Here, Master Modu waited for the two of them to walk away. The more he thought about it, the more he became concerned. Over the years, many people had heard about Kama Taj's name from various channels, so what surprised him was that it wasn't that person who had heard of the name of their temple. What was strange to him was that the man didn't even think about it and just asked him directly.

It was as if the other party knew in advance that he was the mage of the temple.

Just like when Mordo overheard Strange asking Kama Taj in the movie, Mordo remained calm at the time, but after the two walked away, he deliberately followed and observed from a distance.

The planning of this town was not very good, and the streets were crowded and chaotic, but it happened to facilitate his tracking. Master Modu used the crowd and the busy city as cover to follow from a distance, chasing the man and woman in a circle, and finally lost sight of the shadow after turning a certain corner.

Modu hurriedly accelerated and ran two steps quickly, and arrived at the entrance of the street, his face full of surprise.

This is really strange.

Master Modu used magic power to bless his eyes, which allowed him to obtain slightly better vision than ordinary people. This was also his capital to keep a distance among the noisy crowds and track the two people. But that would be fine if they were in a busy city with a high flow of people. As a result, the two people turned into a sparsely populated side alley and disappeared. Wasn't this a ghost?

As a result, someone appeared from behind and tapped his shoulder lightly.

Modu was shocked and jumped back hastily. He saw the man and woman he had just lost standing in front of him openly. The man among them had a friendly smile on his face and asked: "Sorry to bother you, but do you know how to get to Kama Taj?" ? Because this damn place doesn’t look like there are road signs.”

Modu: "."

Even though Mo Du's face was as thick as a wall and as black as coal, he felt a little embarrassed when his lie was exposed directly. But he was still confused: "You know I am from Kamal Taj? Why?"

"Otherwise?" Richard pointed to the simple and thick ring on his finger, "Who else would wear a ring with local characteristics like yours?"

Modu looked at the ring on his hand and suddenly realized.

The thing on his hand is called the "Hanging Ring". It is used by the magicians of Kama Taj to cast spells, open portals or connect to other spaces. The surface is engraved with ancient and complex magic lines. It is indeed a card. The iconic prop of Mage Ma Taj.

Over the years, scholars from all over the world have come to Kama Taj to seek opportunities. Some of them chose to stay and become apprentices and mages. Some also quit the temple and returned to reality to become ordinary people because they had no intention of participating in any dimensional war. It is in this way that the name of Karma Taj spreads among the people, so it is not surprising that the information about the hanging ring spreads.

Now that he has been seen through, Master Modu can no longer pretend to be stupid. According to the rules of the Supreme Mage, anyone who is destined to find Kama Taj will have equal opportunities to obtain knowledge, and the only person who determines whether the other person can enter is the Supreme Mage himself.

So since the other party has come to the door, Modu should take them to see the Supreme Mage. As for whether to teach them practical lessons, it is up to Gu Yi himself to decide.

So he nodded: "I do know. If you are looking for Kama Taj, follow me."

The two of them followed without saying anything.

As they walked behind Mordu, Richard glanced sideways at Amora and laughed softly: "How is it? Am I right?"

Amora was speechless for a while.

The Asgardian witch said that she had learned a lot after living for so many years. She had never made such a mistake before - a living mage stood in front of her, and she didn't recognize it.

And she has discovered the reason now, that is, the other party is too weak.

Amora looked depressed now. How could you imagine that the mages of Midgard could be so weak? Not even the slightest magical reaction.

Is it possible that except for the Supreme Mage, all the other mages in Midgard have such virtues?

Then this temple is probably just a pill.

Not long after walking, Modu led the two of them to the door of the legendary Kama Taj. Just as he remembered, this was a very old wooden door. Almost no one passing by would take a second look, and no one cared about what the people inside were doing.

When she reached the door, Amora suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Richard tilted his head: "What?"

"Now that you've found the place you're looking for, it's time for me to disappear." Amora spread her hands.

Richard asked: "Don't you plan to go in and take a look?"

"Forget it." Amora shrugged, "I don't get along with this kind of place, and those mages who practice white magic won't welcome me."

Richard nodded understandingly. Indeed, Amora would certainly not have been popular as a notorious witch. Perhaps the Supreme Mage glanced at her and immediately smiled and said that since she was here, there was no need to leave, and threw her into the cage.

At least the witch had kept her promise and helped him find a place, and her credit was still in place. Richard waved his hand: "Then go ahead and I won't give it away."

Amora waved her hand, turned and disappeared into the crowd.

After walking into the door, Master Modu looked back and asked, "Huh? Where is your companion?"

"Gone." Richard said, "She was just looking for a place with me."

Modu didn't ask any more questions. It was naturally impossible for him to recognize Amora's identity based on his knowledge.

"There are several empty guest rooms here. You can rest here first." Modu pointed to an empty room and said, "The Supreme Mage is not here for the time being, but he should be back soon. If you want to learn spells, you must first go through her. Only with consent.”

"Okay." Richard agreed simply.

"There is water and electricity here. I will come and take you to eat when it's dinner time. Oh, and this."

Master Modu took out a piece of paper and handed it to him. Richard took a glance, and immediately said with a smile: "I know, the wifi password, right?"

Ha, I am a man who has watched the movie. You don’t think I would be stupid enough to recite it as a mantra, right?

Master Modu looked surprised: "Why do you think so? This is your mantra, it can help you meditate."

Richard: "."

But Master Modu laughed out loud immediately: "Okay, okay, your intuition is really accurate, yes, this is the wifi password. Have a good rest, I will come to you later."

Richard looked at him blankly.

Oh, can’t you tell that you, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can actually joke?

(Thanks to book friends Wuyiwusheng and kidboy88 for the reward!)

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