The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 111 Brother, you are gone

".I never said that the reason Uncle Sam can lie comfortably in a chair and drink a cup of ice tea is because so far I have never met anyone who dares to face me directly at my peak!"

Tony Stark on the booth made an almost arrogant speech. The most interesting thing was that the audience actually bought it and gave him even warmer applause for his arrogance.

But this is not incomprehensible. At this stage, there are not many people with super powers publicly appearing on the MCU earth. Iron Man can be said to be the most eye-catching superhero in the world. This short two-year superhero career may have been too smooth sailing, and it is natural for Tony to expand due to this.

He now really feels that Iron Man is the most powerful weapon in the world, and there is no problem in the world that Iron Man's armor cannot solve.

Although Iron Man is now regarded as the top fighting force on earth, it would be too crazy to say that he is completely invincible. Leaving aside Li, the idiot in the audience, even Hammer Brother and Green Fatty at the current stage of the MCU also expressed that they had something to say.

Tony's speech looks like it's going to go on for a while. Richard looked around casually around the crowd, but unexpectedly discovered a face that was not unfamiliar.

It was a young man wearing a crisp gray suit with slicked-back hair. He looked quite handsome. While he was talking, he was teasing something with a beautiful blonde lady next to him.

Isn't that the famous Mr. Victor von Doom?

Richard remembers Doom not only because he is the boss of New York's leading super consortium, but also because this guy will be Doctor Doom in the future, an old enemy of the Marvel hero team Fantastic Four, a careerist and super villain .

Doctor Doom is not a second-rate or third-rate mini-boss that superheroes can easily get rid of when doing daily side missions. This is one of Marvel's most top-tier super villains, on the same level as Thanos—sometimes even worse. Doctor Doom is the leader in both magic and technology in the Marvel world. His technological level is better than that of Iron Man, and his magical attainments are close to those of Doctor Strange. He is so powerful that he has no friends.

Doom's mother was a gypsy witch, but when he was very young, his soul was taken away by the devil Mephisto because he used forbidden black magic, and he was imprisoned in the cage of hell for eternity to be tortured. Defeating Mephisto and rescuing his mother has always been one of Doom's biggest goals in life.

He has a dead father and a dead mother. He has a monster-level talent. He has had a blood feud since he was a child, and his enemy is a god-level BOSS like Mephisto. Oh, by the way, he even has a childhood sweetheart who he plays well with, but Doom just wants to pursue knowledge. He embarked on a journey with stronger power and abandoned that girl.

Is there a perfect protagonist template for this fantasy novel?

For a template like Doom's, the standard ending is to become a god, defeat all the invincible enemies in the world, defeat his enemies, rescue his mother, meet a lot of confidantes, and win the beauty back home.

It's a pity that Doom has the background, talent and luck of the protagonist at the same time, but there is no script for the protagonist. In the movie version of "Fantastic Four", the super consortium Doom established from scratch was deceived into bankruptcy by his old classmate and the real protagonist Comrade Reed Richards. The space station worth tens of billions was because of Reed's calculation error. After the crash, Comrade Doum's career that he had worked hard for half his life returned to before liberation overnight.

This is not the end. Even Comrade Doom's favorite girl, Susan Storm, later ran away with Reed and later became the famous Invisible Woman in the Fantastic Four. So our protagonist Comrade Reed began to take off, became a popular superhero, married Bai Fumei, and started to reach the peak of life. But Doom plummeted from the peak of life to the bottom. Not only his head was green, but also his handsome appearance. The accident was destroyed.

Although Dr. Doom is a villain, to be fair, Richard felt that he couldn't bear it if this happened to him. He must have gone to Reed with a kitchen knife to fight for his life.

And Comrade Doom did exactly that. However, the title of the movie is "Fantastic Four" instead of "Cuckold", so Comrade Doom's last ditch effort is destined to end in failure. Doctor Doom was eventually imprisoned as a notorious villain, while Reed had a happy ending.

Hmm. Doesn’t it seem a bit too miserable?

Richard and Doom were also considered acquaintances. They had met socially once before and were considered friends who had "exchanged contact information." Since we met on such an occasion, from a courtesy point of view we should go up and say hello.

So Richard stepped forward: "Isn't this Mr. Victor von Doom?"

Doom narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a while, and then quickly remembered: "Mr. Li?"

"It's me." Richard stepped forward and shook his hand with a smile, "Long time no see."

"Long time no see." Doom responded politely, "I wonder if you are still interested in this kind of activity?"

Richard looked at the beautiful blond lady next to him and recognized at a glance that this was the future invisible woman Susan Storm, the only designated wife of the Fantastic Four. However, Comrade Doom obviously did not realize that he was holding someone else's wife, and at this moment he thought that his future was bright.

But this was the first time Richard and Susan met, so they naturally had to pretend not to know each other: "This is"

"Susan Storm, my chief genetic guide." As Doom introduced her, Susan also shook Richard's hand politely.

"Nice to meet you," Richard said, "For this expo, Doom Group must have prepared a lot of big things to shock the world, right?"

Doom smiled: "No, we only brought some small and unimpressive results this time. We are currently preparing for something else, preparing to complete a large project with an old classmate."

An old classmate? Could it be.

"It's about the impact and benign effects that cosmic rays can have on the human body." When it comes to her professional field, Susan introduced, "We are going to go to the space station to conduct extraterrestrial operations."

Susan was a little proud when she mentioned this work, and she seemed quite confident. At this moment, most people in the industry are still focusing on the earth, and they have already begun to march towards the universe.

Sure enough, is the plot of "Fantastic Four" about to officially begin? That old classmate must be referring to Reed Richards.

Thinking of this, Richard couldn't help but look sympathetically at Comrade Doom, who was high-spirited and thought he had a bright future.

The real protagonist is logging in and going online. Brother, you will be gone soon.

(Thanks to book friends Wangyuewuyue and Qizhan for the reward!)

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