The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 144 Sword energy hurts people?


These are the first two words that come to Jessica Jones' mind.

Yes, that's right, this mysterious woman wrapped up tightly is, of course, Jessica who was temporarily pulled over by Richard to make up for it. She was completely confused when her boss explained the details of the mission to her at first. At first she thought it was crazy, but after the boss explained the details, she thought it was quite interesting?

Pretending to be a mysterious organization that doesn't exist at all and deceiving another mysterious organization is very exciting to hear. Of course, a role like Jessica Jones, the protagonist in the original plot, has an instinct for stimulation. Coupled with her innate super detective talent, she is absolutely the best candidate for this mission.

But after listening to Richard's explanation, she realized that there was another important flaw in the plan, that is, she was not strong enough.

According to the plan, she must show a strong enough aura and domineering strength, and use crushing force to intimidate the Hand. In Richard's words, these old immortals may look awesome, but in fact they are all weaklings who are afraid of death. As long as you create a terrorist force that is too huge for them to provoke, and let them experience the insurmountable gap in strength, each of them will immediately behave like a pug, and P will not dare to let go of one of them.

But the core problem is that Jessica knows where her limits are. Although she has super powers that are much stronger than ordinary people, it can be seen from the last battle with the ninja named Yoshioka Shin that she has no advantage at all against this group of ninjas with a serious lack of fighting skills and experience. Word. If you directly fight against these old immortals from the Hand Club, you will most likely be defeated directly.

However, when she raised this doubt, Richard only patted her shoulder and assured her: "It's okay. I'm here to protect you. You just need to feel free to say the lines I taught you and that's it. I promise that it will be a line by then." Even standing there, the Husky can shock those old immortals."

Jessica's face turned dark at that time: "Okay, then boss, you go find Husky, I will withdraw first."

Of course this was a joke, and Jessica was deceived by Richard in the end.

Jessica had long known that her boss was a man full of secrets from head to toe, but Richard's revealing performance this time quickly shocked her. She didn't know what kind of means the boss used, but she only felt a bright light flash in front of her eyes, which made her close her eyes briefly. Then her body suddenly seemed to have lost weight, and her whole body was like a cloud, and she came back to her senses. People at that time had already arrived at the Financial Building in Zhongcheng District.

Teleportation is also one of the special abilities brought by the Evolved Truster, and it is also a special function that many Ultraman transformers come with. In the original TV plot, the Evolutionary Truster used this ability to quantize the body of the fittest Ji Yajun, and teleported away from the TLT base with the seriously injured Ji Yajun.

But Richard didn't know this trick before. This is also a new ability awakened after upgrading to the red youth form, which is a very convenient new function.

The move he showed immediately boosted Jessica's confidence. At least even if the situation went bad, Richard could use this move to rescue her from Midtown Circle Finance at any time.

She thought that although her boss was stingy, often unreliable, and had thoughts about female employees (ah, this doesn't count), he would definitely not cheat her.

Alexandra had an aggressive attitude when she first came up, but this happened to suit Jessica's wishes. Anyway, the boss told her that she had to show her strength this time, so it was definitely necessary to take action.

Alexandra continued: "If you are really so knowledgeable, then I think you must already know it. Our Hand has been organized by the immortal five 'fingers' since its establishment hundreds of years ago. Leaders, every leader is the soul of our organization and has never fallen in all these centuries until your people stepped in."

As she spoke, she narrowed her eyes and her voice became gloomy: "I think you should understand, miss, this is not a grudge that can be easily resolved."

Murakami and Sowanda frowned after hearing her sharp remarks, but in the end they did not interrupt.

No matter what internal differences there are, after all, they are both the leaders of the Hand, so they must remain consistent on external matters and cannot give outsiders the impression that they have internal conflicts.

Jessica looked at her calmly: "Then tell me, what do you want?"

"We in the Hand are never afraid of trouble, nor are we afraid of tough enemies. This is the meaning of this meeting - to convey information." Alexandra said coldly, "Maybe when his executor dies here , your adult will be willing to come and have a chat in person next time."

After speaking, she took a step back and shouted in a deep voice: "Heikong."

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark figure appeared from the shadows. Jessica would really not be aware of his presence until he came out, as if this person had completely merged into a part of the darkness. He covered his eyes with a scarf, was dressed entirely in black, and carried two long knives crossed behind his back.

Jessica is not like these old immortals who can rely on Qi to sense the strength of their opponents, but she has watched many movies. According to experience, it is generally difficult to deal with someone who appears with an unknown code name at this time. In action movies, he is usually at the level of a big boss.

And it turns out that this ninja is indeed worthy of his weird code name. Jessica didn't even see his movements clearly. She only felt that a shadow seemed to flash in front of her eyes, and then a silver light slashed at him like a swordsman.

Strangely enough, the ninja was clearly standing across from the conference table and drawing the sword. The tabletop was more than seven meters long. Judging from the length of the sword, it should be absolutely impossible to touch her. But for some reason, at that moment, Jessica felt a coldness that seemed to be locked deep in her heart. It was as if her whole body was enveloped by the light released by that knife, and her hands and feet felt like they had fallen into an ice cave.

She didn't see anything clearly, but almost instinctively, her body seemed to fly out of the chair before her brain gave the order. The snow-white sword light unexpectedly cut the entire conference table into two sections from the center in an extremely unphysical way! A sharp air flow swept along the crack, almost touching Jessica's back and split the back of the chair she just sat on into two!

Jessica rolled on the spot, half-kneeling on the side, looking at the conference table that was cut in half and the long cracks on the back of the chair, her face under the mask twitched involuntarily.

WDNM, isn’t this guy a ninja? How can the sword energy still hurt people? ?

Jessica's face was a bit ugly. If she hadn't had strengthened nerves, those ironclad determinations would have been gone in a matter of seconds.

Although she knew it was unlikely, she still couldn't help but wonder in her heart, was the boss still there? Couldn't he have slipped away?

(Thanks to book friends 20181129173101101, Zouzhuoxing, and Menggong for their rewards!)

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