began to look around: "Reporter? Who? Where?"

"Are you kidding me?" The eldest brother looked like he couldn't pull it off. He straightened his coat, as if he wanted to use this action to strengthen his aura. He stepped forward, looked down at her as he was half a head taller than Cathy, and snorted, "It's such a pity that she is quite beautiful."

When he said this, he obviously had no intention of letting Cathy go. In Hell's Kitchen, death is a common occurrence. If you kill someone and throw the body into the Hudson River, the police don't even bother to fish it out.

This situation clearly looked very bad, but Cathy still didn't panic at all and said, "Really, I think we can have other plans."

"Oh?" The elder brother took out a thick cigar and held it in his mouth, asking with great interest, "Tell me about it."

Cathy took a deep breath, her face straightened, her eyes were as sharp as a knife for a moment, and she raised her right foot sharply, moving like a football player with a powerful volley.

Flirting with Yin Jue’s hind legs!


Right on target!

The eldest brother's face instantly turned the color of liver, and he almost had to bite off the cigar in one bite. The two boys were shocked for a moment - is this girl so fierce?

Although they were not kicked, there was a kind of pain that hurt just looking at it!

As soon as the blow was successful, Cathy didn't stop moving at all and ran away.

Still not running? Why don't you run and wait for someone to collect the body?

The two dumbfounded younger brothers didn't catch up at the first time. They looked at the elder brother stupidly: "Boss, does it hurt?"

shit! I'll give you a kick to see if it hurts?

The eldest brother was so angry that he clamped his vitals between his legs and slapped the two of them: "Why are you standing there? Chase me! Chase that stinky bitch for me. It hurts me to death."

The two stupid men hurriedly chased after them, but where could they catch up at this time? Fortunately, the door was opened when the three of them came in. Cathy ran out of the warehouse without any hindrance. She took out her cell phone and hurriedly called the police: "Hello? Police? Someone is chasing me! My current location is"

Before she could finish speaking, she bumped headlong into something, was knocked to the ground, and her phone flew away from her hand. Cathy was a little dazed by the impact. She shook her head and looked up, only to see a naked, muscular man standing in front of her like a mountain, glaring at her as if he wanted to eat her alive. Same.

Oh, great, it turns out there is a guard at the door. Cathy felt that the losses she suffered tonight would make her a wise person - if she could survive.

The two younger brothers behind him also caught up one after another, and this time they couldn't escape at all. After a while, the eldest brother limped to catch up. Although he still had a fierce look on his face, he seemed to have no momentum combined with his funny actions.

"Bitch," the elder brother said angrily. Without saying a word, he took out a gun from his arms and pointed it at Cathy's head. "What you just did was the stupidest decision you have ever made in your life. What are your last words?" ?"

Cathy stared straight at the dark muzzle of the gun. She wanted to appear completely unafraid, but that would be lying to herself. The fact is that she is so scared now that she can hear her heart roaring like a war drum, and her hands and feet are so cold that she almost loses consciousness.

She is going to die.

So Cathy finally got tomorrow's newspaper headline - Daily Planet intern reporter died tragically in Hell's Kitchen! It's a pity that she didn't have the opportunity to write this report for herself, otherwise she would definitely have to add a sentence after the title - died of being too stupid!

A younger brother reminded me in a low voice: "Brother, you forgot to open insurance."

The eldest brother gave him another slap in the face.

"P words! Of course I know! Do you still want to say such a thing?"

As the eldest brother spoke, he casually turned on the safety of the pistol and pointed it at Cathy's head again.

"This time I mean it," he said angrily. "Give me another chance. Tell me, what are your last words?"

"Do you think what you just said was not good enough, so you want to do it again?" Cathy complained dryly.

She knew that it would be bad to continue stimulating the other person in this situation, but she just couldn't control her mouth.

The eldest brother felt that his dignity was repeatedly challenged, and he couldn't help but become even more angry.

"Okay, stinky girl, you asked for this."

Cathy heard the sound of the trigger being pulled.

Within a few tenths of a second, the firing pin struck the primer and the gunpowder detonated in the chamber. A dazzling flame pushed the bullet out of the gun chamber, and a silver trajectory flew straight towards Cathy's beautiful face.


With a crisp sound like hitting a steel plate, the afterimage seemed to fly suddenly in a whirlwind, and the steel-like body appeared in front of Cathy as if it had teleported. The bullet splashed sparks on his chest, and the bullet case, which was severely deformed by the impact, fell to the ground like a shriveled soybean.

Time seemed to stand still, and everyone was stunned in place.

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